Manu Srivastava

Manu Srivastava
The water that you eat
Need to shift to a more sustainable diet without compromising on major nutrients and calories Posted on 06 Dec, 2022 10:14 AM

What was your water consumption today?

If I were to quickly calculate this, I would add up the litres of water I drank, the water I used up in cooking, washing, cleaning, and bathing; and quickly tell you that I used up around 80 litres of water. Your total would also be somewhere in the ballpark.

Historically, India has been a net exporter of virtual water (Image: PxHere)
Investing in “local water professionals” for the country’s water security
India needs water professionals to manage its water resources locally to be water secure. This needs focus and investment. Now. Posted on 26 May, 2021 03:17 PM

For decades, governments, philanthropies, CSRs and CSOs have been exploring ways to ensure water security for both lifeline activities and livelihoods.

Frontline workers get trained and acquire invaluable skills in the process of fulfilling their roles within one or multiple programs
Data, data everywhere, but where?
Involving the community in a data framework with the right incentives will have the second-order benefit of the community becoming decision makers with respect to water use. Posted on 16 Oct, 2020 09:21 AM

A few of us did an exercise where we closed our eyes and thought of the first four words that came to our minds when we thought of water data in India. Here is what we came up with:

The seamless flow of data from one program to another can be enabled if a few principles are kept in mind (Image: José Manuel Suárez, Wikimedia Commons)