
Invite to 'Sustainable Business Leadership Forum, Annual Summit 2013', Sustainability Outlook, New Delhi
A unique chance to gather together with committed professionals and gather fresh ideas, inspirations and strategic perspectives for building your organization into a sustainability powerhouse.
Posted on 29 Sep, 2013 12:49 PM

For details on the Annual Summit, 2013, please click here.

To know more of the Sustainable Business Leadership Forum (SBLF), click here.

Annual Summit 2013
Invitation for Madurai Symposium 2013 themed 'Governance for Advancing Development', Dhan Foundation, Madurai
A unique development platform that brings together various stakeholders to share, learn from each others' experience and practices, and throws opportunities for collaborative endeavors.
Posted on 31 Aug, 2013 01:03 PM

For details on the symposium, please click here.

For further information on the various events, workshops & conferences , please click here.

For brochure on event, please see attachment below.

Madurai Symposium 2013
Sacchidanand Bharti - in his own words
The environmental conservation efforts in Ufrenkhal have been written about for nearly three decades but always by others. Here is the story in the protagonist's own words. Posted on 15 Jul, 2013 07:12 PM

Reams have been written about Sacchidanand Bharti, of Ufrenkhal fame and his work on afforestation and water conservation. However, very rarely does he speak about his own efforts and experiences.

Sacchidanand Bharti in the Ufrenkhal forest
Extreme weather warning!
Climate change is manifesting itself through modified rainfall patterns, extreme events and temperature fluctuations. What effect will these have on water, sanitation and health in India? Posted on 11 Jul, 2013 04:04 PM

We sat in a plush climate-controlled room and deliberated climate change as the outside world collapsed around us..

The flooded Bagmati river
The Himalayan states - are they India's crown jewels or distant cousins?
People in India revere the Himalayas but most may not know much about its people. A common platform to highlight issues that the mountain peoples face is the need of the hour. Posted on 04 Jul, 2013 10:25 AM

Left, right, up, down...bump, bump, bump! That was me… being thrown about on all sides of the jeep that I was in. No, I wasn’t off-roading! I was on an investigative mission to Pinrow, a village in Nainital district, Uttarakhand from my home. I was investigating the impact of the state government's push for 100% of child births to happen in the hospitals.

Nandadevi at sunrise
Are solar pumps the start of an ever-green revolution or the end of our groundwater reserves?
Solar energy might be free but the equipment needed to tap into it is expensive. Can farmers benefit without falling into the subsidy trap? Posted on 02 Jun, 2013 05:51 PM

Indian farmers depend on groundwater for irrigation but often, there is a shortage of electricity that is required to pump out this water. While diesel pumps are an option, they are costly to run. A better alternative is to tap into freely available solar power. However, this technology is quite expensive at present and effective subsidies and incentives drive its usage.

Navigating National Waterway 1 or the Ganga, as we call it
Navigation on the Ganga - how was it in the past, what is the situation currently and what does the future hold? Posted on 17 May, 2013 10:05 AM

Spending a week on a cramped boat with five strangers may not sound like fun to many but it was a dream come true for me. When I found a note in my inbox that said ”I want to travel down part of the Ganga by boat. Would you know of anyone who is interested”? , I jumped at the chance and set off on an unforgettable journey with five others.

Water management - Mounting challenges and responses - A report on the three day seminar jointly organised by KSCSTE and C Achutha Menon Foundation, Trivandrum from the 21st to the 23rd December 2012
A 3 day national seminar organised for creating awareness and triggering a dialogue among scientists and lay people on the emerging challenges related to water resources, quality and conservation Posted on 14 Mar, 2013 10:12 PM

This three day national seminar was jointly organised by the Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE), Thiruvananthapuram, and the C Achutha Menon Foundation (AMF), Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala and included presentations and discussions on a range of water related themes such as water scarcity, water conservation, commercialisation of water, water conflicts and water management.

The seminar aimed at creating awareness and triggering a dialogue among scientists, academicians, researchers, activists, as well as lay people on the emerging challenges related to water resources, water quality and water conservation in the state of Kerala. The seminar was inaugurated by Shri V M Sudheeran, Ex MP and former speaker, while Dr Rajasekaran Pillai, Executive Vice President KSCSTE, delivered the keynote address with the felicitation by Shri M P Achuthan, MP.

The seminar included discussions under five different themes related to water issues that included water scarcity, water conservation, commercialisation of water, water as an new area for conflicts and water management.

Seminar on water management

The three day seminar on water management at the Achuta Menon Foundation, Trivandrum, Kerala

Report on the "National level workshop on appropriate toilet technologies", organised by Gramalaya, Arghyam and UNICEF at Trichy, Tamil Nadu, between 9-11 May 2012
This article by Aarti Kelkar - Khambete describes the proceedings of a workshop organised by Gramalaya, Arghyam and UNICEF that focused on appropriate and low cost toilet technologies Posted on 02 Sep, 2012 07:00 PM

Current evidence has shown that a large population of people in India practice open defecation and do not use toilets even when available.

Augmentation of surface water by ground water from unconfined aquifers (open wells) and fixing mini filter plants and dozing systems for the supply of potable water to Belgaum city- A power point presentation by R.S.Naik
This presentation describes the findings of a project carried out by Belgaum City Corporation, that aimed to utilise ground water from open well to augment surface water supply Posted on 31 Jul, 2012 04:45 PM

This power point presentation is about a project carried out by Belgaum City Corporation,  that aims to utilise ground water from open well to augment surface water supply.
