A tool for crop choice integrates gender and farmer's preferences
Model used to explore consequences of different crop choices on income, gender-specific labour, use of inputs and markets
Promoting socially inclusive and sustainable agricultural intensification in West Bengal and Bangladesh (Image: ACIAR)
Economics of India’s adaptation and resilience pathways
Drought contributes more than 70 per cent to India’s riskscape followed by floods, cyclones and earthquakes/tsunamis
An assessment of the cost and priorities of climate adaptation in different regions can strengthen resilience and warning systems. (Image: Max Pixel CC0)
Budgetary trends for drinking water in Gujarat: Special focus on tribal communities
Gujarat aims to achieve 100 per cent saturation in tap water connection for every household by October 2022 under the Jal Jeevan Mission
The SCALE project implemented in villages in semi arid regions enabled ultra-poor groups in project villages improve their access to drinking water (Image: European Union, Flickr Commons)
Drugged and poisoned, how do rivers in India fare?
Contamination of Indian rivers with pharmaceutical residues is not only posing a grave threat to human health, but also to river ecosystems and the survival of aquatic organisms that reside in the waters.
The serene and drugged river Ganga (Image Source: IWP Flickr album)
Grappling with disaster risks
A handbook on India’s disaster management
A flood damaged road alongside the River Alaknanda in Chamoli district in Uttarakhand on June 18, 2013 (Image: AFP Photo/ Indian Army; Flickr Commons)
Indigenous food systems - in peril!
The indigenous food systems of the Munda tribes of Jharkhand display great dietary diversity and can help enhance nutritional outcomes. Will they survive the impacts of urbanisation and climate change?
Indigenous food systems, in peril! (Image Source: Usha Dewani)
Access to resources eludes tribals
Water access in tribal areas of Madhya Pradesh: Challenges and lessons
Poor implementation of forest rights act hurts tribals (Image: Citizens for Justice and Peace)
Indigenous food systems - to cope with malnutrition
Traditional practices such as the jhum cultivation in North East India can help ensure dietary diversity and better nutritional outcomes among populations and need to be preserved.
Land cleared for Jhum cultivation (Image Source: Prashanthns via Wikimedia Commons)
Enabling a just transition in India’s coal district of Korba
Economic restructuring and development intervention will be essential, shows the latest study by iFOREST
Under the 'current policy scenario,' which aligns with India's netzero target of 2070, all the coal mines in Korba can be closed by 2050 and power plants by 2040 in a phased manner (A view of South Eastern Coalfields Limited in Korba; Image: India Water Portal)
Grassroots implementation of Halma
Experiences of a Jhabua based NGO
Tribals protect a community sacred grove (Image: Manish Vaidya, Hindi Water Portal)
Revival of a tribal practice for water resource development
Collective action for water resource development through Halma
The tightly knit tribal society also advocates community action for solving issues (Image: AKRSP)
Collaboration and collective impact - for just and sustainable climate action
Collaboration for systems change can greatly help to align diverse stakeholders to achieve a collective impact and share outcomes while dealing with climate change.
Collective action to tackle climate change (Image Source: Usha Dewani)
Poisonous encounters, fatal outcomes!
A study provides new evidence that drinking water contaminated with arsenic can lead to still births, recurrent pregnancy loss and infertility among women.
A well in Rajasthan (Image Source: IWP Flickr photos)
87% of India's districts vulnerable to droughts: IMD
47% of India’s population is vulnerable to floods, says IMD's Climate Hazards Atlas
(Image: J Surya, CC-SA-4.0 International)
Women and men’s differentiated vulnerability to disasters
The latest issue of Southasiadisasters.net focuses on the intersectionality of women-led disaster preparedness and resilience
Woman trying to reach home during Cyclone Aila in 2009 (Image: Anil Gulati, India Water Portal Flickr)