Avinash Kishore

Avinash Kishore
Wheat sowing dates influences yields in Eastern Gangetic Plains
Study indicates that better management of the annual cropping calendar can pay dividends for food security Posted on 01 Nov, 2022 08:56 AM

Wheat is a principal crop staple in South Asia with current cultivation extending across 36.1 million ha; around 73% of this area is in India where wheat provides approximately 21% of the aggregate food energy and 17% o

Greater adjustments to the annual cropping calendar are anticipated to increase wheat yield potential by an average of 0.84 t/ha (Image: Pixnio)
Harness the sun to drought proof agriculture in Bihar
Are solar pumps a drought mitigation strategy for farmers in Bihar? This research paper looks into the interplay between droughts, subsequent distress and government interventions. Posted on 19 Jul, 2015 09:22 PM

Since 1999, Bihar has borne the brunt of four droughts. Rainfall scarcity has affected farmers, depleted groundwater levels significantly, and led to an increase in the number of poor people in the state. What measures has the government taken to mitigate the impact?

Solar panels in a farm (Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Are solar pumps the start of an ever-green revolution or the end of our groundwater reserves?
Solar energy might be free but the equipment needed to tap into it is expensive. Can farmers benefit without falling into the subsidy trap? Posted on 02 Jun, 2013 05:51 PM

Indian farmers depend on groundwater for irrigation but often, there is a shortage of electricity that is required to pump out this water. While diesel pumps are an option, they are costly to run. A better alternative is to tap into freely available solar power. However, this technology is quite expensive at present and effective subsidies and incentives drive its usage.
