
Alternative Agricultural Policy Finalized at the Anna Swaraj Panchayat
An alternative agricultural policy finalized at the Anna Swaraj Panchayat Posted on 02 Sep, 2009 11:58 AM

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Policy initiatives- Ministry of Agriculture
An amalgamation of links and information relating to initiatives taken up by Ministry of Agriculture Posted on 02 Sep, 2009 11:29 AM

This page provides links and information on the policies or initiatives undertaken by the  Ministry of Agriculture. These include the following:

Guidelines on various components of National Project on Organic Farming: Department of Agriculture & Cooperation
Brief on the guidelines on various components of National Project on Organic Farming Posted on 02 Sep, 2009 11:22 AM

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Enhancing Sustainability of Dryland Rainfed Farming Systems: A new scheme under the National Common Minimum Programme
A new scheme on 'Enhancing Sustainability of Dryland Rainfed Farming Systems' Posted on 02 Sep, 2009 11:12 AM

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More crop and income per drop of water - Report by the advisory council on artificial recharge of groundwater (MoWR) (2006)
A report on artificial recharge groundwater Posted on 02 Sep, 2009 11:03 AM

This report by the Advisory Council on Artificial Recharge of Ground Water, the Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India is divided into the following sections:

Minor irrigation for land owned by dalits and adivasis - A presentation to National Advisory Council (2007)
A presentation on the output of the review and discussion done on the provision of the National Common Minimum Programme of the current UPA government. Posted on 02 Sep, 2009 10:52 AM

This is a presentation is the output of the review and discussion done by the National Advisory Council (NAC) on the provision of the National Common Minimum Programme of the current UPA government. The mandate was managed by the Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR). The presentation looked at the scope and implementation aspects of minor irrigation schemes, potential for supporting schemes of Union Ministries for minor irrigation, existing schemes of MoWR, incentives for tribal and dalit communities, efforts for convergence, issues and points for consideration going forward.

Water for production - Women in decentralised irrigation systems in Maharashtra - Issues and recommendations
A brief on the findings of a study that attempts to understand the overall context and implications of women's participation in the irrigation sector. Posted on 02 Sep, 2009 09:56 AM

This policy  brief  has been jointly prepared by the Society for Promoting Participative Eco-system Management (SOPPECOM), Utthan and the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) and includes the findings of a study that attempted to understand the overall context and implications of women's participation in the irrigation sector.

System of Rice Intensification
How method of system of rice intensification can be applied to save water Posted on 01 Sep, 2009 04:32 PM

Part A: Improving Rice Productivity and saving Water through System for Rice Intensification (12 minutes)

Rivers and Lakes of India
A set of maps that show the major rivers and lakes in the country Posted on 01 Sep, 2009 04:23 PM

This set of maps shows the major rivers and lakes in the country.



Database of threatened lakes
An interactive map database that shows the threatened lakes across the country with background information about each water body.
Posted on 01 Sep, 2009 04:02 PM

Traditionally, water was seen as a responsibility of citizens and the community collectively took the responsibility of not only building but also of maintaining the water bodies. Since independence, the government has taken control over the water-bodies and water supply. This, over time, has led to the neglect of the water bodies and catchments areas.
