
Featured Articles
November 6, 2022 In 2020, 559 million children were affected by four to five heatwaves a year; numbers could increase four-fold by 2050, as per a report by UNICEF
Heat-related mortality is four times higher among children under 1 year of age than in persons aged 1–44 years (Image: Taqver, Wikimedia Commons)
October 22, 2022 Role of MGNREGA in the year after the 2020 lockdown: Survey findings from Bihar, Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Madhya Pradesh
MGNREGA provided income support or security to vulnerable households during the pandemic (Image: UN Women)
October 14, 2022 Arthan organizes a fireside chat to highlight the need for more data talent for social impact
There is a need to integrate data science into the existing education system (Image: Mohamed Mahmoud Hassan, Public Domain Pictures)
September 9, 2022 Highlights from a new report released by iFOREST
An old coal-fired power plant has been dumping vast quantities of ash out in the open for many years. (Image: Lundrim Aliu/ World Bank; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
July 14, 2022 The river is faced with the dual problem of flood plain encroachment and growing levels of water pollution
Illegal transverse check dams (Badhals) built on Ichamati near a village in Basirhat (Image: Prithviraj Nath @ TheWaterChronicles)
July 10, 2022 People in India fleeing disasters like drought more likely to have experienced trafficking or modern slavery than those fleeing floods or cyclones
The country's climate change assessment suggests things are only going to get worse (Image: Saurav Karmakar, India Water Portal Flickr)
BBC World Challenge Award 2010
Posted on 30 Sep, 2010 07:10 AM

Content and Image Courtesy: BBC World News

BBC World News

The finalists of World Challenge will be profiled on BBC World News in six 30 minute programmes. You can vote for your favourite project/business on this website. Voting will open on 27th September 2010 and will close at midnight (GMT) on 12th November 2010.

Field experiences by Avinash Krishnamurthy, BIOME Solutions
Drawing inspiration from the oldest "people's electricity" systems Posted on 29 Sep, 2010 11:04 AM

One of the oldest "People's electricity" systems I have ever seen (Please read the notes for each of the videos).  Of course this trip had even better high points - wine made from Gooseberry and Nutmeg - all locally brewed.  So travelling in the midst of hills, sipping local wine, seeing some great work, (and providing perspectives for someone-else to write - is this work or what?

Water Resources Engineering and Management - A Civil Engineering Course under the National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning
A web-based course to enhance the quality of engineering education in the country Posted on 29 Sep, 2010 07:42 AM

This Civil Engineering Course under the National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) on the broad subject of Water Resources Engineering and Management is being carried out by Indian Institute of Technology’s and the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore as a collaborative project supported by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (Government of India) to enhance the quality of engineering education in the country, by developing curriculum based video and web courses. In these web based lectures, the authors have developed the subject in detail and in stages in a student-friendly manner. The broad group of Water Resources Engineering is structured into modules on the topic by IIT Kharagpur as follows:

4th South Asian Conference on Sanitation (SACOSAN IV) in Srilanka
The South Asian Conference on Sanitation as a platform for dialogue and influence created by the governments of South Asian Countries reviews the progress made in the area of Sanitation. Posted on 28 Sep, 2010 12:27 PM


South Asian Conference on Sanitation

The South Asian Conference on Sanitation (SACOSAN), a government led biennial convention held on a rotational basis in each country, is a platform for dialogue and influence created by the governments of South Asian Countries to review the progress made in the area of Sanitation.  The SACOSAN process would help to generate political will to narrow the gap in Sanitation access and usage.

Politics of food security
11,700 tonnes of foodgrains worth Rs 6.86 crore were found "damaged" in government godowns. Are we still hungry? Posted on 28 Sep, 2010 11:42 AM

The revelation by the Union Food and Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar in the Lok Sabha on 26 July 2010 that over 11,700 tonnes of foodgrains worth Rs 6.86 crore were found "damaged" in government godowns is astonishing in a country where many people go without food.

Water security vs national security published in Third Concept September 2010 : Countries that share a river face a higher probability of engaging in military disputes
Growing public and policy preoccupation worsens the impact on water security, especially with climate change impacts Posted on 28 Sep, 2010 10:15 AM

There has been growing public and policy preoccupation in recent years with potential climate impacts on water security in the wake of the worsening risk of global warming. In 1991, then–UN secretary general Boutros Boutros-Ghali pronounced that “the next war will be fought over water, not politics.” In 2001, Kofi Annan warned that “fierce competition for fresh water may well become a source of conflict and wars in the future.” And present UN secretary general Ban Ki-Moon has argued that the ongoing Darfur crisis grew at least in part from desertification, ecological degradation, and a scarcity of resources, foremost among them water. Apart from this chorus of concern, many policy scholars have asserted that, as population growth and economic development raise pressures on demand and environmental pressures degrade supplies, resource scarcities could precipitate violent international conflicts, with shared rivers an especially dangerous flashpoint.

Water law and policy in India - Capacity building workshop for women in Chitrakoot, Uttar Pradesh
User the 'key players" in the management and development in water. The key player's awareness stands at bare minimum or nil. Posted on 27 Sep, 2010 03:30 PM

Water law and policy framework in India has undergone significant changes in the last couple decades. Given the complex nature of the law and policy framework, the awareness among common people is minimal or nil. This is an irony given the fact that recent law and policy changes call for ‘users’ to be as a key player in the management and development of water.

Applications for Development Competition
The Open data initiative is a way forward towards better interaction between developer and development communities Posted on 27 Sep, 2010 12:21 PM

The World Bank

Member's newsletter from International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance(IRHA)- September 2010
Newsletter focuses on all activities concerning rainwater harvesting, the International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance (IRHA) and its partners. Posted on 24 Sep, 2010 11:55 AM

International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance