Contamination, Pollution and Quality

Featured Articles
December 16, 2022 In this article, we will understand how the WQM course is continuing to influence the needs of learners that come from diverse backgrounds. The course model also offers core insights to many others who would like to engage in a virtual training program.
During a WQM course, a field team member from INREM facilitating a demonstration
September 9, 2022 Highlights from a new report released by iFOREST
An old coal-fired power plant has been dumping vast quantities of ash out in the open for many years. (Image: Lundrim Aliu/ World Bank; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
September 5, 2022 In an attempt to present a perspective on how rivers are used and abused, a map of the Bengaluru rivers illustrate how waste flows through natural river corridors, polluting the rivers and altering their status.
Vrishabhavathi river flow at Thagachguppe Bridge, Kumbalgodu (Image Source: Paani.Earth)
August 27, 2022 Study looks at microplastic types in lakes of Ladakh
(Vinay Goel, Wikimedia Commons)
August 19, 2022 Better access to clean water coupled with health education to bring about changes in behaviour are critical to prevent exposure to dangerous cholera bacteria that lurk in untreated waters.
The hidden threat of cholera in India (Image Source: IWP Flickr photos)
August 11, 2022 This could lead to water quality crisis reinforcing the need for basin-specific management strategies
Around the world, more than a fifth of nitrogen released by human activity ends up in aquatic ecosystems (Image: Wikimedia Commons)
Water quality status of rivers Tungabhadra, Cauvery and Kabini - KSPCB (2007)
The documents from the KSPCB website, provide monthly water quality status data, for the rivers Tungabhadra, Cauvery and Kabini, monitored between January to June 2007. Posted on 12 Jun, 2010 01:36 PM

These two documents from the KSPCB website, provide monthly water quality status data, for the rivers Tungabhadra, Cauvery and Kabini, monitored between January to June 2007, at various points along the rivers.

The data recorded are Temperature, pH, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Faecal Coliform.

A complete analysis of water should be done before finalising the water filter
There is a need for a complete analysis of water, that is checking TDS, fluorides, nitrates is to be done before finalising water filters Posted on 10 Jun, 2010 10:23 AM

Dear Users of IWP,

Clean drinking water using low-cost purification plants - A case study from the work of IFMR Trust and WaterHealth India in Andhra Pradesh
This field report describes the work of WaterHealth India (WHI), in organising safe drinking water using low-cost water purification units, in several villages of AP. Posted on 08 Jun, 2010 11:49 PM

This field report describes the work of WaterHealth India (WHI), in organising safe drinking water using low-cost water purification units, in several villages of Andhra Pradesh. The work was taken up with financial support from IFMR Trust.

Vinjinampadu village in Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh, is one of the villages where WHI worked to establish the unit. The village had lacked potable water supply, because of which its people suffered from a range of water-borne diseases. The situation was similar in many of the other villages in which WHI initiated this work.

Low-cost water purification plants in AP
Safe drinking water for all using a portable low cost solar disinfection unit - A research paper
This research paper describes the design and testing of a portable, low-cost, and low maintenance solar disinfection unit, that can provide potable water. Posted on 07 Jun, 2010 02:23 PM

This paper by A Jagadeesh of RMK Engineering College, describes the design and testing of a portable, low-cost, and low maintenance solar disinfection unit, that can provide potable water. This system was tested with bore water, well as well as with waste water. In 5 hours, the unit eradicated 99.99% of the bacteria contained in the water samples.

This unit can provide about 6 liters of pure drinking water and larger units can be fabricated for providing safe drinking water at a community level.

Community initiative for efficient management of rural water supply in Assam
The participatory demand driven approach and awareness generation amongst the community is needed for total water security and safety. Posted on 06 Jun, 2010 10:18 PM

Drinking Water Supply in rural areas of Assam ( India ) is managed by the Public Health Engineering Department (PHED), Government of Assam and the challenge is indeed enormous and achieving the targets requires well planned and strongly determined strategies and approach. Government has already formulated the necessary strategy to ensure sustained supply of safe drinking water in rural areas. However for achieving the desired end results from the Government initiatives, the community needs to be mobilized to own and sustain these programmes and to become an active partner in their implementation. For such a participatory demand driven approach, necessary awareness generation amongst the Community to realize the need for “total water security” and its impact on reduction of water borne diseases, is highly warranted.

A simple and marvellous solution to clean ocean oil spills
A video demonstrating a simple and effective method to clear oil spills in oceans or any other water body. Posted on 29 May, 2010 11:19 AM

Please have a look at the Demonstration video about clearing oil spills in oceans or any other water body.

It is a simple and effective method.

Drinking water quality monitoring and management training, TARA Livelihood academy, Orchha, MP
Posted on 25 May, 2010 04:22 PM

Development Alternatives Group

Organizers:TARA Livelihood Academy

"Kochi: To Get Rs 100 Crore Modern Sewerage System" : Droplets (May '10)
The May'10 newsletter features story on Kochi's Rs100 crore modern sewerage system and other water news. Posted on 25 May, 2010 12:08 PM

Droplets newsletter


  • Kochi: To Get Rs 100 Crore Modern Sewerage System
  • Punjab: Rs 53.58 Crore New Water Supply & Sewerage Project
  • Pune: To Construct 120 MLD Water Filtration Plant
  • Water.Org: Launches India WaterCredit Forum
Arsenic contamination of groundwater in Bihar and mitigation strategies - A research study
This presentation deals with the problem of arsenic contaminated aquifers in the Gangetic belt of Bihar and the failure of the state government in tackling the crisis. Posted on 12 May, 2010 11:24 PM

Arsenic contamination of groundwater of Bihar and mitigation strategies - Map 2009This presentation deals with the problem of arsenic contaminated aquifers in the Gangetic belt of Bihar and the failure of the state government in tackling the crisis and calls for the establishment of a centralized knowledge & research hub with an understanding of the regional peculiarities to mitigate the crisis.

It traces the origin of arsenic crisis to the switch from use of surface water to groundwater. The health impacts of arsenic poisoning and the factors that aggravate arsenicosis are explained. A total of sixteen districts (fifty-seven blocks) in Bihar are affected by high levels of arsenic in groundwater, in trivalent form, which is a more toxic form of arsenic.

Formulating action plan for removal of arsenic contamination in West Bengal - Planning Commission Task Force report
This report of the Task Force appointed by the Planning Commission presents an action plan for removal of arsenic contamination in West Bengal. Posted on 12 May, 2010 11:49 AM

The report of the Task Force appointed by the Planning Commission presents an action plan for removal of arsenic contamination in West Bengal. It looks at the extent of the problem, its intake sources, technologies available and the operation and maintenance (O&M) issues.

It outlines the diverse technologies based on various scientific principles, assesses them based on their scale of operation (domestic or community) on techno-economic considerations & infrastructure required and provides suggestions. Short, medium and long term measures are outlined for tackling the problem of arsenic contamination in drinking water supply in the state.
