
Call for papers: 5th South Asia research conference on "Globalization of governance - Implications for water management in South Asia", SaciWATERs, Bhutan
Posted on 24 Dec, 2009 11:33 AM

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5th South Asia Research Conference

Topic: Globalization of Governance - Implications for Water Management in South Asia

Dates: May 3-5, 2010 Bhutan


Right to Water and Sanitation - Visioning and strategy planning meeting - India WASH Forum - FANSA FORUM - WaterAid (2009)
A report on the workshop organised by FANSA, FORUM & WaterAid Posted on 16 Dec, 2009 04:14 PM

This report describes the proceedings of a workshop organised on the 5th of August 2009 at New Delhi, by the Freshwater Action Network South Asia (FANSA), the Forum for Policy Dialogue and Water Conflicts in India (FORUM), India WASH Forum and WaterAid.

The crisis of providing safe and affordable drinking water, as well as meeting the water requirements for livelihoods and infrastructure for rural and urban sanitation in India, is becoming acute by the day. In this context, ensuring the right of citizens to drinking water and sanitation, can be an important policy initiative to help improve the overall situation.

Global Sanitation Fund - Proceedings of the India launch workshop - India WASH Forum - New Delhi (2009)
A report on the workshop of the Global Sanitation Fund to discuss its programme priorities Posted on 16 Dec, 2009 03:46 PM

The India WASH Forum (IWF), a coalition of individuals representing an independent credible voice in the water and sanitation sector that is aligned to the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC), supported the launch of the Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) in India, to assist the people of the country, who do not have adequate access to clean water and sanitation.

A launch workshop of the Global Sanitation Fund was organised on 4th August 2009 in New Delhi, by the India WASH Forum, to discuss GSF programme priorities and its implementation structure for India. Representatives of national and international organisations, Government of India, as well as sector experts participated in the workshop.

Greenpeace is looking for a campaigner
Posted on 16 Dec, 2009 02:14 PM

Greenpeace is looking for a campaigner

Invitation for IDCA conference, IDCA, Gurgaon
Posted on 14 Dec, 2009 05:50 PM

                                                                               India Development Coalition of America

Training cum study tour on "Water management for sustainable sugarcane production", ICAR
Posted on 13 Dec, 2009 03:19 PM

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International River Festival - 2010,Hoshangabad, MP
Posted on 13 Dec, 2009 12:03 PM
The Narmada Samagra is a non-profit-making Association.
Its objective is to gather public and private partners involved i
Training on DEWATS project management, CDD, Bangalore
Posted on 07 Dec, 2009 06:35 PM

CDD is organising a 3 days training on DEWATS Project Management from 6th to 8th January 2010 in Bangalore. The main objective of the training is to introduce decision makers to specific project management skills required for planning, financing, implementing and managing DEWATS projects.
