
Groundwater Maps - India
A set of maps that describe water depth, fluctuation and decadal mean Posted on 01 Sep, 2009 03:59 PM

The following maps can be found on the Central Groundwater Board (CGWB) website: 

Tools and techniques for purification of water and waste water
Various techniques and treatment methods for purification of both water and waste water Posted on 01 Sep, 2009 03:06 PM

There are various waste and wastewater treatment methods which include three different stages – primary,secondary and tertiary. To understand how your waste is treated, and for an insight in to the various treatment technologies,

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Groundwater maps for Abdasa taluka of Kutch District in Gujarat
A set of maps that depict the groundwater situation Posted on 01 Sep, 2009 12:41 PM

This set of maps, give a picture of the groundwater situation in Abdasa taluka of Kutch District, Gujarat

A training module on water quality monitoring and surveillance
Process for water quality monitoring at state and district level Posted on 01 Sep, 2009 10:49 AM

The monitoring of water quality at the community/cluster or district level involves key processes including survey, processing of data, and implementing remedial and preventive action.

Closing the demand supply gap through rainwater harvesting - A case study of Sargasan - Gujarat
A paper on the experiments with artificial recharge technique in a peri-urban area Posted on 31 Aug, 2009 02:31 PM

This paper presented at the International Symposium on Artificial Recharge (ISAR-4) Adelaide, Australia describes the attempts made by VIKSAT at experimentation with artificial recharge technique in a peri-urban area called Sargasan in Gandhinagar taluka, Gujarat.

Ground water as a dependable source and its increasing extraction for various uses in India is reflected in the drastic lowering of water levels leading to “local” draw downs. The efficacy of surface water bodies such as tanks, lakes and canals as a means of natural recharge to the ground water has drastically reduced simply because the local water levels are too deep. The need of the hour therefore is for artificial recharge systems that convey the fresh rainwater to the “aquifer”.

Zero tillage: A conservation agriculture technique of South Asia
An introduction to a conservation agriculture technique that increases productivity and conserves natural resources Posted on 29 Aug, 2009 04:05 PM

Zero tillage: A conservation agriculture technique that is helping South Asian wheat farmers increase productivity and conserve their natural resources - by spending less time on land preparation
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Evaluation report on dryland farming programme
A document on the dryland farming programme Posted on 29 Aug, 2009 03:56 PM

This document by the Planning Commission includes an evaluation report on the dryland farming programme, which was incorporated in the revised 20-point programme to give priority to the programme through development of selected microwatershed, use of improved drought resistant seeds, fertiliser, improved implements and agroforestry programme, etc in order to increase the agricultural production and improve the economic condition of the farmer.

Reorienting Dryland Research in India: Students’, Scientists’, and Farmers’ Point of View
A research paper on how dryland research in India can be re oriented Posted on 29 Aug, 2009 03:48 PM

Reorienting Dryland Research in India: Students', Scientists', and Farmers' Point of View
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Dryland agriculture: Improved techniques and practices
A brief introduction to dryland agriculture Posted on 29 Aug, 2009 03:43 PM

Some improved techniques and practices recommended for achieving the objective of increased and stable crop production in dryland areas

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