News and Articles

Draft of the National Water Policy 2012 released by the Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR) on 31st January 2012 invites comments from the general public till 29th Feb 2012
The Draft National Water Policy 2011 was released on 31st January 2012, for public comments and is available here. Posted on 01 Feb, 2012 02:01 PM

A section of the water sector practitioners and experts, have been engaged in the process, and a summary of the discussions so far, is available here.

Strengthening quality monitoring to provide safe drinking water: Common treatments and analyses
The latest techniques that can be utilized to ensure provision of safe drinking water are described here. Posted on 30 Jan, 2012 10:59 AM

Author : Ravi Savant

Contextualising urban water supply in a changing environment: India Urban Conference, November 17-20 2011
The India Urban Conference (IUC) was organised to encourage multi-level dialogue regarding India's urban transformation. Posted on 30 Jan, 2012 09:21 AM

It aimed to set the challenges faced by urban planners in the current economic, socio-political, and ecological landscape. This would enable informed and negotiated choices on urban development. The stated objectives of the conference are as follows:

Saving some last remaining free flowing rivers
Parineeta Dandekar writes about the novel conservation reserves on Kali, Bedthi and Aghanashini in the Western Ghats. Posted on 24 Jan, 2012 06:38 AM

Guest post by: Parineeta Dandekar

Evaluation of physico-chemical characteristics in groundwater using GIS – A case study of Chinnar sub-basin, Cauvery River, Tamil Nadu, India
This study uses GIS to assess the potability of groundwater and the spatial variation of groundwater parameters in Chinnar sub-basin, Tamil Nadu. Posted on 20 Jan, 2012 04:26 PM

The study found that the groundwater of the basin is extremely hard with total hardness, magnesium and potassium contents being above the permissible limits. Thirty nine out of 57 samples exceed the allowable limits for fluoride.

location map of Chinnar sub-basin and spatial distribution of ground water

Bangledesh's perspectives on Tipaimukh dam
This article by Md. Khalequzzaman deals with Bangladesh's position on the Tipaimukh dam. Posted on 18 Jan, 2012 11:33 PM

The Indian government and two other Indian authorities have signed an agreement on October 22, 2011 regarding construction of the Tipaimukh Dam.

Cold wave in North India claims several lives, disrupting normal conditions, heavy snowfall in Himachal Pradesh and Kashmir
Chicu presents an update on floods, disasters, extreme weather events (1 to 15 January 2012). Posted on 17 Jan, 2012 09:12 AM

A western disturbance caused a cold wave to sweep across the northern part of the country, claiming several lives and disrupting normal conditions. Reports of water pipes freezing, roads becoming unmotorable have come in from several parts of the country. This might affect crops this winter. 

satellite map of India showing the western disturbance

Hydropower in the Northeast: Potential and harnessing analysis - A critique
This paper was commissioned as an input to the study “Development and Growth in Northeast India: The Natural Resources, Water, and Environment Nexus” by the World Bank. Posted on 15 Jan, 2012 11:41 PM

The main objectives of the hydropower study are as follows: 

  • An analysis of the hydropower potential in the Northeast and key elements of the strategy that should be followed for optimal realization of this potential 
  • An overview of the hydropower development options in the Northeast with regard to the water resources in the different river basins, including consideration of flood control and irrigationmap of the north-eastern states

Map of the north-east states

India, Pakistan and water - Lecture by Ramaswamy Iyer at MIDS
This lecture by Ramaswamy Iyer delivered at the Madras Institute of Development Studies (MIDS) highlights the conflicts over water sharing in India and Pakistan. Posted on 12 Jan, 2012 10:57 PM

It traces the roots of the conflicts to the strained relations between India and Pakistan following the partition and the framing of the Indus Water Treaty in 1960.

Shades of blue: A symposium on emerging conflicts and challenges around water - Seminar magazine
Seminar magazine focused on a pertinent topic in October 2011, the issue titled 'Shades of blue' dealt with water conflicts and challenges in India. Posted on 10 Jan, 2012 07:53 PM

The problem

(as posed by Sunjoy Joshi, Director and Distinguished Fellow, Observer Research Foundation, Delhi)