
Featured Articles
December 6, 2022 Need to shift to a more sustainable diet without compromising on major nutrients and calories
Historically, India has been a net exporter of virtual water (Image: PxHere)
November 6, 2022 In 2020, 559 million children were affected by four to five heatwaves a year; numbers could increase four-fold by 2050, as per a report by UNICEF
Heat-related mortality is four times higher among children under 1 year of age than in persons aged 1–44 years (Image: Taqver, Wikimedia Commons)
April 26, 2022 The water stewardship initiative by WOTR that developed a tool to visualise aquifers has not only helped farmers understand groundwater as a shared resource, but also led to a behavioural change among water users and helped implement groundwater laws and policies.
Groundwater, a fast disappearing resource (Image Source: India Water Portal)
December 6, 2021 Will it be possible to ensure equity and justice while balancing climate action goals with economic progress?
Taking everyone along while achieving a balance between economic growth and climate goals is crucial (Image Source:  Good Energies)
March 22, 2021 The recent 'Water governance standard and certification system' developed by WOTR can greatly help villages to develop good governance practices and manage their water needs equitably and sustainably.
Long queues waiting for tankers are common in different parts of Maharashtra during water scarcity (Image Source: WOTR)
December 29, 2020 Water resources in most Indian cities are overworked and overused, and not adequately replenished.
Cities in India are marked by unequal distribution of water, lack of access, outdated infrastructure and minimal enforcement of rainwater harvesting and other means of supply. (Image: Anish Roy, Pixabay)
The water that you eat
Need to shift to a more sustainable diet without compromising on major nutrients and calories Posted on 06 Dec, 2022 10:14 AM

What was your water consumption today?

If I were to quickly calculate this, I would add up the litres of water I drank, the water I used up in cooking, washing, cleaning, and bathing; and quickly tell you that I used up around 80 litres of water. Your total would also be somewhere in the ballpark.

Historically, India has been a net exporter of virtual water (Image: PxHere)
A successful model of integrated farming system in Koraput
Integrated rice–fish-poultry farming system is a sound strategy for harmonizing joint management of various resources Posted on 03 Dec, 2022 07:12 AM

Rapid population growth is leading to land fragmentation and reducing the amount of cultivable land available to owners. This trend of declining land ownership combined with natural disasters is reducing the viability and sustainability of agriculture.

Mangaraj's farm is a model for the region (Image: Tripati Khura)
Supporting social businesses from rural India
IIMB’s NSRCEL and Yunus Social Business Fund join hands for social business financing Posted on 11 Nov, 2022 12:08 AM

NSRCEL- the innovation and entrepreneurship hub of IIM Bangalore, has signed an MoU with Yunus Social Business Fund Bengaluru (YSBFB), the pioneers in social business financing and scaling.

YSB’s mission is to promote social business as a sustainable alternative to long-term aid, bridging the gap between business and philanthropy (Image: YSB website)
Protecting children from climate change impact not child's play
In 2020, 559 million children were affected by four to five heatwaves a year; numbers could increase four-fold by 2050, as per a report by UNICEF Posted on 06 Nov, 2022 05:45 PM

On October 25 2022, UNICEF released a report titled "The Coldest Year of the Rest of Their Lives: Protecting Children from Escalating Impacts of Heatwaves".

Heat-related mortality is four times higher among children under 1 year of age than in persons aged 1–44 years (Image: Taqver, Wikimedia Commons)
Children demand ecological rights ahead of COP-27
Children say ‘Nothing about us children without us children’ Posted on 06 Nov, 2022 02:38 PM

Ahead of the Conference on Climate Change COP 27 at Egypt, PRATYeK, a registered organization with UN ECOSOC status, known for its national child led-advocacy initiative NINEISMINE, hosted an online event NO COP OUT on November 4 and 5, along with coalition partner

Millions of children face the brunt of climate change in their day to day lives. There Is No Planet B (Image: Blaine O'Neill; Flickr Commons, CC BY-NC 2.0)
Climate Asia addresses concerns about climate change
A masterclass by Climate Asia on “Localisation of Economy from Climate Lens” talks of various aspects from the ground up. Posted on 01 Nov, 2022 08:06 PM

Last week,

Effects of climate change on this low-lying lands (UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe)
Wheat sowing dates influences yields in Eastern Gangetic Plains
Study indicates that better management of the annual cropping calendar can pay dividends for food security Posted on 01 Nov, 2022 08:56 AM

Wheat is a principal crop staple in South Asia with current cultivation extending across 36.1 million ha; around 73% of this area is in India where wheat provides approximately 21% of the aggregate food energy and 17% o

Greater adjustments to the annual cropping calendar are anticipated to increase wheat yield potential by an average of 0.84 t/ha (Image: Pixnio)
Groundwater policy affects stubble burning in the north west
Shifting from monoculture to diversified crop pattern a solution to stubble burning Posted on 29 Oct, 2022 10:33 AM

An estimated 620 million tons of crop residue is generated annually in India, of which 16% is burnt in field.

Burning of rice residues in south east Punjab, prior to the wheat season(Image: CIAT/NeilPalmer via Flickr Commons)
Young woman's work is impacting Odisha villages
Urmila, a young woman's earnestness has brought a major shift in the mindset of a remote village in Odisha. She is bringing about a change in the way communities approach their shared natural resources, one village at a time. Posted on 28 Oct, 2022 09:06 AM

The sound of a specific cycle bell deep inside the jungles of Kashinathpur village in Angul (Odisha) brings vibes of joy. Everybody recognises that bell because it belongs to 24-year-old Urmila Bahera who sometimes cycles to villages as far as 15 kilometres, braving bumpy roads, streams and elephants.

Urmila engaging children on local bird diversity (Image: FES)
Harnessing energy from wind
Study looks at critical aspects of wind power development Posted on 20 Sep, 2022 10:24 PM

India’s ever-increasing energy demand is putting a heavy load on energy generating agencies. Shifting towards renewable energy entails a series of judicious steps in consultation with the government bodies, energy developers, market valuation, and consumers.

Over 23% of India's energy production comes through renewable energy sources (Image: Eric Wilde, Wikimedia Commons)