Food and Nutrition

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December 6, 2022 Need to shift to a more sustainable diet without compromising on major nutrients and calories
Historically, India has been a net exporter of virtual water (Image: PxHere)
August 21, 2022 Floods are not feared, but rather welcomed by the Mishing communities from Majuli island in Assam as they bring bountiful fish- a rich source of food, nutrition and livelihood for the community.
The Majuli island, a haven for fish (Image Source: Usha Dewani, India Water Portal)
June 19, 2022 Odisha Millets Mission is trying to bring back the glory of millets in tribal areas
A range of millet recipes and ready to cook items are sold by Millets on Wheels in Jashipur block in Mayurbhanj district. This initiative is supported by Odisha Millets Mission (Image: Odisha Millets Mission)
April 16, 2022 The report looks at what the transition could look like in ten specific foodscapes
Foodscapes for people and nature (Image: TNC)
January 30, 2022 MGNREGS: Even after the inclusion of additional funds amounting to Rs. 25,000 crores via supplementary budgets, allocations were 12 per cent less than the previous year's revised estimates
A school boy from Tilonia drinks from a tap from a rainwater harvesting tank (Image: Barefoot photographers of Tilonia)
January 18, 2022 The recent NFHS-5 data finds that stunting and wasting among under five children in the country is on the rise. Why is this so? What could be the way out?
Millets for dietary diversity (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Drink safe water and eat good food to prevent creaky bones and achy joints
Bone disease fluorosis can be prevented if people understand the importance of good nutrition Posted on 18 May, 2013 01:55 PM

Fluorosis is a bone disease that is caused by a high consumption of fluoride. Most think that it is a direct result of drinking water with high fluoride content alone but it isn’t so. Nutrition plays an  important role in the onset of this disease.

How have India's flagship development programmes fared ? - Budget briefs on the TSC, JNNURM and MGNREGS by the Accountability Initiative
Read this article to know how the government has spent its money for three of its flagship programmes. Posted on 12 Mar, 2013 11:40 AM

Government of India’s development programmes are aimed to bring in much required inclusive development and pave a way towards an equitable and socially just society. With this motive the Centre had introduced several programmes in social sectors and allocated a fixed amount for achieving the set goals.

An analysis on the performance of the programmes shows how far the targets have been achieved, the shortcomings and the steps that are to be taken to strengthen the programmes. 

Accountability Initiative logo

Need for an ecologically sound agricultural system - A video interview with Ardhendu S Chatterjee
Usha Dewani interviews Ardhendu S Chatterjee, Development Research Communication and Services Centre (DRCSC), Kolkata. Posted on 07 Mar, 2013 05:22 PM

Indian agriculture has changed. From earlier a lifestyle to now livelihood, our farming has journeyed through revolutions. Food production increased but so did the problems of depleting soil fertility and rising debt. The green is fading and an evolution is now sought.

The state of environmental migration in 2011
A report on Bangladeshi migration to India in the context of 2001 floods, by the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI). Posted on 07 Mar, 2013 05:15 PM

Environmental degradation & climate change have induced human mobility by creating environmental migrants.

Some strategies for managing groundwater by Aditi Mukherji, IWMI
Groundwater is essential for India's agricutural economy. In her blog 'Waterscapes', Aditi Mukherji discusses the need for regional strategies to manage groundwater economy. Posted on 22 Feb, 2013 09:53 AM

Groundwater is essential for India's agricutural economy. However, there is a large variation in the groundwater resources of each region. Some regions are already over-exploited, while others can still tolerate more withdrawal. In her blog 'Waterscapes', Aditi Mukherji discusses the need for regional strategies to manage groundwater economy.

Wastewater irrigation in Hubli–Dharwad, Karnataka, enables farmers to diversify their cropping practices - A paper in the Environment and Urbanisation Journal
Farmers utilise the permanent streams of sewage-contaminated wastewater emanating from the twin city of Hubli–Dharwad to their advantage. This paper considers the effects of the availability of this perennial water resource and its effects upon livelihood practices of farmers and the implications for health. Posted on 26 Jan, 2013 06:47 PM

This paper 'Wastewater irrigation in Hubli–Dharwad, India: I

Moving from paddy and sugarcane to less water-intensive crops such as oilseeds, pulses and millets can help resolve the Cauvery water dispute
What happens when two or more states are dependent on same water resource for agricultural purposes ? Do the states compete for the resource or are their needs sufficiently different from each other? What are the consequences of the competition for this precious resource? Posted on 14 Jan, 2013 12:10 AM

What happens when two or more states are dependent on same water resource for agricultural purposes ? Do the states compete for the resource or are their needs sufficiently different from each other? What are the consequences of the competition for this precious resource?

This article sheds light on the dispute between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, for sharing Cauvery river water. The ongoing tussle between the two states has seen a lot of unrest amongst farmers in  form of dharnas, protests, rail roko and non-cooperation by citizens, and disagreement with the agreements made by their respective governments and unending negotiations by governments involved, to come to a mutually agreeable decision.

Punjab chief minister objects to draft national water policy - Roundup of the week's news (December 31 – January 6, 2013)
Punjab chief minister objects to draft national water policy - Roundup of the week's news (December 31 – January 6, 2013) Posted on 08 Jan, 2013 08:03 AM

Objection raised to National water Policy

Centre adopts National Water Policy 2012 - Roundup of the week's news (December 24 – 30, 2012)
This roundup of the news this week presents discussions on the adoption of the National Water Policy by the Centre in the midst of objections raised by states that argue on the relevance of water as a state specific resource and not to be controlled by a uniform law followed by news on objections raised against direct cash transfer in food commodities in Chattisgarh, illegal mining in Goa and an update on the garbage crisis in Bangalore Posted on 31 Dec, 2012 07:33 AM

Centre adopts National Water Policy, 2012

Event report: National workshop organised by UNDP on ‘Reducing vulnerabilities to climate change and disaster risk through Integrated Water Management', at New Delhi on 17th December 2012
A national workshop on ‘Reducing vulnerabilities to climate change and disaster risk through Integrated Water Management ‘ was organised by the United National Development Program (UNDP) at ‘The Claridges’, Aurangzeb Road, New Delhi on 17th December, 2012.It facilitated discussions and interaction among various stakeholders that included bureaucrats, technocrats, experts and NGOs.
The seminar participants deliberated on interlinked issues of climate change adaption, disaster risk reduction and water management, and how an integrated approach is required to enhance the adaptive capacities of vulnerable communities.
Posted on 25 Dec, 2012 06:56 AM

National Workshop