Press release: National Sustainable Water & Sanitation Summit 2016

National Summit on Sustainable Water & Sanitation
National Summit on Sustainable Water & Sanitation

Day 1:

The National Sustainable Water & Sanitation India summit 2016 was successfully launched on 7 January, 2016 at the Sheraton Grand, Bengaluru. This two day exclusive gathering was inaugurated by Sri U.T. Khader - Honorable Minister for Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of Karnataka & and  Sri. B.N. Manjunath Reddy – Honorable Mayor, BBMP in the presence of other distinguished personalities like Dr. Ravindra – Chairman, Smart Cities Foundation India, Sr. K .Ravi – V.P. FKCCI, Mr. Sasanka Velidandla and many more.

Day 1 at NSWSS 2016

The welcome address was made by Mr. Narendra Kumar - M.D. Nispana Innovative Platforms. This conference was supported by the Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD), Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation (MoDWS), Swachh Bharat (Urban & Gramin), Rajiv Gandhi Rural Housing Corporation Limited (RGRHCL), Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB) and organized by Nispana Innovative Platforms and the CDD Society,India. While adressing the conference, Sri U.T. Khader invited all the delegates of the conference on behalf of the Chief Minister and highlighted on how some contagious diseases can be controlled with better water and sanitation. Dr. Ravindra –former secretary GOK highlighted on how policy reforms and embracing new technologies can improve the current situation of water and sanitation in India.

GE Water feature as Waste Water Partner while Wog, PCI, Sulabh, Supreme, Ocean, Cambi, Lixil feature as Associate Partners and a host of exhibitors like Rostfrei Steels,HPP, Amiad Water Systems, Sintex, ICP India, United Septic Tank, Tata Projects, Lonza, Hydro Energizer, HACH and Yash Engineering Consultants are part of this exclusive gathering.

Addressing the press, Mr. Narendra Kumar – M.D. Nispana Innovative Platforms mentioned that this forum will provide much needed clarity on the importance of water and sanitation in India. The conference was divided into an urban & rural track to address concerns of both the sectors. The highlights of the opening day was the panel discussion on policy reforms in water & sanitation followed by discussions on water India landscape, open defecation free India by 2019. Some of the key panelists were Mr. Dirk Walther( GIZ), Mr. Jack  Sim( WTO), Mr. Vinod Mishra(WSSC) and Mr. Armugam Kalimuthu(SBM). Speaking to the press Mrs. Sreevidya Satish ( CDD) said that they were overwhelmed with the presence of important delegates and Govt. authorities in the conference and  will be preparing a proceeding document to all the ministries and thanked all the participants for making this a very successful event.

Day 2: 

Day 2 at NSWSS 2016The planning commission of India has budgeted US$ 26.5 billion for the years 2012 to 2017, to provide safe water to all urban and rural areas. Whereas setting up of water treatment plants, sewage and effluent treatment plants have a business potential of around US$130.3 billion with the rural sanitation market being worth US$ 25 billion.

In view of the above, the National Summit on Sustainable Water & Sanitation successfully concluded on 8 January, 2016 at the Sheraton Grand, Bengaluru. The second day’s highlight  was a visit by the Hon’ble Sri. B. N. Manjunath Reddy – Mayor, BBMP who visited all the exhibition stalls and explored new technologies that can be implemented. The other highlights includes panel discussions on participatory approaches, skill development in water  and sanitation, innovations in waste water treatment. 

The organizers Nispana Innovative Platforms and CDD Society announced that the proceedings will be submitted to the relevant Ministries and Government Authorities for effective and immediate implementation of the learning over the two days.

The conference ended on a high note with excellent participation from both urban and rural sectors with very effective interactions among the participants.



Post By: Swati Bansal