Ecology and Environment

Featured Articles
December 16, 2022 Soil research must focus both on technology development and implementation
The ability of soils to support soil functions or services is decreasing (Image: Katrin Park/International Food Policy Research Institute)
November 25, 2022 These maps at the watershed scales have been made to not only ensure inclusion of different freshwater ecosystems, their connectivity and hydrological processes, but can also provide a spatial context for conservation decisions.
A stream at Anini, Arunachal Pradesh (Image Source: Roshni Arora)
November 16, 2022 Adoption of hybrid solutions - grey and green structures appropriate for resilience building
Healthy wetland ecosystems help in reducing disaster risks and managing climate risks (Image: Pxhere)
October 30, 2022 This book by Dr. Mitul Baruah presents a fascinating, ethnographic account of the challenges faced by communities living in Majuli, India, one of the largest river islands in the world, which has experienced immense socio-environmental transformations over the years, processes that are emblematic of the Brahmaputra Valley as a whole. This is an excerpt from the book.
Floods are recurrent phenomena in Assam (Image: Mitul Baruah)
October 6, 2022 Rapid urbanisation and faulty land use policies are rapidly destroying forests, grasslands and wetlands in Jammu and Kashmir, India and the ecosystem value services they provide. Can these valuable ecosystems be saved?
Deteriorating ecosystems of Jammu and Kashmir, India (Image Source: tkohli at Flickr via Wikimedia Commons)
July 14, 2022 The river is faced with the dual problem of flood plain encroachment and growing levels of water pollution
Illegal transverse check dams (Badhals) built on Ichamati near a village in Basirhat (Image: Prithviraj Nath @ TheWaterChronicles)
Kuhl, kohli and a lost tradition
Kuhls, the community-owned irrigation channels of Himachal Pradesh, have lost their importance over time. Is it because the state has begun managing them causing a disconnect with the people? Posted on 22 Aug, 2014 03:02 PM

Ranjit Singh is elated that someone has come to his village enquiring about his work. He says not many people recognise the worth of traditional occupations like his. “This is especially true of government officials and policy makers who feel everything old is useless”, he points out.

Ranjit is the kohli of Mjately village in Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh.

Kuhls carry glacial melt to fields for irrigation
Himachal Pradesh's forests make way for Renuka Dam
Policy matters this week Posted on 19 Aug, 2014 01:31 PM

Forest clearance granted to the proposed Renuka Dam

Forest cover of Himachal Pradesh
Uttarakhandi women 1, Ultra Tech Cement 0
Four Gram Panchayats in Uttarakhand joined forces to oppose a cement plant. They won this battle, but will India's villagers win the war? Posted on 15 Aug, 2014 12:42 PM

When Basanti Devi entered the village of Bachwadi in Uttarakhand's Takula block on one of her routine visits, she knew that something was wrong. Instead of the normal hustle, groups of men stood about talking quietly.

Uttarakhandi women are a force to be reckoned with
Flood in Odisha affects 3.5 million people across 300 villages
News this week Posted on 12 Aug, 2014 10:50 AM

Odisha reels under floods as Mahanadi crosses danger mark

Odisha reels under floods
Water Resources Ministry's role expands
Policy matters this week Posted on 12 Aug, 2014 08:47 AM

National Ganga River Basin Authority transferred to Water Resources Ministry

Ganga river at Gadmukteshwar
Ponds of Darbhanga deconstructed!
Darbhanga's many ponds which are centuries-old, are disappearing thanks to land sharks. While local groups are working to protect them, they aren't getting the required help from the authorities. Posted on 11 Aug, 2014 02:37 PM

The vast plain in Mithilanchal (now a part of Bihar) wore a festive look despite the early hour. People had been gathering since the wee hours of the morning. Children wore their festive best while women, flowers in their hair and anticipation in their eyes. The air was redolent with the fragrance of the ceremonial fire and the aroma of roasting gram and fried sweets.

Harahi talaab, Darbhanga
Applications invited for the post of 'Communications Coordinator/Manager', Revitalising Rainfed Agriculture Network (RRAN)
The candidate will be responsible for strengthening RRAN’s advocacy agenda through evolving the communications strategy, developing the annual communications plan, and ensuring its implementation.
Posted on 08 Aug, 2014 06:14 PM
About RRAN:
Revitalising Rainfed Agriculture Network advocates for enhanced and differentiated public investments and relevant support systems for rainfed agriculture in India. It is a platform of civil society organisations, science, research and academic institutions, individuals and donors, engaged
Sanitation and trees' are rural employment guarantee scheme's top priorities
Policy matters this week Posted on 30 Jul, 2014 10:40 AM

Centre allocates 50% MGNREGA funds to sanitation and green cover

Proper sanitation in India: A poster
India loses 2 million tonnes of food grains annually due to waterlogging
News this week Posted on 30 Jul, 2014 10:15 AM

2 million tonnes of food grains lost annually in India

Waterlogging in Punjab
Irrigation systems of Himachal threatened by hydropower projects
Small hydro-power projects thought to be least damaging threaten the very existence of Kuhls, the source of water for irrigation. It's no wonder that young Kohlis prefer government jobs to farming. Posted on 27 Jul, 2014 11:04 AM

Pro-dam lobby has long praised the small or micro hydropower projects, especially run-of-the-river units as least damaging. But both the developer/s of such projects and the government seem to have overlooked an important aspect: its impact on Kuhls, the traditional irrigation system of Himachal Pradesh.

Kuhl, Awa khud, Kandbari (Nivedita Khandekar)