News and Articles

Towards a progressive Indian and global climate politics - A CPR Climate Initiative Working Paper
This working paper by Centre for Policy Research discusses domestic politics around climate change in India as an entry point to understanding India’s role in global climate negotiations. The paper argues that there is broad agreement within India on three issues: India is being unfairly labelled a “major emitter”; India has a considerable ongoing development burden; and India is already moving in the right direction on climate mitigation. Posted on 09 Mar, 2012 07:04 PM

However, on each of these issues, there is a healthy under-current of domestic debate. Moreover, broad agreement on this perspective does not translate to strategic unanimity. There are three divergent positions within India: growth-first stonewallers, progressive realists, and progressive internationalists.

A critical assessment of climate change impacts, vulnerability and policy in India - Paper published in Present Environment and Sustainable Development
This paper published in the Present Environment and Sustainable Development critically analyses the impacts and vulnerability of Indian economy to climate change and analyses India’s efforts in addressing and reducing the vulnerability of its natural and socioeconomic systems to climate change and enhancing the adaptive capacity of the same under uncertainty. Posted on 09 Mar, 2012 05:40 PM

There is considerable disagreement on the extent of the changes in the variables of climate.

National Environmental Engineering Research Institute seeks opinion from the public on the concept of groundwater recharge with treated municipal wastewater
The Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India, New Delhi, has entrusted National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) to undertake a feasibility study on "Artificial groundwater recharge using treated municipal wastewater". Artificial groundwater recharge is a process of augmenting the natural purification processes occurring within the soil aquifer in the vadose zone. This treatment technique is known as Soil aquifer treatment (SAT). Posted on 09 Mar, 2012 02:24 PM

Guest post by: Anisha Nijhawan

The seed map - food, farmers and climate chaos: Shows the state of global agro-biodiversity today
The way to safeguard our food supply in the midst of climate chaos is by using and adapting the plant and animal genetic diversity that rural peoples have bred and nurtured over 10,000 years. Most of this diversity is in the global south. But rural communities are under intense threat from industrial farming, agro-chemical monopolies, the north's trade policies and technological fixes. Posted on 06 Mar, 2012 06:38 PM

Article Courtesy : Seedmap

Drafting a new National water policy, 2012 without consulting the farmers would be meaningless
The efforts of Union Ministry of Water Resources and Central Water Commission to initiate a new National Water Policy is welcome.
After going through the draft of National Water Policy 2012 (draft NWP 2012) and summary record of various consultations related to it, the following comments / suggestions, particularly related to participatory irrigation management aspects, are offered for consideration:
Posted on 04 Mar, 2012 11:02 PM

Author : Phanish Sinha

Internal diameters for HDPE pipes
HDPE pipes are used to handle the flow of water, liquid chemicals, underground pipelines etc., These pipes are also used in drip, sprinkler, landscape irrigation systems, lift irrigation etc. Posted on 04 Mar, 2012 09:30 AM

Author : B.Rajeshwar Rao

Internal diameters for HDPE pipes are given here below.

India's ecological past: Review of a two volume book on environmental history in EPW
India's environmental history (Volume 1: From ancient times to the colonial period and Volume 2: Colonialism, modernity and the nation) edited by Mahesh Rangarajan and K Sivaramakrishnan discuss the various facets of India's engagement with its environment over the years. 'India's ecological past' by Meena Bhargava reviews the book and was first published in Environment and Political Weekly. Posted on 02 Mar, 2012 02:18 PM

Cover page of 'India's environmental history'

Some ideas to save water in huge quantities: Letter to the 2012 Draft National Water Policy Committee
This note presents some ideas by which we can save water in huge quantities. Posted on 01 Mar, 2012 03:03 PM

Author: Shyam  Agrawal

Utilisation of human urine as a source of nutrients for banana and maize cultivation - A compilation of research papers
These papers describe the findings of experiments conducted in the fields in Nagasandra village, Doddaballapura Tq, Bangalore district for one year that studied the usefulness and impact of anthropogenic liquid waste (human urine) as a source of plant nutrient for banana and maize cultivation and evaluated the impact of the use of human urine on crop quality and yield. Posted on 01 Mar, 2012 02:24 PM

Source separated anthropogenic liquid waste (Human urine) - A potential plant nutrient for banana cultivation

In India, water problems are 'man made': Comments on the draft water policy-2012
“Man has the fundamental right to freedom, equality and adequate conditions of life, in an environment of a quality that permits a life of dignity and well-being, and he bears a solemn responsibility to protect and improve the environment for present and future generations.” Principle 1, The Stockholm Declaration Posted on 29 Feb, 2012 11:02 AM

Author : Nagesh Hegde
