
Featured Articles
November 6, 2022 In 2020, 559 million children were affected by four to five heatwaves a year; numbers could increase four-fold by 2050, as per a report by UNICEF
Heat-related mortality is four times higher among children under 1 year of age than in persons aged 1–44 years (Image: Taqver, Wikimedia Commons)
October 22, 2022 Role of MGNREGA in the year after the 2020 lockdown: Survey findings from Bihar, Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Madhya Pradesh
MGNREGA provided income support or security to vulnerable households during the pandemic (Image: UN Women)
October 14, 2022 Arthan organizes a fireside chat to highlight the need for more data talent for social impact
There is a need to integrate data science into the existing education system (Image: Mohamed Mahmoud Hassan, Public Domain Pictures)
September 9, 2022 Highlights from a new report released by iFOREST
An old coal-fired power plant has been dumping vast quantities of ash out in the open for many years. (Image: Lundrim Aliu/ World Bank; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
July 14, 2022 The river is faced with the dual problem of flood plain encroachment and growing levels of water pollution
Illegal transverse check dams (Badhals) built on Ichamati near a village in Basirhat (Image: Prithviraj Nath @ TheWaterChronicles)
July 10, 2022 People in India fleeing disasters like drought more likely to have experienced trafficking or modern slavery than those fleeing floods or cyclones
The country's climate change assessment suggests things are only going to get worse (Image: Saurav Karmakar, India Water Portal Flickr)
Kisan Swaraj Yatra - A massive outreach effort interacting with farmers and urban citizens about the agricultural crisis and the way out
The Kisan Swaraj Yatra is a massive outreach effort interacting with lakhs of farmers and lakhs of urban citizens about the agricultural crisis and the way out. Posted on 15 Oct, 2010 12:41 PM

Kisan Swaraj Yatra

The Kisan Swaraj Yatra has been initiated by the Alliance for Sustainable and Holistic Agriculture (ASHA). This is a loose alliance of scores of groups across the country, drawn from more than 20 states. The network consists of farmers’ organizations, consumer groups, women’s organizations, environmental organizations, organic farmers’ cooperatives, individual scientists, doctors, health activists and others.

Article 246 , 262 - Ministry of Water Resources (Government of India) (2010)
The document features the clauses related to Article 246 and 262, which provide guidelines related to dispute over water. Posted on 13 Oct, 2010 05:01 PM

Article  246   includes the following clauses:

  • Notwithstanding anything in clauses (2) and (3), Parliament has exclusive power to make laws with respect to any of the matters enumerated in List I in the seventh Schedule (in this Constitution referred to as the "Union List").
  • Notwithstanding anything in clause (3), Parliament, and, subject to clause (1), the legislature of any State also, have power to make laws with respect to any of the matters enumerated in List III in the Seventh Schedule (in this Constitution referred to as the "Concurrent List").  
  • Subject to clauses (1) and (2), the Legislature of any State has exclusive power to make laws for such State or any part thereof with respect to any of the matters enumerated in List II in the Seventh Schedule (in this Constitution referred to as the "State List").  
  • Parliament has power to make laws with respect to any matter for any part of the territory of India not included in a State notwithstanding that such matter is a matter enumerated in the State List.
The constitution (seventy- fourth amendment) act - Ministry of Law and Justice (Government of India) (1992)
This document provides the details of the seventy-fourth amendment to the Constitution Act. Posted on 13 Oct, 2010 04:51 PM

This document provides the details of The Constitution (Seventy-Fourth Amendment) Act.

The document includes:

  • The short title and commencement
  • Definitions of the terms in the Act
  • Constitution of Municipalities
  • Composition of the Municipalities
  • Constitution and composition of wards committees
  • Reservation of seats
  • Duration of Municipalities
  • Disqualifications for membership
  • Powers, authority and responsibilities of municipalities
  • Finance Commission
  • Audit of accounts of Municipalities
  • Elections to the Municipalities
  • Application to Union Territories
  • Committee for district planning
  • Committee for metropoliton planning 
  • Continuance of existing laws and municipalities
  • Bar to interference by courts in electoral matters
Extreme water logging and flood situation in channelized areas in Pune - A report
Nallahs and rainwater is good news. Not for Pune. 10 people lose their lives while the city administration neglects the maintenance of the near-natural channel system Pune enjoys. Posted on 13 Oct, 2010 04:32 PM

Guest post by Parineeta Dandekar

While this news item was about to be published, Pune received heavy rains on the 4th of October (highest in the last 118 years, 104 mm in 40 minutes and 181.3 mm in 24 hours). While the city administration stressed that this was a cloud burst, this claim was quashed by the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD). This was said to a rare event, which was experienced in many places in Maharashtra.

10 people lost their lives to these rains, including three young children and a 25 year old Ph D researcher, Agnimitra Bannerjee, from National Chemical Laboratory, who was washed away in a channelised nallah stretch. Channels prove to be much more dangerous as the velocity of water is high and there is nothing to hold on to, in case a person falls in one of these fast-flowing nallah channels.

Civil Engineering Management - A Civil Engineering Course under the National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning
Making development greener; the Indian Institute of Technology’s and the Indian Institute of Science together enhance the quality of engineering education Posted on 13 Oct, 2010 08:31 AM

This Civil Engineering Course under the National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) on the broad subject of Civil Engineering Management is being carried out by Indian Institute of Technology’s and the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore as a collaborative project supported by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (Government of India) to enhance the quality of engineering education in the country, by developing curriculum based video and web courses. In these web based lectures, the authors have developed the subject in detail and in stages in a student-friendly manner. The broad group of Civil Engineering Management is structured into modules on the following topics:

Construction in and around a 300 years pond which is a heritage site in West Bengal
Heritage is our history in its living. The question is how do we preserve it. We may be need to see beyond authorities and administration, and assume our roles in saving it. Posted on 12 Oct, 2010 04:42 PM

I, on behalf of the local people bringing to your notice that we have a 300 years-old pond in our  locality which is known as Bhabani Pathak Dighi which is declared as a Historical and Heritage Site by the West Bengal Heritage Commission.It is in the City Centre area adjacent to the Ambuja Housing.

The total 8.48 arcs of pond and its surroundings (area not known) have been declared as a. A tunnel was found when a construction work was going on beside the pond and some renovation work has also been done there accordingly by West Bengal Heritage Commission (annexure no 13). Now the pond is only approx 3.5 arcs left and rest has been filled.

This awesome site has shot to fame by the novel Durgesnandini of great Bengali novelist Bankim Chattopadhyay.The novel describes the best featuring and intricacies of these tunnels and the pond.

Housing and urban policy in India - Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation (2010)
This document provides information on the evolution of the Housing and Urban Policy in India since the 1950s, which was the beginning of urbanisation and movement of people from rural to urban areas. Posted on 12 Oct, 2010 03:34 PM

This document provides information on the evolution of the Housing and Urban Policy in India since the 1950s, which was the beginning of urbanisation and migration of people from rural to urban areas. Urbanisation was then perceived negatively as a drain of resources to feed the population from cities and the contribution of cities in the economic development of the country was not appreciated.

The document describes how the policy evolved from the First Plan in (1951-1956) to the Eighth Plan in (1992-97), which for the first time explicitly recognised the role and importance of urban sector for the national economy.

Towards faster and more inclusive growth - An approach to the 11th five year plan - Government of India (Planning Commission) (2006)
This document by the Government of India describes the approach to the 11th five year plan. Posted on 12 Oct, 2010 03:32 PM

This document by the Government of India describes the approach to the 11th five year plan. The document is divided into seven chapters and includes:

  • Chapter 1: The objectives of the eleventh five year plan and the existing challenges in the country in terms of disparities and divides
  • Chapter 2: Growth potential in the eleventh plan
  • Chapter 3: Sectoral policies for the eleventh plan
  • Chapter 4: Strategic initiatives for inclusive development
  • Chapter 5: Bridging divides: including the excluded
  • Chapter 6: Public Sector Plan: an enabling environment
  • Chapter 7: Conclusions
Andhra Pradesh water resources regulatory commission act - Andhra Pradesh Water Reforms (2009)
This document describes the details of the Andhra Pradesh Water Resources Regulatory Commission Act. Posted on 12 Oct, 2010 03:28 PM

This document describes the Andhra Pradesh Water Resources Regulatory Commission Act and includes:

Andhra Pradesh Water Resources Regulatory Commission
POwers, Functions and Duties of the Commission
Accounts, Audit and ReportsThe document describes the Andhra Pradesh Water Resources Regulatory Commission Act and includes:
  • A short title and information on the extent and commencement
  • Definition of the terms used in the Act
  • Details of the Andhra Pradesh Water Resources Regulatory Commission
  • Powers, functions and duties of the Commission
  • Accounts, audit and reports
The Karnataka Municipalities Act - Government of Karnataka (1964)
This document describes the details of the Karnataka Municipalities Act Posted on 12 Oct, 2010 03:26 PM

This document describes the Karnataka Municipalities Act and includes:

Short title, extent and commencement
Definitions of the terms used in the Act
Constitution of Municipal areas
Transaction of business by Municipal Council
Municipal property and fund
Obligatory and discretionary functions of municipal councils
Municipal taxation
Recovery of municipal claims
Improvement schemes nd improvement boards
Powers and offences
Prosecution, suits and powers and police
Municipal accounts and administration reports
Rules and bye-laws
Appointment and powers of municipal commissioner or chief officer and other municipal officers
Town panchayat
Provisions for the conversion of panchayat area into asmaller urban area and for amalgamation and dividion of 
smaller urban areas
  • Details such as the short title, extent and commencement of the Act
  • Definitions of the terms used in the Act
  • Constitution of municipal areas
  • Transaction of business by municipal council
  • Municipal property and fund
  • Obligatory and discretionary functions of municipal councils
  • Municipal taxation
  • Recovery of municipal claims
  • Improvement schemes and improvement boards
  • Powers and offences
  • Prosecution, suits and powers and police
  • Municipal accounts and administration reports
  • Control
  • Rules and bye-laws
  • Appointment and powers of municipal commissioner or chief officer and other municipal officers
  • Town panchayat
  • Provisions for the conversion of panchayat area into a smaller urban area and for amalgamation and division of smaller urban areas