Member's newsletter from International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance(IRHA)- September 2010

International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance

The September edition of Member's newsletter  published by the International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance (IRHA) had the following highlights:

  • Pumping rainwater without mains electricity: Pumping the water out of the tank is a problem in parts of the world where mains electricity is too expensive, intermittent or unavailable
  • Rainwater Harvesting at the Heart of Micro-Farming and Food Security in Watershed Development Programmes

Download the newsletter

Contact Details:
IRHA - Internation Environmenta House ll,
7-9 Chemin de Balexert, 1219Geneva, Switzerland
Tel. : +41 22 797 41 57 & +41 22 797 41 58

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