Israel 'hand-makes' more than 50% of its water!
Technologies are magic, and Israel has been creating such magic since 1964. India Water Portal speaks to Uri Schor, the Spokesman of the Israeli Water Authority to understand this.
Israeli Pavilion at India Water Week 2016 (Source: Israel Embassy, New Delhi)
Water lessons from a ‘desert’ nation
Israel, a parched land, has transformed itself into a water sufficient nation thanks to an innovative approach to water management. Can India pick up a few tips?
Israeli Pavilion at India Water Week 2016 (Source: Israel Embassy, New Delhi)
Environmental regulation in India: The need to move beyond procedural lacunae
The paper questions the EIA process and says that unless the issues are resolved, it could erode the very legitimacy of the government to regulate and deliver dignity and equality to all citizens.
Environmental regulation and citizen participation (Source: India Water Portal)
Calculating the water footprint of buildings
Water is used at every stage of construction, especially so in the production of construction materials. Understanding how much of it has been used can lead to better conservation methods.
What is the water footprint of a building (Source: Wikipedia)
The Dying Springs of Chirimiri'
Blasting and drilling around Chirimiri's coal mines have taken a toll on the area's water resources and environment. The film presents the community's perspective on this issue.
Coal mining in Chirimiri
Insects aren't the enemy, pesticides are!
Understanding the life cycles of vegetarian and non-vegetarian insects is key to keeping the natural balance in crop cycles. Farmers in Haryana who have studied this phenomenon, explain.
Women farmers studying insects during a class (Source: Keet Saksharta Mission)
Letting rivers flow in Nepal
Nepal, like India, is just learning of environmental flow releases. Dr.Hari Shrestha speaks of the efforts being made to increase awareness about healthy rivers in the country
Prof. Hari Shreshta works towards creating awareness about environmental flows in Nepal
Urban India flushes toilet waste—directly or indirectly—into its water bodies
While the Swachh Bharat Mission focuses on eliminating open defecation in urban India by constructing toilets, it does not include the construction of additional sewage/ septage treatment facilities.
Mumbai's Oshiwara river severely polluted with waste (Source: Wikipedia)
Electricity bill tax component often greater than total water bill!
Why are water bills in India so low when compared to electricity bills? Shouldn't water be awarded an economic value, keeping in mind it's growing scarcity?
Water must be priced based on its value (Source:India Water Portal)
Is safe drinking water for all an elusive goal for rural India?
The slipbacks in rural drinking water coverage have to do with poor acceptance of reforms to encourage community participation, and the traditional approach of funding targets for asset creation.
A hand pump in Madhya Pradesh (Source: IWP Flickr Photos)
The Yamuna, a song, and a dance
The AoL has claimed that its cultural extravaganza brought attention to the Yamuna rather than destroy it. But there is a difference between cleaning a river and restoring floodplains.
Front view of the giant stage under construction as of February 20, 2016 (Source: Yamuna Jiye Abhiyan)
Maharashra issues water advisory for Holi
News and policy matters this week
Holi being celebrated (Source: Wikimedia Commons)