
Wetlands for water quality management – The science and technology: A paper from Current Issues in Water Management
This paper examines the use of constructed wetlands for water purification. Posted on 10 Jan, 2012 10:24 PM

The introduction begins witha brief overview of wetlands: their nature and services offered. These wetlands are ecosystems with water that is static or flowing and characerized by emergent , floating and submerged aquatic vegetation. Some of the services provided by wetlands are fish and fiber, water supply, water purification, flood regulation, recreational opportunities and tourism. It then details the importance of wetlands for water purification.Toxins enter the wetlands through farms, factories and runoff. These toxins are broken down or otherwise buried using a variety of bacteria. 

Location map of Keoladeo National park

Location map of Keoladeo National Park

Changing currents: Plumbing the rights: A film highlighting water as a common good
Changing currents: Plumbing the rights ia a film that highlights water as a common good. Posted on 10 Jan, 2012 08:55 PM

Source: Culture Unplugged

Shades of blue: A symposium on emerging conflicts and challenges around water - Seminar magazine
Seminar magazine focused on a pertinent topic in October 2011, the issue titled 'Shades of blue' dealt with water conflicts and challenges in India. Posted on 10 Jan, 2012 07:53 PM

The problem

(as posed by Sunjoy Joshi, Director and Distinguished Fellow, Observer Research Foundation, Delhi)

Democratisation of water management - The experience of Tamil Nadu with governance reforms
The authors argue that the solutions to the global water crisis do not lie in investing more and more money into the water sector or in the introduction of better technology. Posted on 09 Jan, 2012 12:18 PM

Nor is the introduction of the private sector and the reduction in the role of the government going to help. Rather, the time has come to introduce changes at the basic or the fundamental level in the way in which the water sector functions.

There is an urgent need to bring about reforms in governance by moving towards decentralisation and democratisation, leading to  involvement of people from all the sections of the society, who know and understand that they are responsible for the system and its functioning, as well as by introducing principles of equity and social justice. The papers demonstrate the successful implementation of this approach by describing the experience of Tamil Nadu at democratising water management through introduction of reforms at the level of governance, through involvement of the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board (TWAD).

IWMI-Tata Policy Research Program invites applications for ITP Annual Partners' Meet 2012 - Apply by January 15, 2012
Posted on 09 Jan, 2012 07:21 AM


IWMI-TATA Water Policy Research Program is a collaborative initiative between a research institution and a corporate body, the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and the Sir Ratan TATA Trust (SRTT). This partnership emerged from a shared concern regarding the growing water stress in different parts of India.

Koodam – Breaking hierarchy, building democracy - Paper published in Integral Leadership Review
This paper discusses the Tamil concept of 'koodam' as a possible tool to transform bureaucratic structures into more non hierarchical and people friendly structures. Posted on 08 Jan, 2012 03:59 PM

The paper published in the Integral Leadership Review argues that hierarchy and bureaucracy are two of the most common features of governance systems that play a determining role in shaping the organisational culture, systemic re

Environment Statistics – A compendium by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (2011)
The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) has come up with a Compendium of Environment Statistics 2011, the twelfth edition of the series, which started in 1997. Posted on 07 Jan, 2012 04:25 PM

It broadly covers five core parameters, viz., biodiversity, atmosphere, land/soil, water and human settlements suggested by the Framework for Development of Environment Statistics (FDES) published by United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) in 1984.

A survey of point of use household water treatment options for rural south India: A report detailing resources available
This report examines the various methods of point-of-use water treatment options available, their pros and cons, and their suitability for South India. Posted on 07 Jan, 2012 10:59 AM

Point of use household water treatment is the process of treating water at the household level to improve its microbiological purity. In cases where treated municipal water is not available, or is subject to recontamination due to a faulty distribution system, household water treatment is essential and allows families control over their drinking water. 

Surveillance of drinking water quality - safe water Initiative - A presentation
This presentation by Dr.Nanoti explains the method and importance of regular monitoring of drinking water quality in urban areas. Posted on 07 Jan, 2012 10:28 AM

This presentation by Dr.Nanoti at the 'International Conference on Health and Environment' organised by Centre for Science and Environment  explains the method and importance of regular monitoring of drinking water quality in urban areas.

The presentation begins with the argument that managers of urban water supply systems stand to benefit from the fresh perspective offered by an external assessor.

Norms and standards of municipal basic services in India: Report by the National Institute of Urban Affairs
This paper reviews the norms and standards for some of the basic services. Posted on 07 Jan, 2012 10:04 AM

Studies indicate that the levels of infrastructure services available in urban regions in India are improving, however their quality is still debatable. This paper uses secondary data available from various government report to review the norms and standards for the following basic services

  • Water supply
  • Sewereage
  • Solid waste management
  • Primary education
  • Preventive health care

In addition resource gaps and measures to bridge these gaps are also examined.
