Storage and Supply

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December 29, 2020 Water resources in most Indian cities are overworked and overused, and not adequately replenished.
Cities in India are marked by unequal distribution of water, lack of access, outdated infrastructure and minimal enforcement of rainwater harvesting and other means of supply. (Image: Anish Roy, Pixabay)
November 8, 2020 The National Hydrology Project has created a national platform for water data and is working to enhance the technical capacities of agencies dealing with water resources management.
Breakthrough cloud computing facilities and remote sensing applications have helped showthe filling pattern of a water body (tank or reservoir) through freely available satellite imagery at an interval of five days.  (Image: Maithan dam, Wikimedia Commons)
December 26, 2019 Policy matters this week
The Mandovi river disputed between Karnataka and Goa (Source: IWP Flickr Photos)
December 4, 2019 To adapt well & build resilience, climate change strategies need to factor in efforts towards water security, writes Vanita Suneja, Regional Advocacy Manager (South Asia), WaterAid.
Image credit: WaterAid/Prashanth Vishwanathan
November 18, 2019 Bangalore's water utility is understaffed, under financed and unable to service the city's water needs.
Image credit: Citizen Matters
Groundwater use in Aurangabad – A survey and analysis of social significance and policy implications for a medium-sized Indian city by GW MATE and World Bank (2008)
Aurangabad, a city in central Maharashtra is in a drought prone region, and being a rapidly urbanising town, is facing a lot of pressure on ots water resources. Besides importing water there has been an increasing trend of ground water extraction. Posted on 12 Apr, 2011 01:17 AM

Aurangabad, a city in central Maharashtra is in a drought prone region, and being a rapidly urbanising town, is facing a lot of pressure on ots water resources. Besides importing water there has been an increasing trend of ground water extraction.

In this context, a survey of groundwater use was conducted as part of a World Bank study on Indian groundwater management. The study was a collaboration between GW MATE(Groundwater Management Advisory Team) and GRASP (Grass Roots Action for Social Participation), an Aurangabad-based civil society organization working on community-based natural resource management.

New policy framework for rural drinking water supply: Swajaldhara guidelines – An article by Philippe Cullet in Economic and Political Weekly
This article by Philippe Cullet in the Economic and Political Weekly discusses the central government policy for drinking water supply in rural areas Posted on 11 Apr, 2011 07:09 PM

It examines its evolution from the 1970s onwards and focuses, in particular, on the reforms of the past decade, looking more specifically at the Swajaldhara Guidelines. These reforms are of capital importance because they seek to completely change the rural drinking water supply policy framework.

Indian standard code of practice for installation of septic tanks (IS: 2470) - Bureau of Indian Standards (1986)
Treating the Sewage and Maintaining health: the IS Code defines the requirements to be met for minimum standards Posted on 11 Apr, 2011 03:46 AM

This IS Code provides various requirements that have to be met while constructing a septic tank, so that it meets minimum standards. This Code is dictated by the Bureau of Indian Standards, and ensures that the sewage is treated in a way that maintains health and hygiene of the community.

While the first standard for small septic tanks was first printed in 1963 and then revised in 1968, the standard for disposal of effluent from septic tanks was published later in 1964 and revised in 1971.

This code has been sourced through City Managers' Association Karnataka (CMAK), a non profit that provides technical expertise to urban local bodies.

Role of civil society in sanitation improvement - A case-study from the work of Parivartan in Uttar Pradesh (2010)
This presentation prepared by the founders of Parivartan, a Kanpur based NGO, deals with the organisation's efforts to improve the sanitation system of the town by involving local citizenry. Posted on 11 Apr, 2011 12:33 AM

This presentation prepared by the founders of Parivartan, a Kanpur based NGO, deals with the organisation's efforts to improve the sanitation system of the town by involving local citizenry.

Captain SC Tripathi, the founder of Parivartan explains that his organisation is based on a 'collective' model where in all aspects from ideation to implementation is a collective effort. This model seemed appropriate considering the different problems that Kanpur was facing ranging from sanitation issues to drainage, power outages etc. Added to this was political and official apathy, indifference and cynicism of citizenry.

Techno-economic feasibility study of sanitation and sewage management for Pandharpur town, Maharashtra - Ecosan Services Foundation (2009)
Solving Pandharpur's Sanitation Crisis. A study into the Maharashtra's holy town rings out interventions to combat its growing problem of water and sanitation Posted on 10 Apr, 2011 02:15 AM

This study provides interventions to solving the sanitation crisis in the holy town of Pandharpur, situated on the banks of the Chandrabagha/Bhima river, in the state of Maharashtra, which receives more than 1.5 crore devotees annually. On any given day there are approximately 20,000 pilgrims in this Class B town. This vast floating population creates massive sanitation problems leading to environmental and hygiene issues.  The study forms part of the Maharashtra State Pollution Control Board's 'Environmental Improvement Programme at Religious Places in Maharashtra' project.

Hoshangabad - Towards city wide sanitation - A draft report by Hoshangabad Nagar Palika Parishad and WSP
This proposal with two-pronged approach ensures sanitation in every household and at the other end, enables a city-wide programme to ensure collection and treatment of waste Posted on 10 Apr, 2011 01:57 AM

 This proposal prepared by Hoshangabad Nagar Palika Parishad, Government of Madhya Pradesh and Water and Sanitation Programme South Asia, is meant to ensure that every household in this town adopts safe sanitation practices and is to help enable the urban local body, implement a city wide sanitation programme that finally ensures collection and treatment of waste.

This document is the tenth mile stone in the process of achieving the goal of city-wide sanitation for Hoshangabad.

Water management through communities in Uttarakhand - Neelima Garg
Since the beginning of human history, there have been wars over water issues. It is being said that there could be war over water in future. Posted on 28 Mar, 2011 06:36 PM

The conflict is over how water is perceived, valued and treated. Water is life savior elixir. The importance of water as a vital resource to the life system and an essential component of societal development cannot be over emphasized. Over the years, many ancient civilizations emphasized on various mechanisms of water collection & distribution.

Allocation, release and utilization of funds for safe drinking water in rural and tribal areas under NRDWP for the last three years - PIB release
As per the latest information available from the NSSO 65th Round 2008-09 Survey, more than 90% of the rural households have access to drinking water from protected sources. Posted on 21 Mar, 2011 12:46 PM

Funds are released to the States under National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) by the Government of India for providing drinking water supply in rural areas covering the rural and tribal areas of the State.

About 30% of rural household’s access piped drinking water from taps. However, full coverage of rural habitations is about 75%.

Panel discussion on "The Race for Water: Securing Asia's Water Future", 10th March, 2011, Mumbai
Posted on 01 Mar, 2011 04:15 PM

The Race for Water: Securing Asia’s Water Future.


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  • Columbia Water Center