Alarm bells ring for Delhi’s groundwater
The city's old wells and baodis are running dry, and the Yamuna is getting more polluted by the day. Where is Delhi's water going to come from when groundwater levels are also dropping?
Residents say they are forced to flout the groundwater extraction norms with illegal groundwater pumps in Narela in North-west Delhi due to insufficient and poor quality of water supplied.
Can recurring droughts in Maharashtra be offset by participatory groundwater management (PGWM)?
Three different methods using PGWM that resulted in better water management demonstrate that hydrogeology can become a catalyst for villages to come together to plan and achieve water security.
The role of PGWM to deal with droughts in Maharashtra (Source: IWP Flickr photos)
Press release: National Sustainable Water & Sanitation Summit 2016
The focus of the summit was to create awareness about the existing water & sanitation issues in India, Governments’ future plan for Swachh Bharat Mission, national reforms on water & sanitation.
National Summit on Sustainable Water & Sanitation
The semi-arid regions of the Moyar-Bhavani basin
State sponsored policies and programmes must be sensitive to promote sustainable developmental activities in this already fragile social ecological system in Tamil Nadu.
Large population of scheduled caste, and other communities reside in or around protected areas of the basin.
Informal water markets in Chennai
A significant number of the urban poor purchase water from tankers and those that deliver water in plastic cans, bottles, sachets, etc, incurring a sizeable monthly expenditure on water purchases.
Water scarcity and informal water markets in urban India (Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Why do farmers commit suicide in Marathwada?
Poor land holding capacity, lack of irrigation facilities and inability to repay loans taken for agricultural and personal use are some reasons for the pitiful state of many farmers.
Droughts in Marathwada (Source: India Water Portal)
Lessons on ecology from the Apatani tribe in Ziro Valley
The Apatani tribe in Arunachal Pradesh is known for its paddy cum fish agriculture. They practice this as well as other sustainable water management techniques that allow them to coexist and thrive.
Rice fields at Ziro valley with sacred groves in the backdrop
Odisha tribals humour changing skies with mixed platters
The Kondh tribes believe that the more one visits the farm, the better the crops will be because the bond between man, land and plant strengthens. Mixed cropping furthers this thought.
Aadi Kumbruka with various types of legumes, millets, oilseeds and corns grown on his farm.
Ken-Betwa river gets some respite
Statutory clearance not given for the much touted Ken-Betwa model link project of the Interlinking of Rivers programme due to extreme social and environmental concerns.
View of Betwa river (Source: Manual Menal, Wikimedia Commons)
Rice-fish culture transforms the lives of cyclone-hit farmers in Odisha
Rice-fish systems allow for the production of fish and other aquatic animals as well as rice from the same rice field area, and generally without causing reductions in rice yields.
Integrated Rice Fish Culture Unit Rajnagar (Source: RCDC, Odisha)