Water and democracy - proceedings of the partner consultation by Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (EED) and Centre for World Solidarity (CWS)

The purpose of the consultation was also to identify areas of collaboration in advocacy, capacity building and working with people at the grassroot levels and simultaneously influence policy-making at the local, regional and international levels. The objectives of the workshop were -

  • Analysis of situation and identification of problems;
  • Exchange of ideas, concepts and experiences;
  • Networking;
  • Defining common objectives;
  • Scope for joint action in the areas of capacity building, concept development, lobbying and advocacy.

Water is becoming a focal topic, linking food security, ecological sustainability and socioeconomic development. The rising demand for water leads to depletion of the natural water resources as well as to increasing competition and conflict between various groups of users. Rapid desertification in drought-prone areas, groundwater depletion due to excessive irrigation in agriculture, over-exploitation and pollution of water by industries are becoming common. On the other hand, commercialisation and privatisation of water, in effective legislation, and non–enforcement of existing water laws/regulations are plaguing most South Asian countries.

Added to these, large-scale displacement due to construction of huge dams is leading to unrest in these regions.  Possible solutions to these problems include water harvesting and conservation by alternative water management structures, by claiming the right to water in campaigns, lobbying and effective advocacy. All the issues mentioned above warrant networking and joint action.  

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Post By: rajshekar