Research Papers

Modeling of a coastal aquifer in Goa using FEFLOW – A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
Modeling sea water in Goa to evaluate increase in groundwater development Posted on 14 Aug, 2010 11:49 AM

The study by National Institute of Hydrology attempts to model seawater intrusion using FEFLOW, an interactive finite element simulation system in the coastal area of Bardez taluka in North Goa and evaluate the impact of increasing groundwater development on the phenomenon. Coastal tracts of Goa are rapidly being transformed into settlement areas and the poor water supply facilities have encouraged people to develop their own sources of water by digging or boring wells.

Simulation of soil moisture movement in Barchi watershed in hard rock region of Karnataka using SWIM model – A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
Simulation of soil moisture movement and determination of groundwater recharge from rainfall Posted on 14 Aug, 2010 06:08 AM

This study by the National Institute of Hydrology deals with simulation of soil moisture movement and determination of groundwater recharge from rainfall in Barchi watershed in the hard rock region of Karnataka using the numerical model, Soil Water Infiltration and Movement (SWIM).

Research reports of the National Institute of Hydrology (1996-2001) - Highlights
150 research reports of National Institute of Hydrology are now accessible at the India water portal Posted on 12 Aug, 2010 10:29 PM

National Institute of Hydrology

The India Water Portal is pleased to announce to its users, that a comprehensive archive of over two hundred and fifty technical research reports of the National Institute of Hydrology (NIH), Roorkee, have now been made available on the portal, and in the public domain for the first time.

Power finance: Financial institutions in India's hydropower sector - A report by SANDRP, Urgewald and IRN
What is really at stake in the two most important power projects of India? A background into India's power and financial sectors Posted on 12 Aug, 2010 05:01 PM

This report published by SANDRP, Urgewald and International Rivers Network (IRN) provides a brief background on India's power and financial sectors and illustrates the issues at stake by giving examples of two important power projects in India, the Dabhol project and the Maheshwar project.

The next part of the report describes the role that the domestic and international financial institutions have played and continue to play and the controversies that have been associated with the functioning of these institutions in the implementation of the hydropower projects in India.

The report emphasises the importance of the role of NGOs and civil society movements in making these institutions accountable to the common people whose lives are affected by the projects/ interventions.

Mountains of concrete: Dam building in the Himalayas - A report by International Rivers Network
Building several hundered dams on the Himalayas, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Bhutan. What this entails? Posted on 11 Aug, 2010 07:38 PM

Mountains of concrete - IRN reportThis document by International Rivers Network provides a background for the recent plans initiated by India, Nepal, Pakistan and Bhutan to build several hundred dams on the Himalayan mountains, which store vast amounts of water and with their high slopes and fast moving rivers, present a huge potential for generating hydropower.

India, Nepal, Pakistan and Bhutan have been facing the increasing challenges of meeting their rising elecricity and energy needs and hydropower dams in the Himalayas are being proposed as solutions to meet a considerable part of these requirements.

The document examines the various arguments that have been put forward against the building of the dams as against the proposed advantages that the dams are claimed to have for these four countries, which share common geographical, topographical and eco-climatic features but have starkly different political and economic contexts.

National Hydroelectric Power Corporation: People don't matter - A dossier by Urgewald
A brief overview on the role of India's premier dam building agency, the National Hydroelectric Power Corporation, as the aggressive business player expanding its business, i.e. dams in the country. Posted on 11 Aug, 2010 01:24 PM

This document by Urgewald provides a brief overview on the role of India's premier dam building agency, the National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC) in the construction of dams in India and is highly critical of the mode in which the NHPC has been aggressively expanding its operations of building dams across rivers in the country. 

It aims to inform the public, investors and financiers about NHPC’s track record and expansion plans and presents compiled information from three regions where NHPC has been actively involved in the construction of dams namely:

  • Narmada Valley in Central India
  • Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh in Northeastern India
  • The lands of the Kuki people in Northwestern Burma, where NHPC is building a dam for the military junta.

Fluoride free drinking water supply in North Gujarat: The rise of Reverse Osmosis plants as a cottage industry - A study by CAREWATER
Reverse Osmosis plants, cottage industry, providing fluoride free water in North Gujrat since 1970s. Posted on 10 Aug, 2010 10:04 PM

The study by Carewater INREM Foundation explores the rise of Reverse Osmosis (RO) plants since 1970s as a cottage industry for providing fluoride free water supply in North Gujarat.

Economics of River Flows - A book by Dr.Bharat Jhunjhunwala
This book draws lesson from the American experience. It shows that proper economic analysis of dams being made in India prove that they perpetrate economic harm on the country. Posted on 09 Aug, 2010 06:06 PM

This book is essential reading for economists, power sector officials, power generation companies and environmentalists alike.

Dr.Bharat Jhunjhumwala holds a BSc degree in physics, chemistry and mathematics. He earned his PhD in food and Resource Economics from University of Florida at a tender age of 23 years. He joined Indian institute of management, Bangalore as Assistant professor immediately thereafter. He lived in a slum for two years to understand poverty and organized the Trade Union at IIM during the Emergency. He resigned from the IIM and became a consultant to donor agencies like Swiss Development Cooperation, Oxfam, Care, Overseas Development Institute and others mainly on rural development and watershed issues. He writes a column on economic issues for about 50 newspapers in india. He lives on the banks of River Alaknanda in uttarakhand on the feet of Lord Badri Vishal.

A turning point in water saving technologies in north Gujarat’s groundwater socio-ecology – a report by Carewater INREM foundation
The study looks at water saving technologies such as micro-irrigation through drip and sprinkler irrigation in north Gujarat and the changes that its introduction has brought about in rural society Posted on 08 Aug, 2010 10:13 PM

carewaterThe study analyses the changes in farming system and socio-economic impacts at the household level through “before-and-after” (longitudinal) comparison of adopters an

Ingress of saline water in coastal aquifers of Junagadh – A report by CAREWATER
The study attempts to create a salinity ingress profile by means of geo-chemical analysis for the Junagadh coastal area for the pre-monsoon period of 2006 Posted on 08 Aug, 2010 12:02 AM

carewaterSalinity in coastal groundwater is a widespread problem and may be caused by individual or combined effects of inherent salinity, tidal effect, irrigation by saltwater and by seawater intrusion due to extensive pumping.
