Voluntary Citizen or Civil Society Sector

Featured Articles
October 11, 2022 In an effort to inform the general public, especially citizen activists, policymakers, researchers, and students, about the current status of the Vrishabhavathi river, Paani.Earth has created the necessary maps, data, analysis, and information to drive conservation awareness and action around the river.
Vrishabhavathi river (Image Source: Paani.Earth)
October 1, 2021 Community videos as a tool to influence behaviour change and adoption in rural communities
Community videos are produced by farmers themselves and feature local participants and agents from the rural communities themselves (Image: Digital Green)
September 17, 2021 Benefits of well-managed commons on livelihoods
Collective efforts revived the canal structure of Bichhiya dam bringing water to the village (Image: Foundation for Ecological Security)
September 4, 2021 Committed to use the power of all forms of communication to bring about behavioral change and transformation at scale
Villagers participating in shramdaan for making watershed structures (Image: Paani Foundation)
September 3, 2021 Safe water learning cards being used to train a wide spectrum of stakeholders
Different combinations of safe water learning cards can be customised for a session based on the target audience (Image: INREM)
June 4, 2021 Meet these real-life heroes, who with their consistent and tireless efforts created an impact and turned their local areas into examples to follow.
Meet the water warriors who made a significant change in their own unique way (Image Source: Environment Club)
Planning as commoning - Transformation of a Bangalore lake - Paper published in the EPW
This paper in EPW deals with the transformation of a lake in Bangalore. Posted on 02 Feb, 2012 11:30 AM

This paper published in the Economic and Political Weekly argues that the transformation of human settlements over time can affect the relationship between communities and commons when, for example, social geographies change from rural to urban, or from traditional systems of management to modern bureaucratic systems.

Contextualising urban water supply in a changing environment: India Urban Conference, November 17-20 2011
The India Urban Conference (IUC) was organised to encourage multi-level dialogue regarding India's urban transformation. Posted on 30 Jan, 2012 09:21 AM

It aimed to set the challenges faced by urban planners in the current economic, socio-political, and ecological landscape. This would enable informed and negotiated choices on urban development. The stated objectives of the conference are as follows:

CMS invites applications for Senior Research Associates/ Research Associates, Delhi – Apply by January 21, 2012
Posted on 21 Jan, 2012 09:14 AM

Content courtesy: DevNetJobsIndia


CMS is a not for profit multi- disciplinary, development research and facilitative think-tank. We endeavor to work towards equity, social development and transparency in governance through research, advocacy and capacity building.

Bangledesh's perspectives on Tipaimukh dam
This article by Md. Khalequzzaman deals with Bangladesh's position on the Tipaimukh dam. Posted on 18 Jan, 2012 11:33 PM

The Indian government and two other Indian authorities have signed an agreement on October 22, 2011 regarding construction of the Tipaimukh Dam.

CORT invites applications for Training Officer, Vadodara, Gujrat – Apply by January 18, 2012
Posted on 17 Jan, 2012 04:05 PM

Content courtesy: DevNetJobsIndia

Centre for Operations Research and Training (CORT) aspires to play a catalyst role in the national development and evidence based policy decision making by undertaking policy relevant research.

ASA invites applications for Regional Coordinator, Patna, Bihar – Apply by January 20, 2012
Posted on 17 Jan, 2012 03:52 PM

Content courtesy: DevNetJobsIndia


Action for Social Advancement (ASA) is an NGO head quartered at Bhopal and working for the farm based livelihood improvement of rural poor in over 1000 villages in Madhya Pradesh and Bihar since 1996. It works in the field of Land and Water Resources Development, Agriculture Development, Agribusiness Promotion for small farmers, and Institutional credit for agriculture.

Community managed sanitation in Kerala - Tools to promote governance and improve health - A Report by the World Bank Institute
This report by the World Bank Institute describes the Kerala Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project. Posted on 16 Jan, 2012 01:14 PM

It also deals with the efforts made by the Government of India to revolutionise sanitation services in the state of Kerala, with the aim of improving public health. Earlier experience had shown that significant governance problems had hindered water and sanitation reforms in local and national programmes in the state.

Azim Premji Foundation invites applications for Graduate Fellowship Program 2012, India – Apply January 21, 2012
Posted on 16 Jan, 2012 11:11 AM


Azim Premji Foundation is a not-for-profit organization in India with an overarching goal to create and sustain initiatives to contribute to a just, equitable, humane and sustainable society. The Foundation’s work is aimed at enriching and enhancing the capabilities of individuals, groups and institutions to achieve well-being and harmony in a socially and culturally diverse democratic polity.

Hydropower in the Northeast: Potential and harnessing analysis - A critique
This paper was commissioned as an input to the study “Development and Growth in Northeast India: The Natural Resources, Water, and Environment Nexus” by the World Bank. Posted on 15 Jan, 2012 11:41 PM

The main objectives of the hydropower study are as follows: 

  • An analysis of the hydropower potential in the Northeast and key elements of the strategy that should be followed for optimal realization of this potential 
  • An overview of the hydropower development options in the Northeast with regard to the water resources in the different river basins, including consideration of flood control and irrigationmap of the north-eastern states

Map of the north-east states

India, Pakistan and water - Lecture by Ramaswamy Iyer at MIDS
This lecture by Ramaswamy Iyer delivered at the Madras Institute of Development Studies (MIDS) highlights the conflicts over water sharing in India and Pakistan. Posted on 12 Jan, 2012 10:57 PM

It traces the roots of the conflicts to the strained relations between India and Pakistan following the partition and the framing of the Indus Water Treaty in 1960.