Research Papers

Inland fishery in a traditionally vegetarian state: A Gujarat story by CAREWATER
The study by Carewater INREM Foundation attempts to understand the factors, which have caused explosive growth in culture fishery production in Gujarat Posted on 07 Aug, 2010 08:12 PM

carewaterThe Carewater INREM Found

Groundwater contamination and rural water treatment in Gujarat - a discussion paper by Carewater INREM foundation
The discussion paper deals with groundwater contamination and rural water treatment in Gujarat, as quality problem of this important drinking water source has led to high social costs Posted on 07 Aug, 2010 06:09 PM

carewaterThe state is characterized by varied hydrogeology and vast areas are faced with typical groundwater quality problems like fluoride.

Fluorosis in Gujarat: A disaster ahead – A report by CAREWATER
Cost of Fluorosis in Gujarat: the economic and social costs Posted on 07 Aug, 2010 08:53 AM
The report by Carewater INREM Foundation on fluorosis in Gujarat attempts to understand the various impacts of fluorosis on the afflicted in terms of costs incurred on treatment, loss of productivity & output and willingness to pay to prevent & cure the disea
State of MGNREGS in Bundelkhand - A report by Centre for Environment and Food Security (2010)
MNREGS a solace in the fifty poorest Bundelkhand villages? Posted on 06 Aug, 2010 11:05 PM

This report describes the findings of a rapid survey conducted by Centre for Environment and  Food Security (CEFS) to evaluate the performance of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) in the 50 poorest dalit villages of Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh. The rapid survey was conducted in the districts of Chitrakoot, Banda, Mahoba, Jhansi and Lalitpur.

Status of urban water supply, sanitation and solid waste management - CPHEEO data (2005)
Data related to the status of the urban water, sanitation and solid waste management in India Posted on 06 Aug, 2010 11:11 AM

This link on the Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation (CPHEEO) website, presents data related to the status of the urban water, sanitation and solid waste management in India. The data includes information on:

  • Status of water supply (physical)
  • Status of urban water supply (financial)
  • Status of urban sewerage/sanitation system
  • Status of low cost sanitation
  • Status of solid waste management

Data is included from different states in India namely Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Mizoram, Pondicherry, Sikkim and Tamilnadu respectively.

Impacts of groundwater contamination with Fluoride and Arsenic: A report by CAREWATER
The impacts of groundwater contamination with fluoride and arsenic in India Posted on 04 Aug, 2010 10:25 AM


The field research study conducted by Carewater INREM Foundation attempts to establish the impacts of groundwater contamination with fluoride and arsenic in India. It maps the affliction severity, the medical cost and wage loss through a multi-location study in some villages in the States of Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and West Bengal.

Groundwater and well water quality in alluvial aquifer of Central Gujarat - A paper by CAREWATER
Assessing groundwater and well water quality in the alluvial aquifers of Central Gujarat. Posted on 03 Aug, 2010 08:58 PM

carewaterThe report by Carewater INREM Foundation deals with groundwater and well water quality in the alluvial aquifers of Central Gujarat. Gujarat has a hydrogeology representative of almost all aquifer types and depositional & formation eras. Contamination of aquifers along with scarcity of groundwater resources due to increase in water demand and reduction in recharge of groundwater from changing landuse, is a problem in Central Gujarat.

Possibility of revival of dug wells in hard rock India through recharge: A discussion paper by CAREWATER
Revival of dug wells in the hard rock regions of India: economic and social impact. Posted on 03 Aug, 2010 08:07 PM

carewaterThe discussion paper by Carewater INREM Foundation on possibility of revival of dug wells in hard rock India through recharge is based on a field study across ten districts of the country. The study seeks to understand how localized governance of groundwater in hard rock areas is to be pursued through pricing (water, energy), legal regulation and community institutions. Water supply augmentation and demand management are both to be taken care of, directly through regulation or through indirect instruments such as pricing.

Duel among duals - Popular science of basaltic hydrogeology in a village of Saurashtra - A paper by CAREWATER
Tradition and history show their scientific prowess over centuries of existence. Yet, the learning of formal scientific knowledge challenges it. A dichotomy or just two different languages? Posted on 03 Aug, 2010 07:57 PM

Carewater INREM FoundationThe report by Carewater INREM Foundation deals with the duel between popular science used in decision making by farmers and the formal science of hydrogeology that is based on scientific data collection. These two parallel streams of knowledge exist together, sometimes complement, and at other times are at conflict. People’s knowledge on hydrology is not ‘dying’, but thriving and growing well, refreshed continually by interfaces with science. In hard rock areas, the high hydrogeologic variability makes observation as important as theory since it is localized, pervasive and relevant to the needs of people.

A preliminary ecosystem services assessment of likely outcomes of the proposed Pancheshwar dam in India/Nepal - An IES report (2010)
Pancheshwar dam will be the world's second tallest structure intended to harness hydroelectric power Posted on 02 Aug, 2010 02:24 AM

A preliminary ecosystem services assessment of likely outcomes of the proposed Pancheshwar dam in India/Nepal - An IES reportThis report by the IES presents the findings of a study that explores the likely impacts of the recent proposals in India to build a dam at Pancheshwar in the Himalayas on the river ecosystems and the surrounding areas and people involved. This dam will be the world's second tallest structure intended to harness hydroelectric power and water by controlling the flow of the Kali river and its tributaries.

The document argues that although there are many benefits of the dam in terms of energy and water, the wider ramifications of the dam and its consequences for the people staying around the area have not been thought about in the planning process. The planning process has not engaged local people in the decision-making process, there is paucity of published information and the environmental and social consequences have been considered belatedly in the planning process.
