People and Organisations

Invite to International Film Festival on Water, Voices from the Waters - 2013, Bangalore
Voices from the Waters is a film festival to raise awareness about various water issues, by engaging in a process of learning and debate.
Posted on 16 Aug, 2013 05:52 PM

For further details on the invite, please click here

You may download the poster for the festival from below


Voices from the Waters 2013
Angioplasty for groundwater or a heart attack waiting to happen?
The Maharashtra Govt plans to invest Rs. 800 crore to extend the 'Shirpur Model' of groundwater recharge across the state. Is it recharge or withdrawal that this model promotes? Posted on 16 Aug, 2013 10:38 AM

“What is in a name? That which we call a rose, would smell as sweet by any other”, goes the line from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. There is quite a lot in a name, Juliet, especially if attaching the wrong terminology to a process is used to appropriate public funds - Rs. 800 crores, in fact.

Shirpur, Maharashtra of the 'Shirpur Model' fame
Invitation to 3rd Delhi Youth Summit on Climate Change, Delhi Greens, Delhi
A summit to bring together the youth from across India and engage, inspire and train them to address the various urban environmental challenges in the wake of climate change
Posted on 15 Aug, 2013 10:59 AM

For further details of the summit, please click here

Sowing the seeds of change
Self-sufficient farming gives women in rural Alipurduar in West Bengal food, health and confidence! Posted on 07 Aug, 2013 07:53 PM

Till a few decades ago, most people in India grew vegetables and fruits in their own gardens. Then something changed. We shifted from 'farming for food' to 'farming for money'. The start of the ‘green revolution’ meant that production increased but so did the farmer's dependency on chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides.

Garden irrigated by a single pot of water
Making leaders out of farmers
Farmers meet, talk, exchange ideas, watch films and more at the Pani Panchayat in Maharashtra, a voluntary movement to connect farmers and build knowledge and resource groups. Posted on 01 Aug, 2013 10:37 PM

The 1972 drought in Maharashtra affected several villages and talukas. Farmers in Purandhar taluka in Pune district decided to get together and discuss how to improve their situation so that they would not be as severely affected by poor rainfall in the future. Thus was born Pani Panchayat.

Farmers sharing priceless info Source: Hamsa Iyer
Help influence water and environmental policy for the Himalayan states: Sustainable Development Forum, Nagaland and India Water Portal invite contributions for the upcoming Mountain Summit at Kohima, Nagaland in September 2013
Send us technical papers, articles, photo essays or videos on topics related to water and development in the Himalayas, for inclusion in the Summit discussions by 01 September
Posted on 29 Jul, 2013 06:15 AM

The catastrophe at Uttarakhand in June 2013, was a hot topic of discussion for many of us across the country, but only those who live in the Himalayan states understand the significance and impact it has on their lives. Poor policies and governance were the root cause; much more than heavy rains.

3rd Sustainable Mountain Development Summit Kohima
Beware of genetically modified crops!
The passing of the Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India bill will hasten the arrival of genetically modified (GM) crops in India. Are we aware of all the facts around it? Posted on 25 Jul, 2013 01:36 PM

When the DNA of a plant is modified using genetic engineering techniques or biotechnology, the plant is said to have been genetically modified (GM). What does this mean to you and I? Quite simply, it means that the crop could have undergone this process in order to become something that it wasn't in the first place. 

Protest against BRAI bill Source: Greenpeace
Call for suggestions, solidarity & support for the Uttarakhand catastrophe, HIMCON & Himalaya Seva Sangh, New Delhi
A community response and suggestions gathered while interacting with the mountain communities that have suffered badly due to the recent flash floods and landslides in the Himalayan region
Posted on 23 Jul, 2013 09:52 AM

Invitation from

Himalaya Seva Sangh & HIMCON  

Background picture

The recent catastrophe due to massive flash floods and landslides in Uttarakhand Himalayas caused severe damage to land, life and livelihoods 

The Dongria Kondhs' tribals bring the judiciary down on its knees
Niyamgiri tribals' decision to veto mining, environment degradation's effect on the country's GDP and Maharashtra's carbon trading scheme are the highlights of this week's news. Posted on 22 Jul, 2013 01:40 AM

Dongria Kondh tribals stand firm against mining of Niyamgiri

Celebration Dance (Source: Wikimedia)
Fighting the good fight using the Right to Information Act (RTI)
Sanjay Jaiswal of the Lok Vikas Samiti educates Mehdiganj (near Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh) to use the RTI in their fight against Coca Cola. Posted on 20 Jul, 2013 11:21 AM

What exactly does a 'campaign' look like? What do people actually do when they 'protest' against something? And how do the protesters get hold of all the facts that they quote? These questions surfaced every time I read about a campaign or a protest on environmental or human rights issues but I never got any answers that made me wiser. Until this summer.

Sanjay Jaiswal in Mehdiganj