Voluntary Citizen or Civil Society Sector

Featured Articles
October 11, 2022 In an effort to inform the general public, especially citizen activists, policymakers, researchers, and students, about the current status of the Vrishabhavathi river, Paani.Earth has created the necessary maps, data, analysis, and information to drive conservation awareness and action around the river.
Vrishabhavathi river (Image Source: Paani.Earth)
October 1, 2021 Community videos as a tool to influence behaviour change and adoption in rural communities
Community videos are produced by farmers themselves and feature local participants and agents from the rural communities themselves (Image: Digital Green)
September 17, 2021 Benefits of well-managed commons on livelihoods
Collective efforts revived the canal structure of Bichhiya dam bringing water to the village (Image: Foundation for Ecological Security)
September 4, 2021 Committed to use the power of all forms of communication to bring about behavioral change and transformation at scale
Villagers participating in shramdaan for making watershed structures (Image: Paani Foundation)
September 3, 2021 Safe water learning cards being used to train a wide spectrum of stakeholders
Different combinations of safe water learning cards can be customised for a session based on the target audience (Image: INREM)
June 4, 2021 Meet these real-life heroes, who with their consistent and tireless efforts created an impact and turned their local areas into examples to follow.
Meet the water warriors who made a significant change in their own unique way (Image Source: Environment Club)
Ek Soch & DEF invites applications for mPower Forum, Mobile Innovators to join Incubatee Group and get financial & mentorship support – Apply by February 28, 2012
Posted on 18 Feb, 2012 08:45 AM

Organizer: Ek Soch                 
                  Digital Empowerment Foundation


ek sochdef

Ek Soch in association with Digital Empowerment Foundation launches mPower Forum Competition. Every fresh idea or active project on mobile based applications, interested in incubation and acceleration process of mPower Forum is invited. Business Plan/ model to be shared should focus on Mobile phone usage [application development /service delivery], Scalability/ Marketability and Long term Commercial Viability in 10 categories.

"Water management in Mumbai: Prospects and challenges" - Videos from a round table organised by Observer Research Foundation
These videos from a round table organised by Observer Research Foundation deal with the issue of water management in Mumbai. Posted on 16 Feb, 2012 03:51 PM

These four films include details of speeches made by the Municipal Commissioner of Brihan Mumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC), Mr Swadhin Kshatriya, who delivered a valedictory speech and Mr Sandeep Acharya, senior journalist from Loksatta, who expressed his views on the water crisis in Mumbai, as a part of a round table organised by Observer Research Foundation (ORF), on "Water management in Mumbai: Prospects and challenges", on the 10th of January 2010.

Multi-stakeholder dialogue is messy, but necessary
Presentations made at the workshop on "Understanding and resolving water conflicts in the North East India", organised in January 2012. Posted on 16 Feb, 2012 01:32 PM

A workshop on ‘Understanding and resolving water conflicts in the North East India', was organized by Forum for Policy Dialogue on Water Conflicts in India (Forum), in collaboration with Aaranyak (Guwahati), Centre for the Environment, IIT (Guwahati), Arghyam (Bangalore), SaciWATERs-CapNet Network (SCaN) and Cap-Net to discuss emerging issues related to water conflicts and their resolution in the region. This workshop was held in Guwahati on January 23-26, 2012. It aimed at presenting concepts and theory related water conflicts as well as issues especially relevant to the North East Region.

Conflict flow chart

PRAYATN invites applications for Expert – Livelihood Development, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh - Apply by February 15, 2012
Posted on 15 Feb, 2012 08:44 AM

Content courtesy: DevNetJobsIndia


PRAYATN, founded in 1992 and spread around the States of Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa, believes that individual and voluntary participation affects social change. We create projects and programmes that make it possible for young development professionals to contribute their time, energy and skills in order to facilitate community initiatives aimed at creating opportunities for self-reliance, access to justice and equitable social order. Pratatn’s thrust is women and children, and their basic human and developmental rights. The organization therefore is multi-disciplinary, having expertise on community development, social action, networking, research-action, documentation and policy analysis. Pratatn provides a conducive environment for professional growth and opportunities for its team. It expects from candidates excellent inter-personal skills, articulation, innovativeness, and commitment to the cause and to the organization’s vision. It also encourages women candidates to apply for the positions.

Marine fisheries in India - Issues, opportunities and transition for sustainable development - A World Bank working paper
This working paper by the World Bank reviews the marine fisheries sub-sector. Posted on 14 Feb, 2012 10:03 AM

This working paper by the World Bank presents the findings of a study that was conducted as a collaborative initiative by the World Bank and the Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairyin

Water conservation, sustainable agriculture, challenges for rural development in Maharashtra and possible solutions - Talk by Popatrao Pawar, Sarpanch, Hivre-Bazar
These four video films cover a talk by Shri Popatrao Pawar, Sarpanch of Hivre-Bazar (Ahmednagar), Maharashtra. Posted on 09 Feb, 2012 04:49 PM

Shri Popatrao Pawar is an inspiring promoter of the 'Ideal Villages Movement' on "Integrated Agriculture and Rural Development for Tomorrow's Maharashtra" on the occasion of the inauguration of Observer Research Foundation's Maharashtra@50 Study Centre on 24th June 2010.

Governing the urban poor - Riverfront development, slum resettlement and the politics of inclusion in Ahmedabad - A paper published in EPW
This EPW paper by Renu Desai describes the case of the Sabarmati Riverfront Development (SRD) project in Ahmedabad. Posted on 08 Feb, 2012 11:58 AM

Sabarmati Riverfront Development (SRD) project, an urban mega-project in Ahmedabad has been proclaimed as a case based on “flexible governing” of the residents of the riverfront informal settlements.

Mining poisons South Goa waters: The case of the Salaulim reservoir shown in a film
This film describes the impact of excessive mining on water resources in South Goa . Posted on 04 Feb, 2012 05:05 PM

Content and Media Courtesy: Video Volunteers

Ground Report India invites articles, reports, photos for eJournal
Posted on 03 Feb, 2012 10:05 AM

Ground Report India (GRI), one of the most widespread international eJournals for India for ground reporting and citizen media in the world having more than 90,000 subscribers in more than 60 countries and circulated to 1.4 million persons. GRI is committed to professional journalism, ground reporting, freedom of expression and the people.

Community monitoring in water and sanitation projects - A facilitators manual by PRIA
This manual published by Society for Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA) aims at creating a basic understanding of the concept, principles and steps of community monitoring. Posted on 02 Feb, 2012 11:59 AM

This manual is based on the work that PRIA was involved in that included facilitating the process of social development and monitoring, and for guiding the process of developing models for community monitoring linked to community action, for child survival and development in six project sites in India.

This manual is divided into three key sections:
