Research Papers

Progress on sanitation and drinking water - A report by WHO and UNICEF (2010)
This report by WHO and UNICEF, describes the global status and trends with respect to the use of safe drinking water and basic sanitation, and global progress made towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in the context of drinking water and sanitation targets. Posted on 01 Jul, 2010 01:45 PM

Progress on Sanitation and Drinking Water - A report by WHO and UNICEFThis report by WHO and UNICEF, describes the global status and trends with respect to the use of safe drinking water and basic sanitation, and global progress made towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in the context of drinking water and sanitation targets. The findings reveal some striking disparities with respect to:

  • the gap between progress in providing access to drinking water versus sanitation
  • the divide between urban and rural populations in terms of the services
  • the differences in the way different regions are performing
  • disparities between different socio-economic strata in the society
  • gendered differences in the burden experienced in accessing and collection of drinking water
Water vs energy - IEEE Spectrum magazine special report
The IEEE Spectrum magazine, the flagship publication of the IEEE, the world's largest professional technology association, recently brought out a special report on Water vs Energy. Posted on 30 Jun, 2010 02:54 AM

IEEE Spectrum Water v/s EnergyThe IEEE Spectrum magazine, the flagship publication of the IEEE, the world's largest professional technology association, recently brought out a special report on Water vs Energy. The report contains three main sections - Thirsty Machines (Water, Energy and Industry), Uneasy Harvest (Water, Energy and Agriculture) and Tiny Test Beds (potential solutions).

The Uneasy Harvest section contains a special report - "Pumping Punjab Dry", on the depleting groundwater situation in Punjab, and how cheap energy is endangering India's food security.

"Where Water meets Watts", is a map of Water and Energy hot spots and bright spots.

Need for groundwater management models and their applications in real-life
Groundwater models simulate groundwater flow in sub-surface aquifers in terms of quantity (level) and quality (such as salinity) using the mathematical or numerical approach Posted on 22 Jun, 2010 04:35 PM

Groundwater models simulate groundwater flow in sub-surface aquifers in terms of quantity (level) and quality (such as salinity) using the mathematical or numerical approach. When a Groundwater model is embedded in a management framework these are often referred as managment models.

Climate refugees: Implications for India
The fourth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) mentioned the “potential for population migration” due to increase in the number of areas affected by droughts and an increase in the intense tropical cyclones activities. Available scientific evidences indicate that a large number of people might be displaced due to climate change. However, much of the literature on this issue refers to the question of whether the people forced to migrate as a consequence of climate change should be described as climate refugees. The international community is yet to recognise this new category of migrants. Posted on 18 Jun, 2010 03:56 PM

A widespread view that is gaining ground is that climate related migration could evolve into a global crisis by displacing a large number of people from their homes and forcing them to flee. Christian Aid postulates that a billion people could be permanently displaced by climate change related phenomenon such as droughts, floods and hurricanes (Christian Aid 2007). The fourth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) mentioned the “potential for population migration” due to increase in the number of areas affected by droughts and an increase in the intense tropical cyclones activities (IPCC 2007: 18). In particular, it seems likely that significant numbers of people will be displaced, either temporarily or permanently, from their homes as a consequence of global warming (Stern 2006). Available scientific evidences indicate that a large number of people might be displaced due to climate change. However, much of the literature on this issue refers to the question of whether the   people forced to migrate as a consequence of climate change should be described as climate refugees. There is no internationally agreed definition of the term “climate refugee” and the extent to which these displaced persons constitute a separate identifiable group. Although it is now widely recognised that climate change will significantly adversely affect India, there are few studies available on how climate change is going to affect the migration of people. It has been asserted that 70,000 people out of the 4.1 million living in the Indian part of the Sundarbans islands would be rendered homeless by 2020 (EPW, 6 June 2009).

Optimum water management in a command area - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
This research report by the National Institute of Hydrology deals with optimum water management in the Lakhaoti command area under Madhya Ganga Canal. Posted on 14 Apr, 2010 02:44 PM

This research report by the National Institute of Hydrology deals with optimum water management in a command area. The dynamics of water within the unsaturated zone of soil is a complex phenomenon dependent on properties of the atmosphere, soil and vegetation. For agriculture water management, it is necessary to have models that accurately predict the behavior of soil moisture.

In this study, a model is developed to stimulate the dynamics of soil moisture within the root zone in an agriculture command. Focus is given to incorporate the spatial variation in crop type, soil type and rainfall in the command area and the dynamics of soil-water-plant interaction is stimulated.

Call for research proposals on rural drinking water and sanitation by DDWS, Government of India
A call for research proposals related to rural drinking water & sanitation by Department of Drinking Water Supply, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India Posted on 17 Feb, 2010 12:50 PM

Rajiv  Gandhi  National Drinking Water Mission, Department  of  Drinking  Water  Supply,  Ministry  of  Rural  Development, Government   of   India,  funds  research  and  development  project proposals  from established  institutions  and universities. The project must be related to rural drinking water and sanitation. Please see below the priority areas identified by the Department in respect to research and development in sanitation.

Water contamination footprint- A paper by Chetan Pandit
A paper that talks on water consumption and quality in context to sustainable development Posted on 16 Feb, 2010 01:27 PM

Guest post by Mr. Chetan Pandit who works for the Central Water Commission, Government of India

This blog is a condensed version of the paper published in the 3rd Round Table on Sustainable Consumption and Production, organized by the Ministry of Environment and Forests jointly with UNEP, at New Delhi on 11-12 Feb 2010. The views expressed in this article are author’s personal views, and are not to be taken as the views of his employers.

In any discussion about Sustainable Development (SD) the quantity of consumption is invariably the main concern. Perhaps this stems from the original definition of SD as the “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs", which invokes the spectre of insufficient quantities of resources at some time in the future. This concern is invalid for water, because water is a dynamic and renewable resource. Every hydrologic year brings a fresh packet of water. There is no way to use in this year, the rainfall that is yet to occur in the next year, or next decade. Moreover, any unused water will flow away to the oceans. The storages capacities, whether in surface storages or in aquifer, are adequate for one year only, at the most a little carry over for the next year. With many basins already reaching “water stressed” status, the problem at hand is how to supply the needs of this year, and there is no question of storing the water for future generations. Thus, in the context of water, quantity of water used should not be the primary concern for SD.

Negotiating participatory irrigation management (PIM) - A research study from the Indian Himalayas
A research paper detailing a case study of a Himalayan village that explores the inter linkages between socio- cultural, institutional & ecological factors in derailing Participatory Irrigation management (PIM) reforms. Posted on 05 Feb, 2010 04:15 PM

This research paper published in the Journal of Agricultural Water Management draws on a case study from a village in the Shiwalik region of the Indian Himalayas and identifies the role of diverse actors in exploiting historic and ecological factors to derail the Participatory Irrigation management (PIM) reforms to frame water management problems. The paper explores the inter-linkages between socio-cultural, institutional and ecological factors in derailing the PIM reforms. Participatory irrigation management (PIM) reforms are implemented in India to facilitate farmers’ participation in irrigation management, through water user groups.

A mid-term assessment - Sachetana drinking water plus project - Fluorosis Mitigation - BIRD-K - Mundargi taluk - Gadag district (Karnataka)
A report assessing the Sachetana Drinking Water Plus project in 3 districts of Karnataka that was implemented for fluorosis mitigation Posted on 29 Jan, 2010 06:02 PM

The Sachetana Drinking Water Plus project implemented by the BAIF Institute of Rural Development (BIRD-K), in three districts of Karnataka, aims to solve the problem of endemic fluorosis in the region, by providing an alternate source of water and by improving the quality of groundwater.

This report is a mid-term assessment of the project in Mundargi taluk of Gadag district of Karnataka, undertaken to understand and document the decentralized fluoride mitigation strategy adopted in the project villages and to analyze the impact on the groundwater levels and water quality as a result of the project's efforts.

An integrated framework for analysis of water supply strategies in a developing city - Chennai (India)
A research paper that addresses the challenge of supplying water to rapidly growing cities in South Asia, using evidence from the water-scarce city of Chennai. Posted on 15 Oct, 2009 09:16 PM

Veena SrinivasanThis research study, by Veena Srinivasan, addresses the challenge of supplying water to rapidly growing cities in South Asia, using evidence from the water-scarce city of Chennai. Chennai (formerly Madras) is a rapidly growing metropolis of over 6.5 million people, whose infrastructure has not kept pace with its growing demand for water. In the year 2003-2004, Chennai experienced a severe water crisis, the piped supply for the entire city was virtually shut down for a 12-month period. Consumers became dependent on private tanker suppliers trucking in untreated groundwater from peri-urban areas.
