Systems at breaking point
State of the world’s land and water resources for food and agriculture: The synthesis report 2021
Sustainable agricultural practices lead to water saving, soil conservation, sustainable land management, conservation of natural resources, ecosystem and climate change benefits. (Image: Maheshwara, Pixahive)
Water management in the times of Gonds of Central India
The water structures constructed during the Gond period continue to survive the test of time and provide evidence of the water wisdom of our ancestors.
Kundeshwar lake, Kundam in Jabalpur (Image Source: K G Vyas)
Data - as a driver of change
Data can act as a powerful tool to tackle climate change through catalysing climate innovation and influencing decisionmaking.
Data as apowerful tool to tackle climate change (Image Source: José Manuel Suárez, Wikimedia Commons)
Book review: Water conflicts and resistance
Issues and challenges in South Asia, a region where water sharing is more than a mere physical allocation of water
Water conflicts pose a challenge to India's river water governance (Image: sarangib, Pixabay)
Agricultural distress in peri urban Gurugram
Urbanisation and climate change are not only destroying sustainable agricultural practices in the peri urban village of Budhera near Gurugram, but also eating up the social fabric of the village.
Aerial view of the Najafgarh drain. (Image: Sumita Roy Dutta, Wikimedia Commons; CC BY-SA 4.0)
Soil arsenic above 14 mg/kg can cause rice to be unsafe for consumption
First meta-analysis utilizing published data from Asian paddy fields on arsenic in rice grain, soil, and irrigation water to determine the relationship between them and to derive a limit of soil arsenic using machine learning algorithms
Soil contributes more than irrigation to rice-grain arsenic concentration (Image: Arjun Reddy, Pixabay)
India’s fossil fuel production plans not in sync with Paris agreement limits
Rapid reduction in fossil fuel production needed to meet climate targets
In 2020, India opened up its coal mining sector to private and foreign investment (Image: TripodStories-AB, Wikimedia Commons)
Declining fertility rate and population in India
The change in fertility rate has an impact on the population-resource relationship over any region
Rapid population growth is one of the major causes of scarcity of resources like land and water (Image: Pixabay)
Periurban waterscapes of Hyderabad
The growth of high rise buildings that hold the promise of assured water supply in Hyderabad has led to increasing water stress in periurban areas, from where water is sourced.
Parched periurban areas cry for attention (Image Source: IWP Flickr photos)
Shared language for climate action
How can climate change communication reach the unreached to build awareness and propel action?
Shared language for climate change (Image Source: McKay Savage on Flickr via Wikimedia Commons)
Reimaging the ecosystem
Ways of conserving mangroves and preserving butterflies
Common Indian crow butterfly (Image: Abhilash A K Abhialeena)
Extreme weather driven by climate change cost the world billions in 2021
Study identifies ten extreme events, influenced by climate change, that each caused $1.5 billion in damage or more
Floods, cyclones and drought also killed and displaced millions across the globe in places which have done little to cause climate change. (Image: Save the Children)
Role of digital technologies in climate change adaptation solutions
Strengthen governance and institutional capacity to mainstream climate adaptation into ICT policies
There is a need to include climate adaptation projects in regional cooperation platforms such as Asia-Pacific Information Superhighway that advance digital development (Image: ESCAP)
Gender mainstreaming in groundwater management
It is crucial to acknowledge the role of gender based power relations while addressing key barriers that women face while participating in water management efforts.
Gender in groundwater management (Image Source:, kudumbashree via Wikimedia Commons)
Actions for mainstreaming climate change
Government of Himachal Pradesh & GIZ launch the revised State Action Plan on Climate Change
Zingzing Bar to Suraj Tal, Lahaul & Spiti District (Image: Timothy Gonsalves)
Climate change to enhance La Niña impact
Expect less snowfall, intense cold waves and rise in extreme events in India
This means more occurrences of devastating weather events (Image: Enygmatic-Halycon, Wikimedia Commons)