Some ideas to save water in huge quantities: Letter to the 2012 Draft National Water Policy Committee

Author: Shyam  Agrawal

Here are some ideas by which we can save water in huge quantities:

1) Greywater recycling system should be installed in each and every house, commercial complex, industry, schools, college, etc. It will save approximately 50% water every day.
2) Rainwater harvesting must be mandatory in every house, commercial complex, industry, schools, college, etc.
3) In support of drip irrigation, some new innovative techniques may be added by which only half litre water will be requires for a plant.
4) Water given to plants (road side and dividers) by pipe and due to this too much water wastage is counted. Instead of this drip irrigation, thin pipe may be embedded in the soil along with roots of the plants. Due to this evaporation rate of water will come down near zero and water consumption will reduce approximately by 80%.
5) In support of my ideas, am enclosing a PPT presentation for your kind perusal.
