Conservation - Reducing Water Usage

Featured Articles
November 25, 2022 These maps at the watershed scales have been made to not only ensure inclusion of different freshwater ecosystems, their connectivity and hydrological processes, but can also provide a spatial context for conservation decisions.
A stream at Anini, Arunachal Pradesh (Image Source: Roshni Arora)
September 21, 2022 The unique design and functioning of the Chakla bavdi in Chanderi Madhya Pradesh is another example of the water wisdom of our ancestors, which needs to be conserved and passed on to the future generations.
Chakla Bavdi at Chanderi, Madhya Pradesh (Image Source: Shirole, S. 2022. Architectural eloquence: Water harvesting structure in Chanderi, Madhya Pradesh (India). Ancient Asia, 13: 9, pp. 1–13)
June 21, 2022 While springs in Kashmir have still retained their good quality and have a great potential to be used for drinking water, threats to them are growing. Their protection and sustainable management is crucial.
Verinag spring in Anantanag district of Kashmir (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons)
January 13, 2022 State of the world’s land and water resources for food and agriculture: The synthesis report 2021
Sustainable agricultural practices lead to water saving, soil conservation, sustainable land management, conservation of natural resources, ecosystem and climate change benefits. (Image: Maheshwara, Pixahive)
November 9, 2021 Building resilient agricultural system through groundwater management interventions in degraded landscapes of Bundelkhand region
Charkhari talab in Bundelkhand (Image: IWP Flickr)
September 1, 2021 Best practices for holistic urban water management in Chennai Metropolitan Area
These bright plastic jugs are ubiquitous in Chennai and Tamil Nadu. (Image: McKay Savage, Flickr Commons; CC BY 2.0)
Event report: National workshop organised by UNDP on ‘Reducing vulnerabilities to climate change and disaster risk through Integrated Water Management', at New Delhi on 17th December 2012
A national workshop on ‘Reducing vulnerabilities to climate change and disaster risk through Integrated Water Management ‘ was organised by the United National Development Program (UNDP) at ‘The Claridges’, Aurangzeb Road, New Delhi on 17th December, 2012.It facilitated discussions and interaction among various stakeholders that included bureaucrats, technocrats, experts and NGOs.
The seminar participants deliberated on interlinked issues of climate change adaption, disaster risk reduction and water management, and how an integrated approach is required to enhance the adaptive capacities of vulnerable communities.
Posted on 25 Dec, 2012 06:56 AM

National Workshop

South India left with water storage level lowest in a decade - Roundup of the week's news (December 17 – 23, 2012)
The news this week is dominated by reports on the severe water storage level in the south of India followed by news on water conflicts between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, the irrigation scam in Maharashtra and the Ganga cleaning initiative launched by the Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board Posted on 24 Dec, 2012 06:41 PM

South India left with water storage level lowest in a decade

Exploring linkages between the agricultural sector and the environment - Report on the Kerala Environment Congress organised by the Centre for Environment and Development at Thiruvananthapuram, between 16 -18 August 2012
The focal theme of the 8th Kerala Environment Congress was Agriculture and Environment. The congress aimed at providing a platform for scientists, researchers, students and members of the community to deliberate on the issues pertaining to the agricultural sector and their impacts on the environment. Posted on 24 Dec, 2012 05:27 PM

The Congress was jointly organised by Centre for Environment and Development (CED), Thiruvananthapuram and the Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB), Thiruvananthapuram 

Inauguration of the conference

Around 350 participants including eminent scientists, agricultural experts and students participated in the event. The conference was inaugurated by the Chief Minister of Kerala, Sri. Oommen Chandy. Speaking on the occasion, the Chief Minister, highlighted that development and environment were linked and that the approach to the cause of agriculture and environment needed to be realistic since the state could not neglect both development and environment. He also pointed out that Kerala was one state having a very high reputation in preserving and protecting the forest cover, which was much  higher than the national average in the state. This was possible due to the will and awareness of the people of Kerala. He emphasised the need for a more realistic approach to deal with issues related to the agriculture and environment.

KEC inauguration

Inaugural speech by the Chief Minister of Kerala

Sustainability and financial viability of urban water supply and sanitation in dryland areas in India - Case study of Indore city
The simultaneous attainment of financial, environmental and social sustainability of urban services is an important requirement of development. Given the huge investments that are being made in the improvement of urban infrastructure and services in India, it is of the utmost importance that these investments are made in a manner that brings about the greatest good of the greatest number in a sustainable manner. Within urban infrastructure the supply of water and its disposal after use in cities has become one of the most problematic aspects of planning and management. Posted on 22 Dec, 2012 02:14 PM


Slum area in Indore 

Image courtesy:

Chambal Information Database launched - An open access database to get scientific literature on the region
The Chambal River and the surrounding landscape comprise a unique ecosystem. Although known largely for its notoriety, the region is incredibly rich in biodiversity. The single largest population of the Gharial, a critically endangered crocodile is found here. Sadly, the Chambal ecosystem and its inhabitants face numerous threats. Posted on 21 Dec, 2012 10:53 AM

Conservation and research activities in the Chambal ecosystem are often plagued by lack of access to information, such as research papers and reports. Students, citizens, protected area managers and academicians find it difficult to obtain scientific literature in time.

Seeking Sanctuary: a TEDxASB talk by Bittu Sahgal, editor of Sanctuary Asia
Bittu Sahgal, editor of Sanctuary Asia motivates students-the inheritors of this carbon-wounded Earth- at TEDxASB organised at the American School of Bombay in April 2012. His message is simple- conservation is necessary for our survival; the children of today need to remind decision makers that it is tomorrow's planet that they are ruining. Posted on 20 Dec, 2012 09:20 AM

Climate change adaptation in water management for food security - A consultation meeting by India Water Partnership
A consultation meeting was held by the India Water Partnership on “Climate change adaptation in water management for food security: Recent developments in India”. Posted on 19 Dec, 2012 09:20 AM

The meeting held on 22nd November, 2012 at the Institute for Human Development, New Delhi was followed by a discussion which included comments and suggestions of the experts and participants. The meeting was chaired by Prof. S R Hashim, President, India Water Partnership who was accompanied by Dr.

Money as a means to an end: a TEDx Connaught Place talk by Ishita Khanna on Ecosphere's work in Spiti
This TEDx talk speaks about Ecosphere and the work done by them in the Spiti valley in the Himalayas. It describes how the development of sustainable livelihoods can benefit a community. Posted on 16 Dec, 2012 06:42 PM

The talk begins with a description of the valley. This section describes its location, landscape, flora, livelihoods and society.

Video: ‘Water futures - It’s everyone’s business’: A talk by Rohini Nilekani
Bhogilal Leherchand Institute of Indology was started to sponsor and promote research in indology and aspects of Indian culture. It organises a highly prestigious yearly event, the Bhogilal Leherchand Memorial Lectures , calling on people of eminence to speak on variant topics highlighting the institutes moral vibrancy and intellectual reach. Posted on 13 Dec, 2012 08:40 PM

Rohini Nilekani

Highlights from the 10-year water policy research programme of the International Water Management Institute and the Sir Ratan Tata Trust discussed at the IWMI - TATA Annual Partners' Meet at Anand, between 28-30 November, 2012
IWMI -Tata water policy research programme aims to draw upon research carried out throughout the country to identify solutions for India's water stress and present these as policy recommendations Posted on 05 Dec, 2012 02:06 PM

IWMI-Tata water policy research programme is a collaborative initiative between the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and the Sir Ratan Tata Trust (SRTT). 
