Evaluation report on dryland farming programme

This document by the Planning Commission includes an evaluation report on the dryland farming programme, which was incorporated in the revised 20-point programme to give priority to the programme through development of selected microwatershed, use of improved drought resistant seeds, fertiliser, improved implements and agroforestry programme, etc in order to increase the agricultural production and improve the economic condition of the farmer.

The study was taken up by the Programme Evaluation Organisation at the instance of the Prime Minister's Secretariat to assess overall impact of the programme, its success and failure. The objectives of the study were as stated below:

  • To study the strategy adopted and steps taken by various State Governments for the development of dryland agriculture with particular reference to the watershed development programme
  • To study the organisational and administrative set-up available at the State, District and Project levels for project planning, formulation and implementation of the programme
  • To assess how far the land management and crop production approach has been successful in minimising the risk involved in dryland farming and increasing productivity in the agriculture in these areas.
  • To study the extent of adoption of dryland farming practices by cultivators, the problems faced by them, their reactions and attitude
  • To assess the impact of the programme on the target group of beneficiary households including the weaker sections of the society.

The major problems faced in implementation of the programme in different states were: untrained staff for extension work, financial constraints impeding timely implementation of land development, lack of cooperation between soil conservation and agricultural Extension staff, and lack of technological back-up
from Research Institutions. The report ends by making some recommendations to improve the implementation of  the programme in the states.

Download the report from below:


Post By: rajshekar