The Orissa water supply and sewerage board act - Government of Orissa (1991)

This document describes the details of the Orissa Water Supply and Sewerage Board Act, 1991 and includes:

The short title, extent and the commencement of the Act
The definitions of the terms used in the Act
The details regarding the establishment of the Orissa Water Supply and Sewerage Board, conduct of 
business duties and powers of the board
The details of vesting of property, assets, liabilities and obligations and transfer of property to the board
Contract, finance, account and audits of the board
Fees and charges decided by the board
Definition of supply of water for domestic purposes under the Act
Right of the owner or occupier to obtain sewer connection
Penalties and proceedures
External control
  • The short title, extent and the commencement of the Act
  • The definitions of the terms used in the Act
  • The details regarding the establishment of the Orissa Water Supply and Sewerage Board, conduct of business duties and powers of the board
  • The details of vesting of property, assets, liabilities and obligations and transfer of property to the board
  • Contract, finance, account and audits of the board
  • Fees and charges decided by the board
  • Definition of supply of water for domestic purposes under the Act
  • Right of the owner or occupier to obtain sewer connection
  • Penalties and proceedures
  • External control

The original document can be viewed here on the Government of Orissa website

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