Common Property Resources
National seminar on forest resources: Diversity, Utilization and Conservation, University of Agricultural Sciences, 9th - 11th March, 2011, Bengaluru
Posted on 14 Feb, 2011 02:42 PMOrganizer: University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK
Venue: Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru
- Forest bio-resources - Diversity and Documentation
- Forest bio-resources - NTFPs, Medicinal plants and livelihood
State Forest Policy of Jammu and Kashmir (2010)
Posted on 12 Feb, 2011 08:33 PMIn the backdrop of the essential need for maintaining a healthy forest resource, the valid concern for its continued depletion and degradation, and, being aware of the close association between people and forests, the Forest Department (Government of Jammu and Kashmir), has recently adopted a Forest Policy.
Coastal Regulation Zone (2011) Notification, Island Protection Zone (2011) Notification and Traditional Coastal and Marine Fisherfolk (Protection of Rights) Act (2009) by the Ministry of Environment and Forests
Posted on 11 Feb, 2011 09:22 PMThe Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) notification of 1991 has been replaced recently in January 2011 by the latest CRZ notification of the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF).
Watershed prioritisation atlas for Maharashtra
Posted on 09 Feb, 2011 07:34 AMThis document by the Maharashtra Remote Sensing Applications Centre (MRSAC) presents the “Atlas on Watershed Prioritisation” using resources database on 1:2,50,000 scale adopting a
Wetlands (Conservation and Management) Rules 2010 - Welcome, but a lost opportunity - Press release by SANDRP
Posted on 04 Feb, 2011 10:33 AMOn the occasion of the World Wetlands Day 2011, while we welcome the notification of Wetland (Conservation and Management) rules 2010 by the Union Ministry of Env
Right to water and sanitation - A handbook for activists by Freshwater Action Network (FAN) Global
Posted on 31 Jan, 2011 10:11 PMWith tihs, they can improve water and sanitation service regulation and provision at international, national and local levels. Directed primarily at community groups, human rights NGOs, rights-based development practitioners and aid workers, this handbook aims to strengthen human rights-based advocacy by providing innovative and practical suggestions that activists and organisations can use in their work. It also acts as a resource guide for finding further information.
Water and sanitation are essential for living a healthy life with dignity. However, around a billion people across the world lack access to a safe and sufficient water supply to cover their basic needs. Over 2.5 billion people lack access to adequate sanitation and nearly 1.2 billion face the indignity of open defecation every day.
The Millennium Development Goal (MDG) target to halve the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation by 2015 is seriously off track, with sanitation severely lagging behind. For example, estimates suggest that at current rates of progress, sub-Saharan Africa will miss the MDG water target by about 25 years, while the sanitation target may not be reached until well into the 22nd century.
The need for creating a River Act - Anupam Saraph
Posted on 28 Jan, 2011 06:30 PMRivers, streams and lakes are the vital link in the water cycle that ensure that life as we know it can continue to flourish on earth. Unfortunately, as Dr Rajendra Singh points out, there is no river in India that has been spared from encroachment and pollution. The massive Ganga Action Plan has failed to clean the Ganges.
Environment audit report - Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) (2010-2011)
Posted on 22 Jan, 2011 07:22 PMThis document by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) includes an audit report, which highlights issues related to adequacy, effectiveness of programmes, schemes, interventions made by the Ministry of Environment and Forests to tackle important environmental issues like deforestation, biodiversity and pollution control.
It aims at sensitising policy makers to look at environmental issues with a holistic approach and address deficiencies in programmes/schemes/policies so that the environment can be conserved effectively.
Managing Natural Resources -A report by IDSAsr
Posted on 18 Jan, 2011 04:24 PMThe scarcity value of natural resources has risen due to rising pressure of human population and demands made by modern economics progress. As such managing these resources has become very important.