National seminar on forest resources: Diversity, Utilization and Conservation, University of Agricultural Sciences, 9th - 11th March, 2011, Bengaluru

UASOrganizer: University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK

Venue: Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru


  • Forest bio-resources - Diversity and Documentation
  • Forest bio-resources - NTFPs, Medicinal plants and livelihood
  • Forest bio-resources and industry
  • Forest resource management and utilization
  • Threats to forest resources and conservation
  • Wild life as bio-resources


Biological Resources are being viewed as national capital, waiting to be tapped for their potential utility, but at the same time demanding to be conserved for posterity. It is now realized that even before we could assess their important in securing our livelihood, we are loosing these resources at an alarming rate. We are at such a critical stage of human history that the responsibility of reversing these lossess are on our shoulders. Any delay in dealing with this task would lead to an irreversible erosion of biological resources pushing the very survival of making to a tipping point.

Obviously, we need to act immediately to take stock of the status of our forests and biological resources and find measures to conserve them. In this direction we intend to provide a discussion platform to all those who are engaged in assessing, documenting, utilizing and conserving forest resources. Befittingly, this is proposed to be undertaken through a two day seminar on 9th and 10th of March 2011 - the international year of forest. The seminar would bring together scholars, policy makers, and managers working towards documentation, utilization and conservation of forest and bio-resources.

Registration fee: Rs. 2,000. Concessional fee of Rs. 900 for students

Click here for registration form and more details

Contact details:
Dr. K. N. Ganeshaiah
Prof and Head, Department of Forestry and
Environmental Science, UAS, GKVK Bengaluru-560065
Phone: 080 23330153

Event Date
Post By: Chethan.S