Invitation for IDRC India Social Science Research Panel Discussion & Award Gala 2009

Invitation for
Canada’s International Development Research Centre

India Social Science Research Panel Discussion & IDRC India Social Science Research Award 2009

Recognizing young talent in India & Celebrating it’s India Office’s Silver Jubilee

December 19, 2009

NCUI Auditorium, August Kranti Marg, New Delhi

[Time: 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM]

Register at:

IDRC South Asia Regional Office in India and Digital Empowerment Foundation seeks the valuable participation and involvement of interested participants for the Panel Discussion and Award Gala 2009. The session will have key social science research ideas presented by key nominees for the 2009 Award competition. The panel will be guided by the distinguished jurors and invited panellists followed by poster presentation and showcasing from select nomination entries.
The Award Gala evening will felicitate and recognise the 10 winners and 2 Jurors distinction for the IDRC India Social Science Research Award 2009.
About IDRC India SSRA 2009
The IDRC India Social Science Research Award (IDRC India SSRA) 2009 is about celebrating best research practices in social sciences in India on the occasion of 25 years of IDRC’s regional office presence in India. The Award seeks to recognize young talent in India and celebrate research that has demonstrated impact on policy and practice, or has enhanced public understanding of behavioural & social science principles.
The IDRC India SSRA will be given for best research practices in five thematic areas: Enhancing Food Security, Climate Change and Adaptation, Rural Innovation Systems, Equity in Health Systems and Social Inclusion. The jury will be looking for case studies which show a strong connection between the research and policy or practice outcomes.
Invitation for Participation
Invitation is open for participation in the micro consultation and Award Gala 2009. Invitation confirmed on first-cum-first basis due to limited seats.

Any invitation should be registered at or can be mailed at

Contact person:
Ms. Shweta Birla 
Regional Office for South Asia
208 Jor Bagh, New Delhi 110 003, India
Phone: (+91-11) 2461-9411/12/13; Fax: (+91-11) 2462-2707;
Email:, Web:


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Post By: reena