
Workshop on how to save the lakes of Bangalore, Bangalore Environment Trust, Bangalore
Posted on 01 Jul, 2009 02:34 AM

(Jointly organised by Bangalore Environment Trust and ARGHYAM) On 4 July 2009 at 1430h at the RAMAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE Accor

Arghyam and India water portal organizes 'water - safe, sustainable and for all'- a design competition for students of architecture and design
The design competition aims to increase awareness on water as a resource that needs to be conserved and on the role of architects and designers for ensuring the same through their designs Posted on 09 Jun, 2009 10:37 AM

DesignsArghyam and India Water Portal are promoting this design competition with the objective of increasing awareness on the important issue of water as a resources that needs to be conserved and on the role that architects and designers could play in ensuring the s

Access Livelihoods Consulting (ALC) : Annual training calendar
Access Livelihoods Consulting India Pvt. Ltd. organises as well as conducts Capacity building programmes for various organisations. ALC has published the Capacity Building programme Calendar for the financial year 2009-2010. Posted on 06 Jun, 2009 10:06 AM

Forwarded to the Portal by:Priyanka Kohli, ALC Image and Content Courtesy: ALC Access Livelihoods Consulting India Pvt. Ltd. is a development management organisation comprising a group of self motivated and passionate consultants with prime focus on enabling the promotion of Sustainable livelihoods for poor. ALC India organises as well as conducts Capacity building programmes for various organisations. ALC has published the Capacity Building programme Calendar for the financial year 2009-2010. The annual training calendar can be accessed here:ALC Annual Training Calendar

"Exploring Environmental Education beyond the Classroom" - A workshop for teachers and educators, ESG, 9-11 July 2009, Bangalore
Posted on 05 Jun, 2009 01:55 AM

Image and Content Courtesy:ESG India This workshop for teachers organized at the ESG Office, from 9th, to11th July 2009will provide the opportunity to find new skills and share what has worked and what needs to change. This is a workshop for enthusiastic teachers, and coordinators and facilitators of education programmes with a passion for educating and motivating kids. It aims to help young professionals develop their skills and knowledge so they can inspire children and others more effectively.

The purpose of the workshop is to demonstrate to the teachers and educators how the outdoors can be utilized to introduce, strengthen, and emphasize concepts of the environmental education curriculum. Through classroom sessions, games and field studies, we will explore the curriculum, teaching techniques, and classroom activities that can help kids learn about the wonders of nature and their environment. During the workshop we will help identify some simple methods and techniques for teaching environmental education in the outdoors and the workshop will also familiarize the participants with some of the environmental issues of Bengaluru.

National level training programme by ALC in Patna : Risk management for promotion of sustainable livelihoods, 7th - 10th July 2009
Posted on 04 Jun, 2009 11:45 PM

Image & Content Courtesy: ALC India ALC India has announced a 4-day National Level Training Program on "Risk Management For Promotion of Sustainable Livelihoods"from 07th - 10th July 2009 at Patna (Bihar).This program targets the middle & senior level functionaries of NGOs, CBOs and development professionals. The medium of instruction during the program is English.

The overall objective of training is to address the rural and urban poor risks at household and individual levels. The focus is to address the vulnerability caused by the agriculture losses, improper decision making process at household and community level, market instability, losses due to natural disaster, illness and wage loss. The overall objective is to sensitize the participants about the risk management practices for existing /emerging livelihoods of poor.

The expected outcomes of the training are: 1. To develop clear understanding of livelihood risk & vulnerability in development context. 2. To enhance skills in designing program strategies to better cope with risks of poor. 3. To help develop capacities related to business planning and enterprise risk management for promoting livelihoods of poor.

Water and democracy - proceedings of the partner consultation by Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (EED) and Centre for World Solidarity (CWS)
This document deals with the proceedings of partners’ consultation held by EED & CWS to discuss the issues of water and democracy, share experiences and ideate on collaborative action Posted on 04 Jun, 2009 05:22 PM

The purpose of the consultation was also to identify areas of collaboration in advocacy, capacity building and working with people at the grassroot levels and simultaneously influence policy-making at the local, regional and international levels. The objectives of the workshop were -

Negotiated approaches to Integrated River Basin Management (IRBM) - A Conference Report by Gomukh Trust
The stated reasons behind formulating Maharashtra Water Resources Regulatory Authority Act were the actual problems faced by authorities in managing the irrigation system in the state. Posted on 04 Jun, 2009 03:35 PM

These documents deal with proceedings of the discussion initiated by Gomukh Trust, Pune with support from Arghyam, Bangalore on “Maharashtra Water Resources Regulatory Authority Act” to examine it in the context of Integrated River Basin  Management and community participation.  The objectives of the conference were –

Changing geohydrological scenario in the hard rock terrain in India – A national seminar by the Geological Society of India
The seminar successfully brought leaders of NGOs, and water managers at grass root level face to face with scientists, technologists, economists to address water crisis. Posted on 04 Jun, 2009 03:20 PM

The national seminar on “Changing geohydrological scenario in the hard rock terrain in India”, was jointly organised by the Geological Society of India, Department of Mines and Geology, Central Ground Water Board, Karnataka Jal Biradari and Karnataka Institute of Cooperative Management.

Orissa state dialogue on system of rice intensification - A report by Centre for World Solidarity
The objective of the workshop was to build system of rice intensification innovation capacity in Orissa and learning platform for agriculture officials through state-level workshops and training Posted on 04 Jun, 2009 03:10 PM

This is a report of the proceedings of the Orissa State Dialogue on System of Rice Intensification (SRI) held at Bhubaneshwar in 2007.

Regional ecological sanitation workshop held in Bangalore in February 2008
3 day regional level workshop on eco-sanitation technologies and an initiation meeting of a network of guides organized for developing capacities in understanding eco-sanitation Posted on 04 Jun, 2009 10:26 AM
South Asia and in particular the rural centers in South Asia are at a very crucial juncture. The water security and public health situation in most of the rural areas in South Asia is very poor due to inefficient ways of handling the existing as well as newly augmented fresh water supplies.