
A toilet that loves the environment: A film by the Himalaya Seva Sangh highlighting Uttarakhand's experience with eco-san toilets
This article describes a short film 'Parisar Snehi Shauchalaya' produced by the Himalaya Seva Sangh. This film describes the HSS' experiences with constructing and promoting eco-san toilets in the Pauri-Garhwal region of Uttarakhand. Posted on 03 Feb, 2013 03:43 PM

The Himalayas are inhabited by 40 million people, most of whom are dependent on agriculture and animal husbandry. The prevalent water scarcity also means a lack of water for sanitation. In this case, both open defecation and conventional sewerage pose a health risk. Conventional toilets not only consume a lot of water, but the effluent also pollutes groundwater.

Report on Greening of the NRDWP: News and Policy Update from India WASH Forum e-Newsletter-Dec 2012
Report on Greening of the NRDWP: News and Policy Update from India WASH Forum e-Newsletter-Dec 2012 Posted on 11 Jan, 2013 07:44 AM

WASHGender in WASH: Misplaced perspective in WASH sector

Forced displacement: A gendered analysis of the Tehri dam project, Uttarakhand - An article in EPW
This paper by Vandana Asthana in the Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) examines the lived experiences of displaced women based on the empirical findings of research that looks at women displaced by the construction of the Tehri Dam and their relocation elsewhere. Posted on 10 Jan, 2013 08:18 PM

This paper by Vandana Asthana in the Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) examines the lived experiences of displaced women based on the empirical findings of research that looks at women displaced by the construction of the Tehri Dam and their relocation elsewhere.

Join Matri Sadan in their fight to save the Ganga from indiscriminate mining!
A corrupt State, police, and mining mafia- these are the opponents that the members of Matri Sadan face as they struggle to save the Ganga. 'The saints of Matri Sadan' is a short film that documents this struggle. Posted on 02 Jan, 2013 12:11 PM


Bangalore’s garbage crisis grows in heaps and mounds - Roundup of news over the last three weeks (October 29 –November 18, 2012)
The newsroundup informs of the garbage crisis in Bangalore and Chennai, the land acquisition bill proposal in Maharashtra, and the top performance of Uttarakhand in terms of green rating Posted on 20 Nov, 2012 07:07 PM

Bangalore’s garbage crisis grows in heaps and mounds

The city is drowning in its own waste with garbage trucks regularly lined up for hours, their burdens putrefying in the afternoon sun. Some neighborhoods have not had trash pickups for nearly three weeks, and vast mounds of garbage are scattered through out the city.

Spring water recharge programme: A study of the post-programme impact in the Kumaon region of Uttarakhand by CHIRAG
This report presents the impact of the work done by CHIRAG in the Kumaon region on recharging of springs Posted on 12 Oct, 2012 07:43 PM

CHIRAG has been working in the Kumaon area for the last 25 years, and is working on recharge springs.

Regional training workshop on factoring environmental flows into integrated water resources management,NIE, SaciWATERs, CIFRI, December 6-11, 2012, Haridwar - Apply by November 15, 2012
Posted on 03 Oct, 2012 10:07 PM

Organizers: National Institute of Ecology (NIE), SaciWATERs, The Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute (CIFRI)

Venue: Gurukul Kangri University,
               Haridwar (Uttarakhand)


The goal of the proposed Training Course is to educate the water resource managers (both researchers and practitioners) about the importance of environmental flows in the broader framework of aquatic ecosystem goods and services, and the approaches and methods for EF assessments.
The specific objective of the training workshop is to bring together researchers in the field of river ecosystems and the water resource managers (from different disciplines) for intensive interaction on all scientific, socio-economic, policy and institutional issues concerning environmental flow and to discuss
the requirements for assessment and implementation of the EF in water resource management projects. Another objective is to develop an outline of the course material on the subject that is appropriate for the region. The training course will include interactive discussion besides a series of lectures. Resource material will be provided.

Annual Health Survey (AHS) bulletins 2010-2011- Data on health aspects of nine states by Ministry of Home Affairs
This data sheet on health includes information on arange of demographic indicators for nine states in India Posted on 03 Oct, 2012 07:49 PM

This data sheet on health aspects by Ministry of Home Affairs provides district wise (rural and urban) statistics of nine Indian states on the following issues: