
UNESCO training program on low flow, drought and climate change, April 2010, Thimphu
Posted on 08 Sep, 2009 04:31 AM

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“Towards an Enabling Internet Access Environment” ,The Internet Society, 17 Sep 2009, New Delhi
Posted on 03 Sep, 2009 04:55 PM

Image & Content Courtesy:INET, ISOC, DEF


“Towards an Enabling Internet Access Environment” The Internet Society (ISOC), in collaboration with Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF) is organizing the ISOC’s South Asia focused event ‘INET Delhi 2009’, a special conference on September 17, 2009. at Hotel Intercontinental, Nehru Place, New Delhi

The conference, will be focused on “ An Enabling Internet Access Environment in South Asia with a critical focus on Inclusive Development through the Internet”.

Workshop on urban lake monitoring & management, CiSTUP, Bangalore
Posted on 03 Sep, 2009 04:51 PM

Image & Content Courtesy: CiSTUP Indian Institute of Science is conducting a Workshop on URBAN LAKE MONITORING & MANAGEMENT from 23rd to 25th of September 2009 and a Brainstorming Session on Conservation & Management of Urban Lakes on 26th September 2009 Venue: CiSTUP seminar Hall (SID Building), IISc campus (location details are available at Workshop schedule:9:30 AM to 6:30 PM

The workshop is meant for Research Scholars and Master students. The age of the participant be less than 30 as of 30 August 2009 (no registration and accommodation charges for selected young researchers).

Interested applicant should send a write-up (less than 750 words each) on “Need and challenges of wetland Monitoring and Management in India” and “How wetland monitoring workshop would benefit their career” (One page on each title). Application and write-up is to be routed through their institution. Selected outstation candidates will be paid Rs 500/- as their travel support and accommodation and food during the workshop will be taken care by the organizers.

Indian Environment Summit 2009, APSF, New Delhi
Posted on 03 Sep, 2009 04:17 PM

Under the support of Ministry of Environment & Forest and European Union – APSF (EU – India Action Planning Support Facility), India’s only united forum involving GTZ and ASEM, CEE and IGIB, IES 2009 is the most premium trade exhibition and conference dedicated to offer comprehensive environmental solutions. Who should Exhibit? Waste Management & Recycling: # Municipal Waste Collection, Disposal and Storage # Transportation Machinery and Vehicles # Landfill Construction and Management # Composting, Bio-Gas, Bio-Fuel and other Waste Treatment # Electronic Waste, Plastic, Packaging, Rubber, Waste Paper Disposal & Recycling Water & Waste Water Management: # Water Resource Protection # City and Industrial Waste Water Treatment # Sewage Treatment Technologies # Eco-Toilets and Sustainable Sanitation Technologies # Water Harvesting and Reuse Technologies Air & Noise Pollution Technologies: # Air Quality Measuring, Monitoring, Remote Sensing # Industrial Air Pollution Control and Dust Removal # Indoor and Outdoor Household Pollution Prevention # Noise Testing, Prevention and Controlling Systems Environmental Management & Services: # Environmental Management, Financial & Legal # Environmental Design, Architects, Impact & Diagnosis # Integrated Electronic Treatment Systems Eco Friendly Products: # Eco-Friendly Household Products # Recycled items including Wood, Plastic & Paper # Energy Conserving Products # Electric Vehicles and Transport Systems

International On-Site Training Programme on Community-Based Micro Hydro Power Units, 21st Sep 2009, LEDeG, Leh
Posted on 03 Sep, 2009 04:06 PM

Content and Image Courtesy: BORDA- South Asia untitled

The Ladakh Ecological Development Group (LEDeG) with its partners Bremen Overseas Research & Development Association (BORDA) and the Consortium for DEWATS Dissemination Society (CDD), India in collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern (FHNW) Switzerland, is organising a two weeks training programme titled ‘International On-Site Training Programme on Community-Based Micro Hydro Power Units’

The training is scheduled from 21st September to 2nd October, 2009 in Leh and Kargil districts of Ladakh.

The last date for acceptance of the application form is 1 st August 2009.The training will be facilitated through the installation of a 30KW MHPU, the training includes lectures, presentations, case studies, practical workshops, study tours etc.

The course Fee is Rs 25,000 which includes local travel expenses with in Ladakh, accommodation, lunch, dinner, refreshments and course materials. Scholarships are available for selected 3 participants.Participants travel expenses to/from the venue not included.

Participants can be from government departments/ agencies, NGOs and private firms provided they fulfill the following eligibility criteria:

Gender, Water and Equity: Training Workshop, SaciWATERS,
Posted on 03 Sep, 2009 04:03 PM

genderequity The Third Gender, Water, & Equity Training Workshop in South Asia, is being organised from Nov 23-27, 2009. WHAT WILL YOU GAIN BY ATTENDING? The programme will help in - • Understanding the larger political context of water where in gender and equity issues are placed at the centre • Strengthening participants’ perspectives on gender, water, and equity issues • Examining analytical frameworks that could incorporate gender in the planning and implementation of programmes in the water sector

International Seminar on Greening Education, Etech, Germany
Posted on 03 Sep, 2009 03:59 PM

Image and content Courtesy:Etech Germany

A 3 day International Seminar on Greening Education will be held from 30th September to 2nd October 2009 in the "green city" of Karlsruhe, Germany.

Education policy makers, representatives of governments and development agencies, Head of Education Institutions, School Teachers and Faculty Members of Universities, Managers/ Adminstrators of Education Institutions, Representatives of Non-Governmental Organisations, Providers of goods and services to education institutions, Sustainable Development Professionals and Educationists interested in introducing sustainable practices are cordially invited .

The main objectives of the International Greening Education Event are:

*To share the significance of greening education.

*To discuss the role of education institutions in developing skills, knowledge and values that promotes behaviour in support of sustainable development.

*To explore best activities that goes beyond awareness raising and makes learning and teaching for sustainability an integral component of school and university life.

ECMSAS: Session on Human Health in Urban & Peri-Urban South Asia, Germany
Posted on 03 Sep, 2009 03:50 PM


Venue: The University of Bonn (Germany)


The 21st European Conference on Modern South Asian Studies (ECMSAS) is scheduled for July 26-29 2010 at the University of Bonn (Germany). As part of the conference a Coordinated Session focusing on Human Health in Urban & Peri-Urban South Asia is being organized to highlight the examination of human health to provide a powerful lens into the social, economic, political, cultural and ecological transformations of rapidly urbanizing societies in South Asia. The coordinated session proposes two sessions. With the first session focused on urban health patterns and urban health systems in South Asia. The second session explores the relation of peri-urban dynamics and health. Shifting environmental burdens in the name of cleaning cities, changing land use practices, poor regulatory authorities, industrialization, market forces and demographic pressures have placed enormous stress on water resources in peri-urban societies of Asia. The Session is inviting papers reflecting the current situation, focused on identifying the linkage between several underlying conditions & their contribution to water transmitted diseases in peri-urban areas.
