News and Articles

Zero tillage: A conservation agriculture technique of South Asia
An introduction to a conservation agriculture technique that increases productivity and conserves natural resources Posted on 29 Aug, 2009 04:05 PM

Zero tillage: A conservation agriculture technique that is helping South Asian wheat farmers increase productivity and conserve their natural resources - by spending less time on land preparation
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Evaluation report on dryland farming programme
A document on the dryland farming programme Posted on 29 Aug, 2009 03:56 PM

This document by the Planning Commission includes an evaluation report on the dryland farming programme, which was incorporated in the revised 20-point programme to give priority to the programme through development of selected microwatershed, use of improved drought resistant seeds, fertiliser, improved implements and agroforestry programme, etc in order to increase the agricultural production and improve the economic condition of the farmer.

Reorienting Dryland Research in India: Students’, Scientists’, and Farmers’ Point of View
A research paper on how dryland research in India can be re oriented Posted on 29 Aug, 2009 03:48 PM

Reorienting Dryland Research in India: Students', Scientists', and Farmers' Point of View
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Dryland agriculture: Improved techniques and practices
A brief introduction to dryland agriculture Posted on 29 Aug, 2009 03:43 PM

Some improved techniques and practices recommended for achieving the objective of increased and stable crop production in dryland areas

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The national symposium on system of rice intensification - Hyderabad (2006)
System of Rice Intensification, an irrigation method that has potential to save water and increase yields. Posted on 29 Aug, 2009 03:31 PM

 The National symposium on System of Rice Intensification: Present Status - Future Prospects was held on the 17-18th November 2006 in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.

System of Rice Intensification, popularly known as SRI method, is gaining popularity among paddy farmers in several states in the country in recent times for its potential to save water and increase yields.

Analyzing the many aspects of drought - a paper from VIKSAT, Ahmedabad
A paper on the many aspects of drought Posted on 29 Aug, 2009 03:25 PM

Analyzing the many aspects of drought - a paper from VIKSAT
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A collection of documents, information and links on the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) - WASSAN (Hyderabad)
System of Rice Intensification collection of documents, research reports and useful links Posted on 29 Aug, 2009 03:23 PM

This site includes a collection of documents, research reports and useful links on SRI . These include:

Drought in Andhra Pradesh - Long term impacts and adaptation strategies - A report by the World Bank
A report on the drought condition in Andhra Pradesh Posted on 29 Aug, 2009 03:11 PM

This report published by the World Bank consists of two volumes.

Volume 1 is divided into the following chapters:
Chapter1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Drought And Andhra Pradesh’s Economy: Historical Perspective
Chapter 3: Methodological Framework
Chapter 4: Reducing Vulnerability Of Agriculture To Drought In Eight Drought-Prone Districts
Chapter 5: Managing Economic Impact of Drought at the State Level
Chapter 6: Conclusions and recommendations

System of rice intensification in India: Innovation, history and institutional challenges (2006)
A report that documents the history of the practice of SRI in India Posted on 29 Aug, 2009 03:09 PM

This report published by the WWF India and the Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar  documents the history of the practice of SRI in India in the last few years and presents some of the institutional changes and challenges that SRI throws up. SRI is a fascinating case of rural innovation that has been developed outside the formal rice research establishment both in India and the rest of the world.
