
Training on proposal development & report writing for development projects by Sambodhi Communications, Excella Orbit, New Delhi
Posted on 28 Sep, 2009 12:05 AM

Forwarded to the Portal by:Anish Kumar Sahay,Excella Orbit
Image and Content Courtesy:Excella Orbit

Odia Water News: Water Feeder August 2009
A compilation and analysis of water-related news published in Odia Posted on 27 Sep, 2009 11:45 PM

forum for policy dialogue on water conflicts in india

Imagine H20: Water efficiency business plan competition
Posted on 27 Sep, 2009 08:27 PM

imagine h20 logo

Imagine H2O is a not-for-profit company with a mission to inspire & empower people to solve water problems

NASSCOM Foundation Social Innovation Honours
Posted on 26 Sep, 2009 02:40 PM

NASSCOM Foundation is awarding the "Social Innovation Honours 2009" to organisations or Government Departments using ICT for social impact. There are categories for Not for Profit, For Profit, Govt. , Multistakeholder Partnerships, and Environment.


Details in the attachment: 

Request for survey and estimate for water supply system in village in Rishikesh, Uttarakhand
Posted on 26 Sep, 2009 12:02 PM

The following request was recieved by India Water Portal:


National Conference on Urban Water Management: Challenges and Options
Posted on 23 Sep, 2009 06:07 PM

The Centre for Sustainable Development (CSD) and GTZ in collaboration with BWSSB, KUWSDB, BBMP, BDA, IWWA, IPHE, IE is organising a National Conference on Urban Water Management: Challenges and Option. The objective of the conference is to facilitate the various stakeholders in urban water management to share their experiences in solving the urban water crisis in India and elsewhere.

India's effort at breaking the stalemate in climate commitments,needs to be applauded
A post on India's commitment to climate change Posted on 23 Sep, 2009 11:15 AM

Last week’s strategically timed declaration by India’s Jairam Ramesh, to set numerical targets for emissions, is a coup of sorts. Coming on the heels of U.S. administration’s shelving of the much hyped Climate and Energy Bill, this not only proves that India’s commitments on the climate front are more than honourable, but also places pressure on U.S. to perform on its climate commitments.

Book Launch: Water And The Laws In India
A book that talks of laws relating to water in India, pertaining to issues on water and proceeds to a discussion of the legal questions that arise. Posted on 22 Sep, 2009 11:58 AM

Water And The Laws In India, edited by Edited by Ramaswamy R Iyer, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi. Published by SAGE Publications.

Laws relating to water in India have diverse origins, including ancient local customs and the British Common Law. The in-depth chapters in this compendium, written by luminaries from various fields, pertain to issues on water and proceed to a discussion of the legal questions that arise. This volume thus straddles two domains, viz., (i) water-resource policy, management, conservation, conflict-resolution, etc., and (ii) water law. The book also briefly raises and explores the case for a constitutional declaration on water and an overarching national water law.

The book is an invaluable resource for policy-makers, planners and administrators concerned with water at the Central, State and local levels; students, academics and practitioners in the domains of water as well as law; and social scientists, NGOs and activists concerned with the various issues discussed in the book. It should be useful as a main or supplementary textbook in universities and research or management institutions where any aspect of water (engineering, ecological, legal, social, economic, management or other) is a subject of study.

A list of contributors to the book is as follows:

BALWOIS 2010 Conference on Water Observation and Information Systems for Decision Support, 25 May 2009, Macedonia
Posted on 22 Sep, 2009 10:16 AM

The BALWOIS 2010 Conference on Water Observation and Information Systems for Decision Support will be organised from 25 to 29 May in Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia. We are sending you short information, all information you can find on the website
