Drinking and other Domestic Uses

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December 21, 2022 While drinking water coverage in rural India has improved, has it also improved reliability and safety of drinking water? This CEEW brief explores and analyses the available data to find out.
Adequate and safe drinking water, a valuable resource in rural India (Image Source: McKay Savage via Wikimedia Commons)
December 16, 2022 In this article, we will understand how the WQM course is continuing to influence the needs of learners that come from diverse backgrounds. The course model also offers core insights to many others who would like to engage in a virtual training program.
During a WQM course, a field team member from INREM facilitating a demonstration
December 13, 2022 WaterAid India’s partnership with USAID and Gap Inc. benefits 2400 villages across 7 districts of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra

WaterAid has focused on establishing community-led water quality monitoring & surveillance (Image: Anil Gulati/India Water Portal Flickr)
August 19, 2022 Better access to clean water coupled with health education to bring about changes in behaviour are critical to prevent exposure to dangerous cholera bacteria that lurk in untreated waters.
The hidden threat of cholera in India (Image Source: IWP Flickr photos)
July 20, 2022 This study found a high concentration of trihalomethanes (THMs) in water treatment plants in Delhi that were associated with increased risk of cancer.
What's in your tap water (Image Source: India Water Portal)
May 25, 2022 Enabling a culture of data sharing between programs and reuse of data
Participatory programs such as JJM require a large amount of village-level information on water (Image: Arpit Deomurar, FES)
Waiting for water
The villagers of Khalabari are hopeful that the overhead tank being built in the village would make drinking water easily accessible to them. Posted on 15 Nov, 2017 05:50 AM

In the early hours, the villagers of Khalabari, a tribal-dominated village in the Dumuripadar gram panchayat of Koraput district in Odisha step out of their houses for bringing wood and drinking water. The road to the forest where the water is available is rocky.

Khalabari village (Source: India Water Portal)
NRDWP to get restructured
Policy matters this week Posted on 14 Nov, 2017 01:17 PM

Restructuring of National Rural Drinking Water Programme approved

A child drinks water from a hand pump in Madhya Pradesh. (Source: IWP Flickr Photos)
JalKalp: Water sands impurities
A new biosand filter is revolutionising water purification in rural India with increased filtration, better portability and affordability. Posted on 13 Nov, 2017 12:11 PM

Urmila Devi lives in Chaitabazaar village which is barely five kilometres from the eastern bank of the Burhi Gandak river. It is located in a particularly flood-prone area of East Champaran in north Bihar. The drinking water quality in this area is poor. The recurrent floods only make it worse.

The drinking water in Chaitbazaar village is dark in colour because of high levels of iron and has a peculiar stench from bacteriological contamination. (Image: Sehgal Foundation)
Drinking water: Access does not mean safety
A study from rural Maharashtra finds piped water supply does not guarantee safe drinking water. Water treatment, storage and WASH practices influence water quality. Posted on 11 Nov, 2017 12:36 PM

Concerned with contaminated water sources in rural areas, the Centre plans to provide piped water supply (classified as an improved water source by the W

Better drinking water access does not always mean that the water is safe to drink. (Image source: India Water Portal)
Maharashtra mandates reuse of wastewater
Policy matters this week Posted on 07 Nov, 2017 07:15 PM

Reuse of wastewater becomes mandatory in Maharashtra

Wastewater gets discharged into a drain. (Source: IWP Flickr photos)
India Industry Water Conclave on Nov 28, 2017 at FICCI, New ??Delhi
The third edition of India Industry Water Conclave and fifth edition of FICCI Water Awards on Theme : ‘Water Use Efficiency- An Imperative for India’
Posted on 07 Nov, 2017 10:12 AM

The theme for the Conclave this year is “Water Use Efficiency: An Imperative for India” to highlight the imperative of water use efficiency in the industry, agriculture and urban contexts

Are people in villages less thirsty?
Veteran journalist P. Sainath says we are living in a time of inequality--of wealth, water and income--driven by policies. Shouldn’t we be more angry about this? Posted on 18 Oct, 2017 07:49 PM

In India, there has been a stunning growth of inequality in the last 25 years and a spectacular growth of inequality in the last 15 years. It is not just a question of wealth and income; inequality is visible in every sector. It is visible in water whether (it is) water for irrigation or drinking water.

An upcoming building in Mumbai has a pool on every floor. At the same time, migrant labourers rely on tapping municipal leakages for their drinking water. India has more inequality than the rest of the world.
Salt and sweet: When sun turned saline water potable
A Rajasthan village gets to drink sweetwater despite high salinity in its groundwater, thanks to a solar-powered desalination unit. Posted on 18 Oct, 2017 07:08 PM

Solawata, a small village in Jaipur district is barely 10 kilometers away from Sambhar, India's largest saline lake which is a major centre of salt production that produces about two lakh tonnes of salt a year. On our way to the village from Sambhar, we see caravans packed with bright coloured camel saddles parked on the road.

Villagers operate the solar-powered reverse osmosis desalination plant that provides safe drinking water to the community at Solawata.
New guidelines for industries on groundwater use?
Policy matters this week Posted on 17 Oct, 2017 02:14 PM

New guidelines proposed by the Centre on groundwater usage by industries

A well in Rajasthan (Source: IWP Flickr photos)
Alien fish enters Telangana waters
News this week Posted on 17 Oct, 2017 01:45 PM

Alien fish spotted in Telangana waters after Krishna-Godavari interlinking

Prakasam Barrage across Krishna river (Source: Subhash Chandra via Wikipedia)