Punjab chief minister objects to draft national water policy - Roundup of the week's news (December 31 – January 6, 2013)

Objection raised to National water Policy

Punjab chief minister objects to draft national water policy: Says 'water' is a state subject under constitution and states have exclusive power of legislation on it. Badal asserted that Punjab being an agrarian state was opposed to the concept of integrated planning and management of river basins and setting up of basin authorities by legislation.

The National Water Policy okayed by the Centre touches upon a wide range of issues concerning the precarious water economy but without clear focus. It is a good beginning, but still needs to cover more ground.

12th Five-Year Plan 2012-17 proposal to introduce water audits

Centre proposes to introduce water audits and user charges to water usage of industrial activities in its 12th Five-Year Plan 2012-17. The proposals are aimed at bringing down the overall water footprint of the Indian industry through regulatory mechanisms against a backdrop of growing conflicts between competing users of water.

Chhattisgarh Food Security Act (CFSA) better than the Centre’s Bill

The CFSA covers the public distribution system, school meals, anganwadis (including take-home rations for pregnant/lactating women and children under three) and free meals for the destitute and homeless. It excludes 10 per cent of households from the PDS  and is in some ways better than the Centre’s Bill.

Water level in Krishna Raja Sagar reservoir recedes fast

Water level in Krishna Raja Sagar reservoir across Cauvery river, Karnataka, recedes fast.The outflow of water through the canals has been stopped for irrigation, as a precautionary measure. Also the low storage level of Karnataka dams, due to drought, reduces hydel power generation by 2,500 million units in the state, says Minister for Energy

Farmers in Andhra Pradesh suffer acute shortage of fertilisers, water and power supply

Farmers in Andhra Pradesh suffer acute shortage of fertilisers, water and power supply. However according to agriculture officials, necessary buffer stocks of fertilisers have been stored and extension officers have been directed to guide farmers.To overcome the problem of lack of water and irregular power supply in Telangana region, Andhra Pradesh, officials also direct farmers to cultivate Irrigated Dry crops during Rabi season, instead of water intensive paddy
