News and Articles

Housing and urban policy in India - Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation (2010)
This document provides information on the evolution of the Housing and Urban Policy in India since the 1950s, which was the beginning of urbanisation and movement of people from rural to urban areas. Posted on 12 Oct, 2010 03:34 PM

This document provides information on the evolution of the Housing and Urban Policy in India since the 1950s, which was the beginning of urbanisation and migration of people from rural to urban areas. Urbanisation was then perceived negatively as a drain of resources to feed the population from cities and the contribution of cities in the economic development of the country was not appreciated.

The document describes how the policy evolved from the First Plan in (1951-1956) to the Eighth Plan in (1992-97), which for the first time explicitly recognised the role and importance of urban sector for the national economy.

Towards faster and more inclusive growth - An approach to the 11th five year plan - Government of India (Planning Commission) (2006)
This document by the Government of India describes the approach to the 11th five year plan. Posted on 12 Oct, 2010 03:32 PM

This document by the Government of India describes the approach to the 11th five year plan. The document is divided into seven chapters and includes:

  • Chapter 1: The objectives of the eleventh five year plan and the existing challenges in the country in terms of disparities and divides
  • Chapter 2: Growth potential in the eleventh plan
  • Chapter 3: Sectoral policies for the eleventh plan
  • Chapter 4: Strategic initiatives for inclusive development
  • Chapter 5: Bridging divides: including the excluded
  • Chapter 6: Public Sector Plan: an enabling environment
  • Chapter 7: Conclusions
The Karnataka Municipalities Act - Government of Karnataka (1964)
This document describes the details of the Karnataka Municipalities Act Posted on 12 Oct, 2010 03:26 PM

This document describes the Karnataka Municipalities Act and includes:

Short title, extent and commencement
Definitions of the terms used in the Act
Constitution of Municipal areas
Transaction of business by Municipal Council
Municipal property and fund
Obligatory and discretionary functions of municipal councils
Municipal taxation
Recovery of municipal claims
Improvement schemes nd improvement boards
Powers and offences
Prosecution, suits and powers and police
Municipal accounts and administration reports
Rules and bye-laws
Appointment and powers of municipal commissioner or chief officer and other municipal officers
Town panchayat
Provisions for the conversion of panchayat area into asmaller urban area and for amalgamation and dividion of 
smaller urban areas
  • Details such as the short title, extent and commencement of the Act
  • Definitions of the terms used in the Act
  • Constitution of municipal areas
  • Transaction of business by municipal council
  • Municipal property and fund
  • Obligatory and discretionary functions of municipal councils
  • Municipal taxation
  • Recovery of municipal claims
  • Improvement schemes and improvement boards
  • Powers and offences
  • Prosecution, suits and powers and police
  • Municipal accounts and administration reports
  • Control
  • Rules and bye-laws
  • Appointment and powers of municipal commissioner or chief officer and other municipal officers
  • Town panchayat
  • Provisions for the conversion of panchayat area into a smaller urban area and for amalgamation and division of smaller urban areas
The Orissa Municipal Corporation (amendment) act - Housing and Urban Development Department (Government of Orissa) (2008)
This document describes the details of the Orissa Municipal Corporation (Amendment) Act. Posted on 12 Oct, 2010 03:23 PM

This document describes the Orissa Municipal Corporation (Amendment) Act and includes:

  • Short title and the commencement of the Act
  • Insertion of a new section 24-A
  • Obligations of the Corporation
Ramlila performed on a river, in Saharanpur after 30 years !
Paondhoi in 30 years witness the first Ramlila on its banks; revival of heritage and celebration at the riverfront. Posted on 12 Oct, 2010 03:22 PM

Saharanpur (9 Oct) :  History was created in Saharanpur once again.  Today, Paondhoi had thousands of visitors (e.g.

Notification I: Draft of the Karnataka town and country planning rules - Government of Karnataka (2007)
This draft document contains the details regarding the Karnataka Town and Country Planning Rules, 2007. Posted on 12 Oct, 2010 03:19 PM

This is a draft document for the Karnataka Town and Country Planning Rules, 2007 and includes:

Details of the title and commencement of the rules
Definitions of the terms in the rules
Proceedure for application
Manner of enquiry
Screening committee for regularisation
Proceedure and conditions of regularisation
Utilisation of funds
  • Details of the title and commencement of the rules
  • Definitions of the terms in the rules
  • Proceedure for application
  • Manner of enquiry
  • Screening committee for regularisation
  • Proceedure and conditions of regularisation
  • Utilisation of funds
The Orissa water supply and sewerage board act - Government of Orissa (1991)
This document describes the details of the Orissa Water Supply and Sewerage Board Act, 1991 published by the Government of Orissa. Posted on 12 Oct, 2010 03:16 PM

This document describes the details of the Orissa Water Supply and Sewerage Board Act, 1991 and includes:

The short title, extent and the commencement of the Act
The definitions of the terms used in the Act
The details regarding the establishment of the Orissa Water Supply and Sewerage Board, conduct of 
business duties and powers of the board
The details of vesting of property, assets, liabilities and obligations and transfer of property to the board
Contract, finance, account and audits of the board
Fees and charges decided by the board
Definition of supply of water for domestic purposes under the Act
Right of the owner or occupier to obtain sewer connection
Penalties and proceedures
External control
  • The short title, extent and the commencement of the Act
  • The definitions of the terms used in the Act
  • The details regarding the establishment of the Orissa Water Supply and Sewerage Board, conduct of business duties and powers of the board
  • The details of vesting of property, assets, liabilities and obligations and transfer of property to the board
  • Contract, finance, account and audits of the board
  • Fees and charges decided by the board
  • Definition of supply of water for domestic purposes under the Act
  • Right of the owner or occupier to obtain sewer connection
  • Penalties and proceedures
  • External control
The Karnataka town and country planning act - Ministry of Environment and Forests (Government of Karnataka) (1961)
This document contains the details of the Karnataka Town and Country Planning Act, 1961 published by the Ministry of Environment and Forests (Government of Karnataka). Posted on 12 Oct, 2010 03:14 PM
he document includes the details of the Karnataka Town and Country Planning Act, 1961 and includes:
Short title, extent and commencement
Definitions of the terms in the Act
Appointment of Director of Town Planning
State Town-Planning Board
Local planning areas and planning authorities
Present land use
Outline development plan
Comprehensive development plan
Town planning schemes
Town planning officer and his duties
Disputed ownership, preliminary schemes and final scheme and its sanction and enforcement
Finance, accounts and audit
Land acquisition
Offences and penalties, rules and bye-laws

This document includes the details of the Karnataka Town and Country Planning Act, 1961 and includes:

  • Short title, extent and commencement
  • Definitions of the terms in the Act
  • Appointment of director of town planning
  • State town-planning board
  • Local planning areas and planning authorities
  • Present land use
  • Outline development plan
  • Comprehensive development plan
  • Town planning schemes
  • Town planning officer and his duties
  • Disputed ownership, preliminary schemes and final scheme and its sanction and enforcement
  • Finance, accounts and audit
  • Land acquisition
  • Offences and penalties, rules and bye-laws
Cleaning Paondhoi river : Marching ahead on the path of success
Celebration of people's realisation and tradition at Paondhoi. Posted on 12 Oct, 2010 02:58 PM

Blessed are those whom Almighty gives a chance to see their dreams coming true in their life time itself.   My pleasure today knows no bounds. When the idea of converting the Paondhoi river from an eye sore to the Pride of Saharanpur  had struck my mind way back in 1997,  I was hoping that may be a decade would be needed for this vision to become a reality.

Policy on Rain Water Harvesting - Department of Water Resources (Government of Goa) (2008)
The document provides the details of the Rainwater Harvesting policy for the State of Goa and is aimed at providing guidance to all the concerned departments for the implementation of the policy. Posted on 11 Oct, 2010 04:24 PM

This document provides the details of the Rainwater Harvesting policy for the State of Goa and is aimed at providing guidance to all the concerned departments for the implementation of the policy in the state and information to the public.
