
Cold wave in North India claims several lives, disrupting normal conditions, heavy snowfall in Himachal Pradesh and Kashmir
Chicu presents an update on floods, disasters, extreme weather events (1 to 15 January 2012). Posted on 17 Jan, 2012 09:12 AM

A western disturbance caused a cold wave to sweep across the northern part of the country, claiming several lives and disrupting normal conditions. Reports of water pipes freezing, roads becoming unmotorable have come in from several parts of the country. This might affect crops this winter. 

satellite map of India showing the western disturbance

Dynamic groundwater resources of Karnataka (2009)
This report by the Department of Mines and Geology, Government of Karnataka and the CGWB provides information on groundwater resource available. Posted on 16 Jan, 2012 11:05 PM

It also presents the status of utilisation of groundwater in Karnataka as on March 2009, both on watershed (sub catchment) and taluk wise areas having 2008-2009 as the base year. The methodology is improved as the estimations are carried out on watershed basis for both command and non command separately than apportioned to taluks.

IRRAD invites applications for Project Officer, Agriculture, Nagina, Mewat (Haryana) – Apply by January 25, 2012
Posted on 16 Jan, 2012 02:36 PM

Content courtesy: DevNetJobsIndia


The Institute of Rural Research & Development (IRRAD) is an initiative of the S M Sehgal Foundation and is one of the leading non-profit organizations working in the area of rural development. It envisions rural people across India motivated and empowered to make their lives more secure and prosperous. IRRAD designs, tests and replicates scalable community-based models for rural development in the areas of water management, agriculture, sanitation, governance and education. It also builds capacities of communities and community-based institutions to enable them to undertake their own development. These initiatives are transformed into action through IRRAD’s four centers: Natural Resource Management, Policy, Governance & Advocacy, Capacity Building and Rural Research.

MoUD, invites applications for National Urban Water Awards 2011 – Apply by January 31, 2012
Posted on 16 Jan, 2012 02:15 PM

The annual National Urban Water Awards (NUWA) have been instituted by the Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD), Government of India, to recognize, inspire and celebrate excellence in urban water management.

IGIDR calls for papers, 8th Biennial International Workshop: “Advances in Energy Studies”, Mumbai - Apply by February 29, 2012
Posted on 16 Jan, 2012 01:21 PM


Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR) is an advanced research institute established and fully funded by the Reserve Bank of India for carrying out research on development issues from a multi-disciplinary point of view. Starting as a purely research institution, it rapidly developed into a full-fledged teaching cum research organisation when it launched a Ph.D. program in the field of development studies in 1990. The objective of the Ph.D. programme is to produce researchers with diverse disciplinary backgrounds who can address issues of economics, energy and environment policies.

Community managed sanitation in Kerala - Tools to promote governance and improve health - A Report by the World Bank Institute
This report by the World Bank Institute describes the Kerala Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project. Posted on 16 Jan, 2012 01:14 PM

It also deals with the efforts made by the Government of India to revolutionise sanitation services in the state of Kerala, with the aim of improving public health. Earlier experience had shown that significant governance problems had hindered water and sanitation reforms in local and national programmes in the state.

Azim Premji Foundation invites applications for Graduate Fellowship Program 2012, India – Apply January 21, 2012
Posted on 16 Jan, 2012 11:11 AM


Azim Premji Foundation is a not-for-profit organization in India with an overarching goal to create and sustain initiatives to contribute to a just, equitable, humane and sustainable society. The Foundation’s work is aimed at enriching and enhancing the capabilities of individuals, groups and institutions to achieve well-being and harmony in a socially and culturally diverse democratic polity.

One World – A collection of stunning images by Dr. Anish Andheria, Sanctuary, January 15 to 21, 2012, Mumbai
Posted on 16 Jan, 2012 10:49 AM

Sanctuary Magazine, aims to communicate the rationale for wildlife conservation and environmental protection. Their focus is the Indian subcontinent and Asia, but their horizon spans the globe.

Organizer: Sanctuary Magazine

MSSRF invites applications for Agribusiness Specialist, Chennai – Apply by January 14, 2012
Posted on 15 Jan, 2012 11:01 AM

Content courtesy: DevNetJobsIndia


M.S.Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF) has all along been developing and following a pro-nature, pro-poor, pro-women and pro-sustainable on-farm and non-farm livelihoods through appropriate ecotechnology and knowledge empowerment.

SWSM invites applications for State Co-ordinator (Sanitation and Hygiene), Jharkhand – Apply by January 14, 2012
Posted on 15 Jan, 2012 10:14 AM

Content courtesy: DevNetJobsIndia


The flagship programmes of Government of India Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) and National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) are being implemented by State Water and Sanitation Mission (SWSM) Jharkhand, Government of Jharkhand. A state level society Programme Management Unit has been functional for planning, monitoring and support in programme implementation.