Society, Culture, Religion and History

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January 13, 2022 The water structures constructed during the Gond period continue to survive the test of time and provide evidence of the water wisdom of our ancestors.
Kundeshwar lake, Kundam in Jabalpur (Image Source: K G Vyas)
January 2, 2021 Lack of community ownership and local governance are spelling doom for the once royal and resilient traditional water harvesting structures of Rajasthan.
Toorji Ka Jhalara, Jodhpur (Image Source: Rituja Mitra)
December 7, 2020 The new farm related bills will spell doom for women workers who form the bulk of small and marginal sections of Indian agriculture, warns Mahila Kisan Adhikaar Manch (MAKAAM).
Farm women, overworked and underpaid (Image Source: India Water Portal)
December 11, 2019 Dry toilets have long been hailed as a sustainable solution to the sanitation and waste management crisis facing India today, but have been overshadowed by more modern toilet designs.
A traditional dry toilet. Image: India Science Wire
December 4, 2019 To adapt well & build resilience, climate change strategies need to factor in efforts towards water security, writes Vanita Suneja, Regional Advocacy Manager (South Asia), WaterAid.
Image credit: WaterAid/Prashanth Vishwanathan
December 2, 2019 Water stewardship is an approach predicated on the concept that water is a shared resource and so water risks are also shared risks that everyone in a catchment will face
Picture credit: Romit Sen
wH2O: The Journal of Gender & Water of the University of Pennsylvania calls for abstracts on gender and water issues - Submit by August 15, 2012
Posted on 05 Jul, 2012 12:15 PM



wH2O is an online, open-access academic journal for women and water issues around the world. Our vision is to publish a yearly journal; provide a centralized hub for women, water and sanitation information; and eventually, be able to provide research grants to facilitate more research in this space. Our mission is to advance women’s economic and social development by creating a centralized body of interdisciplinary research on water and sanitation issues.

Monsoon Regatta presents Waterscapes, Muse Art gallery, The Yacht Club of Hyderabad and Arghyam, June 23 to July 8, 2012, Muse Art Gallery, Hyderabad
Posted on 20 Jun, 2012 11:17 PM

Organiser: Muse Art GalleryArghyam, and The Yacht Club of Hyderabad

Venue: Muse Art Gallery
                 II Floor, Skyway
                 Hyderabad Marriott Hotel,
                 Hussain Sagar

Water commercialization, a threat to human rights - A Gandhian prospect
This article argues that commercialisation of water is a threat to the basic human rights and must be solved by encouraging local level water management practices Posted on 17 May, 2012 11:00 AM

Providing usable water is one of the toughest challenges that most of the countries of the world are facing today. And in an era of liberalization and domination of capital centric policies commercialization of water is not a shocking step.

Women and sustainable development - Women’s empowerment is a key factor for achieving sustainable economic growth
This article draws upon the role of women in sustainable development and highlights the need for empowerment to ensure equitable distribution of resources Posted on 13 May, 2012 02:50 PM

Sustainable development depends on an equitable distribution of resources for today and for the future. It cannot be achieved without gender equality. Women’s empowerment is a key factor for achieving sustainable economic growth, social development and environmental sustainability.

Teesta, Tipaimukh and riverlinking: Danger to Bangladesh-India relations – A paper in Economic and Political Weekly
This paper in the Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) by Dr. Imtiaz Ahmed, University of Dhaka deals with the Supreme Court’s verdict directing the Government of India to implement the interlinking of rivers. The article opines that the judgement seems to have overlooked the regional and international implications of what the Indian Court strangely considers “the rivers of the country”. Posted on 06 May, 2012 11:25 AM

Bangladesh shares 54 rivers with India. Any unilateral action by India on any of its international rivers will degrade its relations with its neighbours while also adversely affecting its ecology, economy and society. Bangladesh being a riverine and a lower riparian country remains sensitive to matters of water, whether inland or maritime.

Septic tanks or death tanks! We need to improve sanitation facilities to eradicate the inhuman practice of manual scavenging
Today India is looking at permanent membership in the UN, and is already a prominent member of several international organisations like SAARC and BRICS.Many big MNC’s have already made their homes in India and many are in the process to do so. India is also achieving great heights in industries and in the defence sector.
By looking at these developments we can say that indeed India is progressing at a very fast pace! But to an extent it is a artificial or illusion.
Still India is thousand years behind if we compare it with the developments of western countries , A country which is in 21st century is still bound by the shackles of caste & religious atrocities, honour killings , manual scavenging for thousands of years, then how can we say that this country is developing in a true sense?
Posted on 05 May, 2012 03:18 PM

Author : Gagandeep

“We have to end the biggest dehumanising activity called manual scavenging”

Occupational health hazards in sewage and sanitary workers - A paper published in the Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
This paper published in the Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine sheds light on the occupational health hazards among sewage and sanitary workers. The paper informs that manual scavenging still persists in our country and the situation of the manual scavengers has continued to remain unchanged, despite the fact that the Employment of Manual Scavengers and Construction of Dry Latrines (Prohibition) Act, 1993, is in enforcement. This Act provides for the prohibition of the employment of manual scavengers as well as construction or continuance of dry latrines and for the regulation of construction and maintenance of water-seal latrines for assuring the dignity of the individual. Posted on 04 May, 2012 03:59 PM

Working conditions of the sanitory workers have found to remain unchanged over the years and pose a considerable risk to the dignity and health of the workers.

The Supreme Court and its directions on Interlinking of Rivers (ILR): India and her people will be greatly benefited by its implementation
The Supreme Court has recently given direction to Government of India to implement Inter Linking of Rivers (ILR) within a time frame as it brings many benefits to our people. Many feel that ILR has some inherent problems including reluctance of the States. But Supreme Court wants the net working of rivers (NWR). This article by J Prabudoss looks into the issue. Posted on 03 May, 2012 07:03 PM

Author : J. Prabudoss

The original Jungle Book: A visit to Kanha National Park, Madhya Pradesh
A recent trip to Kanha National Park in Madhya Pradesh in search of the elusive wild tiger was an eye opening experience. Note to fellow travellers and wildlife enthusiasts: never go to a national park or game sanctuary hoping to see wild animals (especially big cats) on a long weekend. Other than that though, Kanha itself is a spectacular forest with a teeming ecosystem - deer, samba, chital, bison, peacocks, jackals, wild dogs, civets and birds. The forest itself is surprisingly well maintained, a far cry from some of the forest reserves in South India. Posted on 28 Apr, 2012 12:37 AM


Kanha National Park, Madhya Pradesh
