News and Articles

Can we keep blaming dengue on climate change?
Poor sanitation, poor waste management systems and poor urban planning are the real causes of dengue. Find out what we can do to prevent this disease. Posted on 25 Aug, 2013 10:15 PM

Shantamma woke up one morning with a high fever. She also had a sudden pain at the back of her eyes and severe joint pain. She had been finding it very difficult to move around and go on with her daily routine. And it was quite a tedious routine, which began at 5 a.m. She was a house maid and worked at multiple houses every day.

Mosquito bites - the cause for dengue fever
Vedanta loses the bauxite battle
News this week - No bauxite from Niyamgiri, Delhi government to incentivise solar power and amphibian species near extinction. Posted on 25 Aug, 2013 04:33 PM

Dongria Kondhs win the mining battle

 Niyamgiri hills Source: Amnesty International
The Water Catchers
The book is a must-read for children to help them understand the importance of water conservation. Bhairavi Parekh, the author, shares her experience on writing the book and on water. Posted on 23 Aug, 2013 09:58 PM

'The Water Catchers’ is a story of an unlikely hero, an unassuming boy living in the concrete, water-deprived city of Mumbai. The boy named Chintu, has a simple wish - to find water in the village called Tintodan of his forefathers.

A children's book on water Source-Clker
Blue technologies to fight the water crisis
Industry experts, water purifier companies and civil society groups talk about buyers expectations, market-centric strategies and future trends in household water purifiers for rural areas. Posted on 23 Aug, 2013 09:49 PM

A recent news report said that UNICEF was promoting a machine that purifies sweat from people’s clothes to get potable drinking water (Fox News). Sounds gross?

Conserve drinking water!
Go organic and triple your profits
Twenty years of hard work and devotion has made Kalaivani from Vellitiruppur, Tamil Nadu a celebrity of sorts in the organic farming circles in Erode district and beyond. Posted on 20 Aug, 2013 07:15 PM

Kalaivani, a single mother of three, took to farming after the loss of her husband almost two decades ago. Since then, she has grown all the crops on her farm without using chemical or synthetic pesticides or fertilisers. Over the last few years, she has focused her time and energy in growing organic cotton. 

Cotton picking in progress at Kalaivani's farm (Source: Seetha Gopalakrishnan, IWP)
An organic manure factory for Rs. 800 only
An innovative idea by a farmer in Chennimalai, Tamil Nadu lets farmers create their own liquid manure out of the cow dung and urine available in their own farms. Posted on 19 Aug, 2013 01:22 PM

Nitrogen and phosphorus are essential for plant growth – that is common knowledge for farmers. Cow dung contains nitrogen – that is also common knowledge for farmers. Then why is it that many farmers look for costly solutions rather than use the abundant cow dung they have in their farms as manure? Luckily, one farmer did think of this.

Alagesan with the barrel used to ferment cow dung
Tehri dam nears danger mark
News this week - Tehri dam nears danger mark, Supreme Court stops dams in Uttarakhand and Maharashtra allows coal mining near rivers Posted on 19 Aug, 2013 02:33 AM

Water level in Tehri dam near danger mark

Tehri dam in lean season
Are Olive Ridley turtles nearing extinction in Orissa?
Sea turtles have survived for 66 million years but are dying more incidental deaths now thanks to mechanized fishing. Community-based conservation programmes are the answer to preserving the species. Posted on 17 Aug, 2013 11:00 PM

Sea turtles, a globally endangered species, have been around since even before dinosaurs roamed the earth.

Olive Ridley sea turtles; Source: The Hindu
Film: Konkanchi Mega Vaat (Mega 'Vaat' in the Konkan)
The proposed power projects in the Konkan region of Maharashtra have gravely affected people's livelihoods and their drinking water. Why aren't these plants being shut down? Posted on 16 Aug, 2013 06:02 PM

24 power projects are being proposed in Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg districts in the Konkan region of Maharashtra, which has the second highest biodiversity in India. The 9900 megawatt (MW) nuclear power project at Jaitapur is also included in this list of projects. If sanctioned, it could be the largest nuclear power generating plant in the world.

Alphonso mango trees in Ratnagiri, Maharashtra
Amritsar - the pond of nectar
Faith, service and legends - the holy city is full of tales around water. Take a dip! Posted on 16 Aug, 2013 02:27 PM

“PAWAN GURU, pani pita, mata dharti mahat” (air is teacher, water is father and earth our mother) -  thus goes the closing line of the Japji Sahib given by the founder of Sikhism, Guru Nanak Dev. It holds special significance for Amritsar, the holy city, which boasts of the Harmandar Sahib (also known as the Golden Temple).

The holy sarovar around the Golden Temple