Information Graphics and Visualisations

Comics for Change
Dainik Bhaskar's initiative to spread awareness about Sustainable Development Goals through Comics on World Environment Day Posted on 10 Jun, 2016 04:42 PM

“The earth, the air, the land and the water are not an inheritance from our forefathers but on loan from our children. So we have to hand over to them at least as it was handed over to us.” This famous quote of Mahatma Gandhi aptly forms the basis of today’s ever-growing focus on sustainable development and inclusive growth.

Scarcity amidst plenty: Kerala's drinking water paradox
Kerala is blessed with high rainfall as well as plenty of natural water sources, but it has the lowest per capita share of freshwater resources in the country. Posted on 14 Nov, 2015 02:48 PM

Kerala, flanked on the west by the Arabian Sea and on the east by the Western Ghats is bestowed with enviable natural resources. It has 44 rivers spanning its lush green landscape and rainfall that averages as high as 3000 mm a year.

The Karamana river in Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala (Source: India Water Portal)
India, China, and the fight over 'rights' to the Brahmaputra
China's Zangmu dam has created an uproar in the Indian media. Here's why we should be more concerned about what India is doing. Posted on 07 Nov, 2015 08:17 PM


This sketch shows the Brahmaputra's many identities in its course from Tibet to the Bay of Bengal.
Half of India's interstate rivers plagued by pollution and poor water quality
While the Central Pollution Control Board's recent study highlights the problems with rivers today, it does not have clear cut recommendations or actions to resolve them. Posted on 23 Aug, 2015 03:42 PM

According to a recent study by the Central Pollution and Control Board (CPCB), almost half of India's

The Krishna river, Wai, Maharashtra
90% of malarial deaths happen in rural India
The economic burden of malaria in India is $1940 million -- lost earnings make up 75 percent while treatment costs make up the rest -- despite the GoI spending $51.33 million towards it in 2013. Posted on 24 Jul, 2015 07:07 AM

Stagnant puddles, which are a breeding ground for mosquitoes, follow the rains every year causing an increase in the incidence of water-borne diseases. Malaria is the third most common of these diseases in India after diarrhoea and typhoid. 

An Anopheles stephensi mosquito feasting (Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Water and facilities flow better into cities
An analysis of Census 2011 data confirms many known facts--the urban beats the rural when it comes to treated tap water supply, access to water testing labs and much more. Posted on 05 May, 2015 01:35 PM

Sixty eight percent of India's population lives in rural areas but when it comes to facilities -- including the availability of safe drinking water -- cities and towns corner most of them.

Rural-Urban Drinking Water Supply Gap, Census 2011
The challenged coasts of India: A report
The report highlights how degradation of the coastal environment has reached alarming proportions, closely reflecting the urban population explosion and rapid and unplanned urbanisation. Posted on 05 Dec, 2014 10:18 AM

Aims of the report:

Fishing, an important coastal activity
Black life: Impact of coal mining in Jharsuguda
Agricultural lands of thousands of people have been destroyed in Odisha and the growing need for power is trumping over the environment. Better regulation can help but it needs to happen soon. Posted on 02 Oct, 2014 04:08 PM

"The agricultural production in our region has deteriorated due to pollution. Haphazard mining has lead to serious drinking water problems in the area", says Indar Bilas Shah, a 56- year old resident of Obada village, Lakhanpur block in Jharsuguda, Odisha. He's not the only one. Thousands of villagers in Jharsuguda echo these sentiments. 

Who's to blame?

Work in progress in coal mines in Jharsuguda
The eight-fold path to gender inclusion
Development workers often do not have the tools to better integrate gender issues into water planning. Here are tips to help from two women who have created gender-inclusive water management systems. Posted on 18 Sep, 2014 09:18 AM

"The men say that the well is perennial", I said. "Do you use it"? "No", replied the women. "It might be perennial, but the water is unclean. Our dals don't cook, and there are sometimes worms in the water".

Meetings as usual: Men talk, while women watch
What is your water footprint?
How much water does it cost to make a product? Will calculating this cost or the 'corporate water footprint' help make businesses more water sustainable? Posted on 31 May, 2014 12:11 PM

“When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.” ― Benjamin Franklin

Global water footprint