News and Articles

Cloud seeding for India - An effective weapon to fight drought , saysProf. Shivaji Rao
The key role played by a good water supply as an engine of economic growth and national prosperity has been well recognized by the developed countries. Posted on 17 May, 2011 03:51 PM

 The more the water wealth of a nation the higher will be the opportunities for achieving high rates of progress in the fields of agriculture production and industrial growth that help in promoting economic wealth, employment opportunities and higher standards of living. Hence the advanced countries are constantly upgrading their water resources by harnessing not only all the ground and surface waters but also by tapping a renewable, virtually unlimited and unexploited sky water resource in the atmosphere in the form of innumerable clouds. Enlightened scientists, bureaucrats, industrialists and statesmen in about 50 countries are frequently using cloud seeding operations for over 40 years for various purposes like

Water quality in Penukonda region of Anantapur district - A field report by Arghyam
A team from Arghyam recently visited an NGO called SEDS - Social Education and Development Society in the district of Anantpur, Andhra Pradesh. Posted on 16 May, 2011 06:23 PM


 SEDS approached Arghyam to seek advice on the quality of drinking water in the area. Anantpur is the second most drought-prone area in India, and a lot of work has been done to deal with the water supply situation by the Government of Andhra Pradesh as well as NGOs and charities such as SEDS and the Sai Baba Trust, to name a few. There seems to be an adequate supply of water in the district, but very little or no attention has been paid to the quality of water.



The Karnataka town and country planning and certain other laws (Amendment) bill - Karnataka Legislative Assembly
This document by the Karnataka Legislative Assembly describes the Karnataka Town and Country Planning and Certain Other Laws Bill, 2004. Posted on 13 May, 2011 10:34 AM

This document describes the Karnataka Town and Country Planning and Certain Other Laws Bill, 2004 and includes:

Factors determining informal tanker water markets in Chennai - Blog post by Veena Srinivasan
Many developing world cities have seen the emergence of informal markets. Posted on 11 May, 2011 05:15 PM

 In these, private tanker truck operators transport water extracted from peri-urban wells to urban consumers.  This study adopted a systems modeling approach to analyzing the informal tanker market in India.  The results indicate that the demand for tanker supply was caused by lack of groundwater availability in private wells as well as unreliable piped supply.

River bank filtration in Uttarakhand - Blog post by Neelima Garg
Bank filtration describes pumping of ground water through drinking water supply wells (tube wells) from aquifers that are in hydraulic connection to adjacent rivers of lakes. Posted on 11 May, 2011 02:30 PM

Process of River Bank Filtration technology

Pumping induces seepage from the surface water into the aquifer and results in quality improvements enroute to the well by natural processes such as filtration, biodegradation, adsorption, redox reactions and mixing. RBF can also occur under natural conditions as a result of an influent river.

Recycling of water during distillation in laboratories and industries saves gallons of water - Blog post by Dr K K Sharma
Glass distillation is commonly used in almost all the laboratories in the world for preparation of distilled water, plant extraction and in many pharmaceutical processes. Posted on 11 May, 2011 02:21 PM

 In the process of distillation vapors passing through the condenser tube are cooled and condensed by water flowing through condenser tube in the condenser unit of the apparatus. In almost all laboratories the water used for cooling the condenser tube is coming from the water supply tap near the wash basin. The precious water after circulating through the condenser tube is left into the drain as wastewater. It has been observed that about 40 liters of water is required for cooling for making 500 ml of distilled water. The water after cooling is generally left to go into the drain.

The following video has been prepared by me and is released by youtube. The video gives good information for those who want to learn about the traditional method of glass distillation and the modified Recycling Distillation Technique (Sharma, 2004) that saves gallons of water.



Hathinikund barrage at Tajewala, Haryana,a complete failure: Press release by Maan Mandir Seva Sansthan
A visit to Tajewala was scheduled to inspect the amount of water release (stated as 160 cusecs) from Hathinikund barrage. Posted on 11 May, 2011 01:16 PM

As you are aware of the fact that the Government has constituted an inspecting body comprising of high authority personnel’s of Central Water Commission, Planning Commission, Haryana Irrigation Department, Delhi Jal Board, Ministry of Environment and Forests and 6 members of Yamuna Bachao Aandolan. The team will then submit its report to the Central Government within one week and forthcoming plans will be discussed then.

The team had visited the Hathinikund barrage and told that it was a complete failure as the water is not at all being released from Hathinikund barrage. They came to know about the matter after enquiring with local public. The imposter authorities had released the said amount (160 cusecs) of water. The local public there told that they are habitual of crossing the Yamuna by riding on their bikes as it remains completely dry, but the water has been released.

Delight, India's first electronic public toilet in Thiruvanthapuram, Kerala
We wish to bring to your attention to one of the indigenous & innovative products developed by us, named “Delight Bharath”, which is country’s first electronic public toilet. Posted on 11 May, 2011 12:34 PM

Warm Greetings from Eram Scientific Solutions!!!

, is the part of USD $1 Billion, Eram Group. Eram Scientific is based out of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala and working for addressing the pressing needs of the society through the effective use of Technology. We are giving much emphasis to R&D and now developing solutions to prevent Food Adulteration, Ensuring Women Safety, and Using Non Conventional Energy. 

 Delight is the blend of Information Communication and Engineering Technologies.

Ram Nadi citizens in Pune, on a hunger strike to save their river
Ram Nadi, a small rivulet that flows through western parts of Pune, has provided water to the residents of Bhugaon town and parts of Pune in the past. Posted on 11 May, 2011 08:16 AM

Towards a Kisan Swaraj Policy based on people's control over agricultural resources
Farmers and citizens around the country joined the Kisan Swaraj Yatra through twenty states from Sabarmati to Rajghat during the period Oct 2 to Dec 11, 2010. Posted on 11 May, 2011 07:10 AM

Kisan Swaraj YatraThis pan-Indian outreach effort involved dialogues with tens of thousands of citizens, demanding that the nation should devote urgent attention to the continuing agricultural crisis and allocate highest priority to the agriculture sector, ending decades of neglect.
