Agronomic measures in dryland agriculture: An overview
Posted on 15 Sep, 2009 10:39 AM
Soil and water conservation measures consist of agronomical and mechanical methods. Agronomic methods are supported with mechanical measures where land slope exceeds permissible limits and runoff gains erosive velocities.
The following boxes explain the nature of agronomic measures which are essential in inter-bunded or terraced areas. These practices enhance the utility value of all kinds of mechanical structures.
How to catch rainwater where it falls - An intoduction
Posted on 14 Sep, 2009 04:39 PMPerhaps you are a farmer and you want to practice good water and soil management for your crops and trees, or you own some land and you want to manage it carefully to recharge the groundwater. You may be focusing on what you can do with your own land, or wondering what your community can do, or you may even be thinking at the watershed level.
Vacancies : Announcement from DevNetJobs India
Posted on 14 Sep, 2009 02:21 AMForwarded to the Portal by: DevNetJobs India
Listed below are relevant vacancies announced by DevNetJobs India. Kindly follow the link for more information regarding the listed position.
Rural schools in Rajasthan -The Barefoot College experience
Posted on 12 Sep, 2009 04:27 PMIn 2003, the Ministry of Water Resources sanctioned a pilot project to harvest rainwater in 100 rural schools across 13 states in the country through 20 village Community Based Organizations (CBOs). The project aimed to provide adequate water for drinking and sanitation by collecting rainwater from the roof tops of school buildings and storing this in underground water tanks. The Barefoot College, Tillonia outlines the simple and low cost traditional technique which can serve as a permanent sweet drinking water source for school children in rural areas. |
Invitation: Workshop on integrated domestic water management, Development Alternatives, Orchha, MP
Posted on 12 Sep, 2009 12:41 AMSisyphean labours - Domestic water supply in the central-western Himalayas
Posted on 11 Sep, 2009 01:11 PMThis paper by the People's Science Institute informs that domestic water supply, mistakenly referred to as drinking water supply, is a state subject under the Indian constitution. However, policies and programmes are ususally set within a national framework as a part of the national five year plans. Domestic water supply programme performance in Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand have followed national trends.
Bharat Nirman - A time-bound plan for rural infrastructure by the Government of India in partnership with state governments and panchayat raj institutions (2005-2009)
Posted on 11 Sep, 2009 12:45 PMThis report describes a time-bound plan for rural infrastructure by the Government of India in partnership with State Governments and Panchayat Raj Institutions